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Archive for the Candice Swanepoel Category




Candice Swanepoel’s Got her Tiny Tits Out of the Day

Candice Swanepoel was at one time, many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many years ago…

So many…I am talking SOOOOOOOOO many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many years ago….was my favorite of the VS models.

I may have liked her because she was South African Farmer and on a cultural level a racist, which always makes me laugh, but I think it had more to do with her hot body being posed half naked for the corporate brand.

It definitely had to do with her half nakedness….

She’s old now, has kids now, seems to have removed her implants now and has her nipples out now, which I’ll stare at for old times, because that’s what she wants us to do, otherwise she’d wear a bra or a less see-through dress….

So in being accommodating to the old timer, the veteran who sacrificed it all for our freedom…we have no choice but to give her what she wants…

She lives in Miami and here she is doing some F1 Shit CLICK HERE

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Old Lady Candice Swanepoel Still Does Bikini Modeling of the Day

Victoria’s Secret may have created Candice Swanepoel, but they also fired her after the WOKE MOB came after them, in what was probably just a public firing and not an actual firing, because she got her own bikini brand out of the whole thing and I doubt it’s not affiliated with the BIG UNDERWEAR GIANTS who now make EXTRA BIG UNDERWEAR to appease of the fat whining pigs out there who hate hot chicks.

Well, I don’t hate hot chicks and this Aryan South African hot chick is still hot, even with her tits removed, even after all her kids, even when old, and despite probably deserving to be cancelled for her WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN racism that’s ingrained in her DNA thanks to being a WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN farm owner family…..but she didn’t deserve to be cancelled for being a hot chick…unless you’re into racism, which would make sense since it’s self preservation and oftentimes hysterical….

So for that reason alone, you should jerk off to her bikini pics..

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Victoria’s Secret Brings Back Candice Swanepoel Like a Bunch of Assholes of the Day

Victoria’s Secret can suck all our dicks as hard as we’d like Victoria’s Secret models to suck all our dicks because they’ve traditionally been pretty fucking hot, even the benchmark of what a hot chick should be.

Then Victoria’s Secret decided to turn their back on their fan, their audience, all the media hype they generated from having some of the hottest models constantly producing content in their products, building the billion dollar catolog business into something even more substantial in the internet age.

We all loved to look at the weekly photoshoots of these chicks and because of that the chicks in our lives or in other dude’s lives assumed that we wanted to see them in the products, creating a massive empire.

That wasn’t good enough for Victoria’s Secret, instead of focusing on what worked, hot chicks, they decided to focus on the whiners of twitter who were either too fat or gross to buy their products, but negative and miserable enough to whine about how they market their products…

So a 25-30 year hustle gets thrown out, their army of babes released from their contracts and a handful of monsters get cast in their place, while still using Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber, who are fake models trying to be their best VS models, instead of just sticking to the models.

The empire collapses, the whole thing dies and NOW they are back with the whole “people like hot chicks” approach using one of their legacy models….

It’s just offensive across the fucking board….fuck you Victoria’s Secret….but I anxiously away the hot chicks they start onboarding now that the woke fat mutant deserving a shot when they don’t deserve a shot is over…

It’s pretty fucking simple, diversity and inclusivity doesn’t mean someone not qualified for the job deserves the job….

I don’t deserve to be a surgeon, like a fat chick doesn’t deserve to be a bikini model, there are standards of operation that must be respected otherwise EVERYTHING collapses….

Here’s CANDY.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel in Bikinis for her Brand of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is one of the hot models from Victoria’s Secret, before they wanted their angels to have various mutations and diseases, because why use hot chicks, since hot chicks offend ugly chicks who don’t even buy Victoria’s Secret because they are more into wearing diapers for their gaming, or men’s underwear for their social justice warrior fights on the internet that made Victoria’s Secret think there was a problem with hot models….

They mistook their dying brand with being outdated in the worst way, trying to modernize themselves in the worst way, by using pig bitches instead of just sticking to their fucking guns and making the VS model the prime pussy every other pussy wants to be, so they buy the cheap panties they sell them.

Anyway, Candice was one of the hot ones, the now flat chested cuz she took her implant out hot one, who has gone onto make her own brand, probably backed by Victoria’s Secret as a “golden parachute” or “retirement gift” after her forced retirement…and despite her being an old, mom of a few too many kids, her ass and long model legs still excite me, but I probably only like her because she’s South African white and South African white’s are known to be racist….

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel Still Hot in Bikinis of the Day

I’ll admit that Candice Swanepoel was my all time favorite VS model back in the days when you’d have a favorite VS model, because they weren’t all fat chicks with missing limbs, or wheel chair bound, or retarded or dudes….but were actual hot chicks…

That brand was going to shit and the powers that be were like “push this woke agenda to manipulate the world with lies, or we’ll shut you the fuck down”….to which they complied because they had no choice…I mean just imagine the dirt they had on the founder….LIMITED BRANDS supplied the LOLITA EXPRESS…but we don’t need to go into that weirdness, there’s a documentary that I am sure is biased propaganda on the streaming platforms for that.

