I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants may not be the foundation of romance, but when you see them on randoms in the street, basically exposing their genitals while hugging their asses in ways that their asses are rarely hugged, pulling it all together so that it looks the way an ass should look, or at least in a way they want their ass to look…..it’s basically about as much romance as you can get from strangers on the street.

Yesterday, I saw some girl in tight pants walking towards me, with each step forward a pussy lip winked at me, in my mind, our eyes connected, me and her pussy lip, and are now forever friends….we’ve made love three times in my mind….

Earlier today, I saw some girl walking her dog in tight shorts, she had skinny legs and wide hips, so that when she walked her legs were so far apart that all I saw was the mound of her pussy, just smiling back at me, I wanted to offer it a cigarette but forgot that I quit smoking a decade ago, even though smoking’s so cool.

Basically, tight pants are my only way to find love with stranger pussy, without actually having to talk to the host body of said pussy, so tight pants are my key to happiness.

Posted in:Tight Pants