I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch in a Bra of the Day

And so….the ugly watch continues….

If you’ve been reading this site since Ashley Tisdale’s first Ugly Watch happened, this was pre botched nose job, almost early on in her career as a one hit wonder on some Disney Bullshit, that no one really understood how she got cast for, seeing as it was called High School Musical and she was already in her mid-30s, but we’ll assume some dick sucking, nose banging against the GOOCH in ways a smaller nosed talent could never pull off, making that nose work miracles for her before self sabotaging when realizing she didn’t need the nose anymore, thanks to being cast by Disney…..

Anyway, we’ve been doing the UGLY watch for over a decade because I’ve always been immune to propaganda and I’ve never believed that a bitch is hot because the TV or the TEEN CHOICE awards pretends she’s hot…you see I have eyes, a penis and a internal gauge for these things….and so do you, just believe in yourself and you won’t fall for the lies…

The skinny, now mom, probably in her mid-40s, looks like she’s done some face work, like she’s some sort of hispanic girl dolled up and ready to illegally cross the border for human trafficking work but her small mom tits, that once had implants that are now explants, even though no one knew they were implants….are in a bikini top and that’s always fun…

Who’s face is that? that’s not even her, I mean I have facial recognition blindness and that ain’t Tisdale though…


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|Ashley Tisdale