I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Swift in No Pants with Rita Ora and her Husband David Cohen of the Day

The most impressive thing about this is that Taylor Swift is pantsless, in some leotard thing, something I typically love as an outfit…yet still has zero sex appeal. How is it possible that a tall skinny blonde chick is this unappealing. I don’t get it….

But the other impressive thing is that I recognized Rita Ora via recognizing David Cohen, while I have facial recognition blindness. Good fucking job….

I know that Taylor Swift may be the biggest star, the biggest celebrity, the biggest music act of the era, but I don’t believe it.

I just think that means that a lot of people on the international level are easily manipulated morons.

Anyone with a brain, knows that Taylor Swift is a hack, a psy-op, a manipulation of the hive mind and it’s not a right wing conspiracy….someone this mid-range, getting as much hype as she’s getting, is due to witchcraft…witchcraft Rita Ora’s trying to suck off like it is David Cohen, because being Taylor Swift famous is probably her dream….so the next best thing is fame whoring the boring whore….

Posted in:Rita Ora|Taylor Swift