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Archive for the Iggy Azalea Category




Iggy Azalea Topless of the day

Iggy Azalea has a lyric on her hit song that goes “First thing’s first I’m the real-est”….

Not a realist, who just takes a jaded view on life and says “everything sucks, I’m just being realistic”…

Not a realtor, who is out there selling buildings in LA after her move there from her native Australia….but the “real est”, meaning she’s just so authentic, so true, so real….that nothing about her, not her hair, tits or ass or stomach are fake…

Her origin story of being an underage stripper in Miami who flew to America like a runaway to strip in Miami….which isn’t how immigration works….but for the sake of Iggy it’s real bro…

Even her name, IGGY, that’s not REAL, but she’s the REAL-EST bro….

Her money, that’s real, her hype, also real, the fact that she’s decided her creative vision in artistry to prove she’s the real-est, or to get a cash grab out of the suckers, also pretty real, as she takes fun selfies in her underwear with her tits out, the most REAL shit she’s done to date in her scam that is her “CELEBRITY”…

I’m into it, finally realizing her appeal as a click-bait scam!


Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Gets Racier in the Bath of the Day

So Iggy Azalea, who was once a female rapper I’d consider pretty much a pop star…because she had hits, the media liked her, the tabloids wrote about her, the paparazzi followed her, she got paid heavy money, people would go to her concerts, people would laugh at her silly fake ass, you know…she was a legitimate Hollywood creation from Australia…

Well, she’s now on a new cash grab hustle, onlyfans, where she’s progressively getting sluttier and sluttier, as they tend to do…they get the taste of the money, then they try to keep it fucking going as long as they can, to get as much money as they can and if they are the right kind of whore it goes from see through panties in the bath to full fucking.

We’re not there yet, but thinks are happening, headed in that direction and I like her a lot better now that she’s embraced whoredom instead of pretending she’s a legit “artist”…or “talent”….when we know it was all about the dick suckin…

UPDATE – NOW WITH TITS….hype dies fast, gotta do the most you can with it…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Anna Nicole Smith But Not Far Enough of the Day

Iggy Azlaea Very Weird Body Does Anna Nicole

Iggy Aazlea is so beat, here she is in some weird Anna Nicole Smith Fetish gear, if only she went that one step further and killed herself in HOLLYWOOD FLORIDA …at the Hard Rock Casino…you know to really commit to this storyline / photoshoot…..instead of mocking our god Anna Nicole and all the amazingness she did before the drug addiction took over….maybe she should be emulating her like a copycat she is…because in case you didn’t know everything about IGGY AZALEA…even her ass is some mooch, purchased, stolen, ripped off, scam…..there is zero original to anything that she does, and more importantly…there is zero interesting about her….even when she’s out there whoring for attention looking like some muppet that’s been shit on or used to wipe your drunken ass with after some diarrhea and left in the corner forgotten…only to resurface when you’re cleaning your room all smelling like shit and probably better off thrown in the trash…if you know what I mean…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Lingerie and New Face of the Day

Iggy Azalea Lingerie

Iggy Azalea the hooker, who has rebuilt her personal brand, buy rebuilding herself through plastic surgery procedures, is back with some lingerie pics….

I have zero confidence that she is not a hooker. I know too many Australian girls, who are just done for anything, who don’t even care about the fame….turning tricks in their own right….they are all over instagram, just having a good time….

So to see one culturally appropriate rap music, and put her own weird white spin on it, with her dumb hip hop twang, fully designed for the white mainstream….that she saw success with….that allowed her to give some bullshit storyline behind…that America just accepted as fact…but that wasn’t fact…

You can’t get Work Visas that easily….you get deported…she wasn’t deported…but should have been…but with the help of rich dudes into her lies…or into making money off her lies…and her ass is one of her lies…she’s still here…

You’d think she was an irrelevant nobody..but apparently…she’s a somebody…at least that’s what the fake news media tells us…so look at her slutty selfies.

Iggy Azalea Lingerie


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Possibly Iggy Azalea Nude of the Day

Iggy Azalea Nude Tits Pussy Ass

These are the leaked Iggy Azalea nudes from before she had her tits done….that she probably released because she’s trying to market herself and make money.

This is not exciting to me – because I find her disgusting and uninteresting.

She plays this gutter lie, pretends to be a stripper runaway and it’s just typical Australian trash trying to come to America to steal your jobs…cuz black dudes like her and think she’s marketable and I guess she probably is…otherwise we wouldn’t know she exists..and she wouldn’t be living in that expensive house in LA doing LA things….

I’m not a fan – but I am a fan of leaked nudes…..

So these may or may not be her – you be the judge…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Wants to Do Porn of the Day

Iggy Azalea Slutty for Instagram Legs SPread Hard Nipples

I don’t know what Iggy Azalea trying to get out of a record deal is news…you know her saying that you try so hard to get a record deal – which is code for suck a lot of dick – then once you make it you have to try so hard to get out of it – because that record deal is what made you and now that you’re made you want all the money for your greedy self…

I hate when these bitches sign shitty contracts just to have contracts and the companies that put them on, invest in them, market them cuz they see mainstream potential but are still taking a risk on some gutter Australian trash…lose out when it’s finally time to cash in cuz bitch has an ego.

I am sure this is how every small time pimp feels when his hoe moves onto the big times….like “without me you’d be nothing, but now I get nothing”….it happens all the time…talent management and development yo.

Well, apparently, some porn company offered her a contract and she felt the need to tell all the porn perverts off while promoting the porn company…she probably has an affiliate code with them and is getting kick back..calling out people by their user names…for being perverts when she spends her career showing off her fat fucking ass…it’s weird…so weird. the level of hypocrisy that these people put out there…like she doesn’t know she’s a borderline sex worker with her ass out there fucking a pole in her video pretending she was a stripper…and acts like she doesn’t deserve commments on the internet like this…it’s fucking nuts.

I don’t read this as harassment and sexual predator behavior..when I cross reference it with the content she’s putting out there…what type of attention is she trying to get? People are all crazy.

Iggy Azalea Slutty for Instagram Legs SPread Hard Nipples


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea At It Again in Lingerie of the Day

Iggy Azalea Slutty Pussy Print Red Lace Bra Panties

Iggy Azalea – was an undocumented IMMIGRANT working ILLEGALLY in your country for many years before finally getting her visa in 2013….stealing jobs from you Americans…and mooching off your system better than you…eventually becoming trash that gets naked for attnetion on the internet with her stupid fake ass..or fake stomach..either way fake….on all fronts…

Iggy Azalea is clearly an identity crisis…but I guess it works for her…because know who this old tired bitch from Australia is…or at least who she pretends to be….a rapper not a rap-ist….She’s stright from Australia, pretends she moved to Miami at 16 to STRIP…sure she fucking did…cuz all underage Miami strippers end up with record deals you fucking liar.

I know strippers…and she isn’t a stripper no matter how half naked she gets or is….that’s just for attention, to get noticed, to get people paying attention to her because her talent and her whole concept/ music is dated and boring….

I distinctly remember meeting a random girl on the street, eventually chatting about strip clubs, to which she said she always wanted to strip, something you never hear because even strippers hate stripping, and I offered her my help because I had spent the better part of my 20s in a stripclub, often multiple times a day, because my boss at the pharmacy I worked at, was embezzling money and spending it on taking the young workers out for lap dances, which now that I think of it…is a little bit #metoo the homo version which I think is #yesplease…..so I went home and wrote up a 15 page guide to stripping, from they type of BUSH to have to the way to cocktease men…and we had our stripper educational session…where all I learned was how to get herpes…and where she probably learned that she never wanted to become a stripper…because dancing naked for some pervert in his apartment is awkward especally when he cums inside you….imagine a whole room of perverts like that! No thanks.. I wonder if I’m a dad?

Either way, IGGY or PIGGY as she prefers to be called, is getting half naked with Pizza like a MEME from 3 years ago….when instagram sluts were just getting started…..


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Got Them Titties On of the Day

Iggy Azalea Big Tits Slutty Instagram

Iggy Azalea brought her tits out….thighs out….because that is what she does, she is trying to get herself attention, the story of her life, and really the story of all these people, if you can call them people, cuz they are whores…

So to get noticed, you need to get down, competing with each other and they do it as basic as womanly possible….it’s a girl thing, assuming she is a girl….

She is garbage, she is trash….cultural appropriating…pretending to not be some Australian trash she is…

The internet is lies and so are her assses


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea’s Got Them Titties on of the Day

Iggy Azalea Slutty Topless Covering her Nipples Red Dress Short Hair

Jesus. Iggy Azalea is so fucking boring.

Even when she was trying to prove her ass was legit, when her ass is likely not legit, but may not actually have implants, but rather just fat injected into it, as these fat asses go…since no ass is that big with a stomach that small unless you’ve taken it upon yourself to get some cosmetic procedures that should not be called cosmetic at all as cosmetic to me sounds like it makes it better…like when you renovate your house, or do some cosemtic work to it, you know a new paint job or some new furniture…it’s to improve it…not to make it some freak show fucking monster….

This only happens when she’s out there marketing like they taught me to market back in business school….GET HALF NAKED ALL THE TIME PEOPLE WILL LOOK….

That’s all you need to do according to the internet, social media, and all these idiots getting fucking paid….

So take it the fuck in assholes.


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Ass Shake Body Shaming Rant of the Day

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I want to start this post off by saying that Iggy Azalea just released a new single or a new album and she’s trying to promote it by producing aggressive content.

She was virtually forgotten, since no one gives a fuck about Iggy Azalea, except when she exploits herself for attention.

In the time she wasn’t promoting albums, or songs, she virtually disappeared…I mean I am sure black dudes were still fucking her like the PAWG she is, but the rest of us didn’t have to get exposed to her shit.

So this ass video is basic clickbait that she’s trying to polarize.

I think the angle is that Iggy Azalea trying to prove her ass is real…because good clickbait right.

She’s pretending to be empowered and that she’s tired of people trying to body shame her or booty shame her by calling her ass fake, which I assume is fake, because no ass is shaped like this ever…not because the ass is a good thing, or a magcial looking thing, or that I think she should be celebrated for her ass, but that has given her a career….thanks to black guys loving her ass…

If you read her caption, that she’s set over her thonged ass with a huge tattoo, she’s pretending to be so violated having to violate herself to prove her ass is real…without proving it is real…but showing off that it’s massive…


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Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW