I don’t know what kind of perverted sex toy old lady Jennifer Aniston is playing with, but it looks like it’s some sort of breath control fetish shit, you know helping her test the power and strength of her lungs while giving us a chance to look at her razor sharp, meaty as shit, SITCOM winning nipples…
I would argue that the only reason Friends worked as a show was her nipples, because I know that is the only reason I watched the shit….I guess it also gave nerdy awkward dudes hope they’d get the hot tits to fall in love with them based on their charm and the fact that it was. TV show written that way….but I was really only there for the nipples..
I used to call it “Nip-On” back then, which I guess would be deemed as racist now…they call them pokies now…and even as a senior discount aged motherfucker, she’s still got tits to look at.
I guess this is from a movie, where she’s nude…in shower, like a victim washing off the bad sex..

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