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Archive for the Anna Ewers Category




Anna Ewers is Naked in Bed of the Day


Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers..is naked in bed in some pretty bright and commercial pictures that aren’t piss soaked like Instagram…

She’s a model, she’s topless in bed as models do, for a professional photoshoot that I guess is meant to be intimate, personal, artistic, honest, erotic and fun…it’s like a staged selfie but not the kind you send your sugar daddy, ,that requires more clit in it…

That said, clit or not, sugar daddy or not, Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers or not…I like tits in bed, all black white so you know it’s art.


Posted in:Anna Ewers|SFW




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers for Vogue of the Day

Vogue USA - May 2016

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers looks pretty good…

She’s another one of these Victoria’s Secret models who they found wondering the mean streets of fashion parties…knowing they had a portfolio of nudes…figuring she’d be relatable to the youth who buy shitty mall brand panties…while giving the model Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers the chance to really matter in the media, the stamp of approval that leads to rich and famous potential husbands, suitors and financiers…

I’d say the most exciting thing about her is that her name, Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers, makes me want to shit on her face like it was a toilet…even though I’m not into shitting on faces, but could be…

But I like her nude shoots:


Here’s some less naked stuff for VOGUE…

Posted in:Anna Ewers|SFW




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers Naked of the Day


Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers is my name for model Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers…who has done a lot of nude photoshoots in her quest to become a Victoria’s Secret model….that’s every model dream…

She’s German, possibly a product of the Nazi run human genetic modification program in the 40s to make an Aryan race based on Hitler, a Jewish man with brown hair’s idea of perfection….

I mean looking at her body, and her face that’s pretty possible, she’s perfect, I mean other than the whole GERMAN thing, they just don’t want you knowing that she was made in a lab, but they will throw her nude pics at you over and over again…because nude makes for famous and distracts you from asking questions….

The sad thing in this pic is her bush or lack of bush…because I am a bush advocate who encourages all women to save their bush, not shave their bush, the bigger the bush, spilling out of panties like a little pillow for my dick…the better.



Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers Tits for Fashion of the Day


Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers….is the kind of girl who’s sewer I would climb through just to chill under her toilet to watch her pussy as she shits on my face….

…Before dying from septic shock / e-coli after ingesting said shit…that we can assume is filled with great model things like the Salmon in the pacific, cocaine and anti-depressants and very little food substance…

She’s that good.

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers for W April of the Day


The photographer is VICE’s original cover photographer Ryan McGinley, who like VICE has gone totally fucking mainstream, because mainstream is where the money is, and now all these hipster “artists” from the late 90s are billionaires…and why the fuck not, it’s better than the same blue blooded assholes perpetuating bullshit, exploiting the poor…I’ll take my billionaires ex heroin using, drunks from the mean streets of Montreal..before becoming enterprising social climbers documenting cool, which and of itself is so not fucking cool…

Well, he shot Anna Ewers, who rhymes with sewers and who reminds me that I’d human centipede her she’s so good, just to have her ass in my face..I don’t care what weird model shit she ate, and what weird model shit I’m eating, I’d just bathe in her septic tank knowing it came from her.

I’m romantic like that…

But not as romantic as this fashion shoot in the Making of a Murderer scrap yard…high concept, maybe not, but still a better concept than “girl in bed”…from instagram…

I dig it…

Posted in:Anna Ewers|SFW




Anna Ewers for Industrie Magazine of the Day


If you have the nerve, the audacity, the gall, the ignorance, to think that I would ever stray from my one Anna Ewers rhymes with Sewers, which is convenient cuz she’s germans and germans love being shit on, at least according to their pornos and Nazi reputation….

You’d be giving me too much credit. I’m a one trick pony motherfuckers…and I’m not even good at that trick.

Here she is in her panties for some bullshit…

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers in Pantyhose of the Day

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Here’s a video for W magazine featuring Anna Ewers…putting on pantyhose…and that’s all I have to say about that…because I have other shit to do…like stare all all my failures…and categorizing them….you know starting with my wife…and ending with the hell that is my life…but at least Anna Ewers is here to mock me with her pantyhose to make me feel worse about things…thanks for that….

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers for Vogue UK of the Day


Anna Ewers rhynes with sewers possibly because that’s her name, or maybe it is because Germans are into scat…this is something I’ve said before, probably every time I write a post on Anna Ewers, because no one has done the research I need to know whether she likes getting shit on as her name and ethnicity would imply…

I guess, it doesn’t matter, but either do these pics of her in bikinis for Vogue UK, I mean who gives a fuck about another girl in a bikini for a magazine…it’s all the fucking same…whether it’s a hot brazilian or a hot german thanks to ethnic cleansing in the 40s…to a hot South African…it’s all the fucking same…not that it’s a bad same, it’d be like having a lot of money and getting more money, it’s the same money, but more money is better than no money, even if the bills are the same “all these hundreds keep coming in”…it’s just annoying for those of us, mainly you because I have no sex drive, who can’t fuck them…but instead..just look at them…

All this to say – Anna Ewers is a Babe…

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers for W Magazine of the Day


I like Anna Ewers, Rhymes with Sewers..because she’s a german model and germans like to be treated like sewers…unless German Scat porn is a rumor…we’d have to ask Heidi Klum…

She was discovered on a blog by Alexander Wang, proving to all the girls I try to get naked in photos for my blog that it really can pay off…I mean this Anna Ewers has been in Vogue, now W…she’s worked with a bunch of brands and makes millions of dollars…the blog life can pay off…

Well, here she is for Venetia Scott, a photographer…playing a 50s or 60s housewife, that I wish she was, because a 50s housewife forced to work the house for her husband and their nuclear family…unhappy sexually…and unstimulated…medicating with booze and sedatives…with no where to go…..is a plae I’d want Anna Ewers…I’m traditional like that…

Here are the pics..too bad she’s not topless…but the good news is that she’s been topless..

Posted in:Anna Ewers




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers in Harper’s of the Day


Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers, which makes sense because I want to eat her ass….or even lick her like the public toilet seat she may be…seeing as she’s a successful enough model in the fashion industry and that usually happens with balls being rubbed on her not necessarily while taking a shit..but if you’ve been to a public bathroom, or more importantly, if you’ve been to a casting, you know what I mean…the talent never turns down a producer, director, photographer’s demands to help secure said job…

Now that doesn’t mean her pussy smells like sewage…but based on these pics..even if it did…I would lick it all up…but that’s not saying much…I’ve licked up way worse..

Which brings up an interesting point…and that point is…I wonder how many people in the USA crawled into septic tanks to masturbate in strangers’ shit…cuz I’m thinking at least one person did…and that’s disgusting…

What isn’t disgusting…is Anna Ewers…who rhymes with Sewers…

Posted in:Anna Ewers