I’m just here to angrily say that a brand that delivered consistent hot chick bikini and underwear pics was relevant and important to what I do in this life and they took that from me like a bunch of scumbags…

Anyway, you could tell a lot about a dude for their choice in top VS model, and I went straight for the racist of South Africa, the daughter of a farmer who likely had slaves, instead of the Brazilians, who may have been tranny to begin with, but that was before tranny was a thing, so no one was the wiser….

As it turns out, I’m still into this bitch and would be down to row that slave shit she’s helming across the Atlantic if needed….

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel’s Bikini Body of the Day

When you look at Candice Swanepoel’s ripped old ass mom body in a bikini like she’s still a Victoria’s Secret model since that was her identity.

Not willing to accept that she’s been released from the only thing she’s ever known….so she launched her own bikini line and was like “I don’t need you, GIRL POWER”….or some shit….

She’s looking fit and ripped, I figure it’s from being of South African stock, where the weak and frail died from the elements or wildlife and only the strong and hot survived….creating a whole bunch of hot bitches…

But when I look at her ripped old ass mom body, I wonder how many slaves the family owned over the generations on their SOUTH AFRICAN FARM….

I hear it’s a racist place and you gotta wonder if that makes her hotter, or are you so outraged your nostalgic jerk off to her will be RAGE filled…..

I guess we’ll find out.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel Topless of the Day

Candice Swanepoel got her model implants taken out, so she’s basically flat chested now, but as a tiny tit lover, I’m into staring at the bottom quadrant of her nipple i some over the top, lame posed, fashion photoshoot that’s so theatrical it’s a fucking joke….all black and white, all serious and intense, like the photographer told her to to think about the slaves in Africa that used to work for her family farm on the day they were told slavary was illegal….you know SADNESS….distress….all while being topless on a roof like a homeless guy who found a fire escape to climb up to a safe spot to camp out behind the water resevoir….nothing says hot like roof top nudity…especially when it’s an old weathered lingerie model.


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel Wet Bikini of the Day

In conclusion, Candice Swanepoel is still hot, despite being an old blown out mom, and despite getting her implants ex-planted, she was probably my all time favorite Victoria’s Secret had to offer, but maybe I just like racists from South Africa who own farms you know had hired hands that were not being paid fairly, because we can’t all be communists..and sure, I prefer Elsa Hosk now that I know Elsa Hosk exists, but it’s not a war, or a battle, or a challenge really, because NO ONE cares about my opinion of the pussy I post….but I am still happy doing it because so many dudes are too scared to pull out their number coded rating system at girls walking by them like they used to because they either ate that Gay parasite, or they are just fully indoctrinated in the wokeness that has destroyed the world…BUT NOT ME….I’m still a scumbag and it’s almost as important to keep that alive, a legacy brand really, like Candice Swanepoel’s keeping herself alive while telling all the fat 30 year old moms out there that they are slobs for not looking like this.


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Naked Candice Swanepoel of the Day

I know what you’re thinking, that this isn’t a nude unless you see her gaping, leathery, mom pussy flapping in the wind…even a little anus, with the scar where the pussy ripped into the anus while giving birth, or some of those mom hemorrhoids because making babies inside you like some kind of pervert, is rough on the fucking body….

Or maybe, you don’t give a fuck about seeing the meat and potatoes of damage from childbirth, and are perfectly happy romanticizing Candice Swanepoel as the babe we all loved in her Victoria’s Secret heyday…and knowing she’s naked is better than seeing the goods….even though she has bounced back pretty amazingly for a mom and I’d expect her pussy and asshole to follow the lead of the rest of her….

So I’m going to agree, it’s not a nude without some labia, but I’ll still look at it, especially when it’s a model in her 30s who has had kids, proving to all the other mom’s out there that they don’t need to be sloppy and fat.


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Candice Swanepoel Ass of the Day

Photoshopped Candice Swanepoel in our ACTOR BASED REALITY, or SIMULATION that we are clearly part of, since everything is fucking fake as fuck that you experience via a screen, still looks pretty fucking good..the only problem with this is figuring out how much of this is real Candice Swanepoel and how much of it is just an illusion…and I figure that requires too much effort, so I’ll just stick with Candice Swanepoel when photoshopped, like she’s always been, is pretty fucking substantial….as far as I’m concerned because I like skinny model bitches, rather than the ditch pigs they’re trying to tell me are hot on the internet…I’m a purist and will not accept fatties as humans.


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel