I'll Make You Famous…




Jenna Ortega of the Dwarf Feet Fetishists of the Day

Jenna Ortega instagram is really not all that hype, at least not today because the last 4 posts have been promotional obligations, whether it was two ads with Doritos and one ad with Neutrogena that you know she got paid a lot for, or some Vanity Fair Hollywood issue, or some other Emmy appearance, it’s not that real life, day to day activity of a young starlet.

I appreciate, use the social media for paid partnerships, sell products to retard fans using it, but sitting around producing content for the sake of content is pretty fucking lame, especially when you’re already a star actress getting paid the big money due to a hit show….

She’s got 39 million followers, like she needs to post videos of her making a smoothing, having an ice bath, giving a little BTS in her bedroom….keep that shit to yourself.

So that alone makes me like Jenna Ortega more than I otherwise would, which isn’t very much, because I don’t find her as hot ass other people find her, if anything I think she’s a little weird looking.

Despite her not having at casual posts on her IG, she must update her IG stories, because these feet fetish pics are circulating, and she is just handing them out for free…and I know that makes some serious perverts VERY happy..

Posted in:Jenna Ortega