I'll Make You Famous…




Addison Rae Deep Throating on The Beach of the Day

Suck it in bitch, here’s the “hottest” thing on TikTok which I guess doesn’t need to actually be the hottest to be the hottest, if you know what I mean…I’ve been to strip clubs where Chinese tourists are unloading thousands of dollars and they go for whatever white bitch they come across, they don’t actually care if they are hot or not, they all look the fucking same….

But Addison Rae is the hottest according to her followers and the Kardashians who have decided to adopt her so that they keep their strong hold on the narcissistic world of influencers or social media marketing where they cash the fuck in…which would probably explain the casual coca cola in this picture, which is the third product placement I’ve seen in the content this brain washing mind controlling freaks have posted this week alone…weird…but when you look at her body, you kind have no choice but to assume it’s a sugar addiction that got her here…not the ability to dance awkwardly while lip syncing…

The funniest thing in all this is because she has following, she’s cast in movies, has a pop song, they throw deals at anyone with an audience cuz they are that fucking desperate…why find talent or cultivate talent or have people pay their dues when you can just quick and easily cash in with an Audience already in place…obvisouly content will suffer when everyone is replaced with average idiots…but I’d argue that celebrities have always been totally unimpressive on all fronts…so there’s that.


Posted in:Addison Rae