I'll Make You Famous…




Mary Gets a Walker of the Day

I’m pretty sure I’ve posted Instagram sensation MARY SEBASTIAN PICKLES , who has also gone by Mary Magdalene, because she’s a multi faceted talent with multiple personas, or maybe she just gets banned off social media because she does 24 hour livestreams of her and her friends raging, drunk and on whippets!

She’s basically an ex hooker who decided to go performing artist by first getting the world FATTEST vagina, but getting a Brazilian Butt Lift in her outter pussy lips, and I guess she went onto get retarded sized tits, a big fucking fake ass, ridiculous lips, like a parody or caricature of the real idiots of instagram, in a go big or go home kind of way!

Apparently, she’s in CHRONIC pain thanks tot he inflammation that she’s probably put her body through by jacking it up so hard, I mean I don’t know who her surgeons are but clearly they are irresponsible and thank god for that, this is amazing!

I am not sure if the WALKER is just a prop, or how she carries her massive tits around, but I do know that it’s legendary, even if it will result in premature death, it’s fucking worth it for the viral hype!

BIG FAN over here!

Posted in:Mary Magdalene|Videos