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Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Thanks to the trends and styles of instagram, which are heavily fuelled by the successful people of instagram, which are not so coincidentally the sluttiest bitches of instagram, because the internet is a place where people perv out…and voyeurs need exhibitionists with daddy issues seeking attention….to which the interent responds by sending us a steady stream of the shit…

So with the internet being a place that is more real life than real life, and escaping it for real life is almost impossible, meaning that the internet shit trickles into the real life shit pretty aggressively since they are interchangeable…slutty outfits get worn by bitches who would otherwise never wear them, but who think that’s the style, so they wear them….

Meaning, when I leave the house, I see all kinds of pussy lip choking on tight shorts, or pants, pussy lips of all kinds of fatness, even on girls at work, or girls on walks, or girls heading to class, it’s just ridiculous….

But seeing as I like tight pants hugging fat pussy lips, it’s fucking amazing, all these unsuspecting whores thinking they are stylish, not realizing they are whores, letting me stare at their cunts….ME…of all people…it’s wild time….

Posted in:Tight Pants