I may not know what Eclipse Babee is, but apparently 175,000 people, or robot traffic, do….and that means something….
Those fans and robot traffic bots following her will be glad to know that she is still alive, because she posted some content 5 days ago.
When looking at her instagram feed, she didn’t post anything in 2023, only one thing in 2022, so thank the lord that she’s still alive to bring the most insane big girl cropped content to the internet that I’ve seen in a while.
I don’t know how fat she actually is, but based on her tits, we may be talking Gilbert Grape fat….just knowing the angles in her curation is what matters.
I may not like the XXXL vibe, and big tits on XXXL don’t really count as big tits because the fat’s gotta go somewhere when you’re not running in a calorie deficit…it’s like not really a skill or genetics or some freak of nature perfect storm in titty manufacturing…..
But I do like that she brings a smile to all her cat fishing….
Image Credit – Instagram
Posted in:Instagram Babe