I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney’s Upside Down Titty Hangers of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is one of the most popular actresses Hollywood has packaged and created and it’s definitely got nothing to do with her acting skills, it’s 99% to do with the viral appeal of her tits and that’s fine with me.

In this era where they all get mad about being sexualized and reduced to their tits, we need Sydney Sweeney types to really excel and climb the ranks of celebrity to prove that clearly objectifying a set of tits is human nature and the girl who owns the tits can benefit greatly from said tits.

It’s the ultimate shut the fuck up to the feminist and woke crowd who try to go against the natural order of the world, maybe because they are atheists and don’t believe in a natural order of the world, or they are LGBTQRST+ and don’t believe in the natural order of the world, or they are just annoying college nerds who think their sociological theories are right….either way, Sydney Sweeney’s tits shut them up…

Now, with great tits comes great responsibility, and girl get hated on from every angle because of the great tits. She can’t satisfy the feminists she proves wrong, and she makes the men who she doesn’t fuck look to her dopey face to say “she’s not all that hot”…but with a body like she’s got, bitch could be a burn victim with NO FACE and we’d still be excited to stare at her…

So ugly, talentless, whatever you want to call her, I see Sweeney as hope of a titty obsessed culture embracing their titty obsession again, and shutting up all the BORING haters…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney