All these try hard motherfuckers…
Trying to be hot, trying to get an audience, trying to get your money….it’s a lot of fucking trying and the funniest thing about it is they don’t give us anything of substance or quality….not one of them is interesting, enlightening, mind altering….don’t people want to look up to people who are amazing…why we choose MEDIOCRE at best celebrities to be the important people…it’s just fucking unfortunate…
The good news with JOJO in that her comeback, she revealed, literally, full tit on the instagram feed….only to become a lingerie model…which was the SINGLE most important thing she has done….so why bother doing anything else..
You don’t need to sing girl, the lingerie work is just fine…be a lingerie model who has the ability to sing if she falls on her luck and needs a hook for the HOUSE CALLS she makes…but to actually waste her time doing this big production shit is crazy…but I appreciate the tits…which is really all I am trying to do here…help her find her true calling, that she’s found and knows…but is still hung up on her old bullshit…
I guess it’s like being an old motherfucker doing stepLINKS everyday…WHY…I don’t have the ANSWER..because it doesn’t get me paid…it’s a mental illness….

Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque