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Archive for the Ashley Benson Category




Ashely Benson and Shay Mitchell in Bikinis of the Day

Ashley Benson was one of the fat chicks in Springbreakers, who was in her bikini the entire time and who I said to myself “if she was going to be in a bikini for a fucking movie, why wouldn’t she starve herself for a month when preparing”….

I mean she’s not a pig like Kate Upton, but she’s dumpy and a little fucking energy would change that in 3-5 weeks, we’re talking under 15 pounds here…but a crucial 15 pounds that will make all the difference…

Then I thought…”maybe her character needed to be dumpy 15 pounds overweight to make her relatable to the audience since girls are all fatter now”..

But I guess these pics of her in her bikini, covering up because she knows she’s dumpy, prove that that was just Ashley Benson…

I mean who else goes in the ocean in a fucking towel unless they are muslim…or fat chicks…

To me, this is just her being lazy…she has the resources and the team and the potential to be so good…but instead she just focuses on her tits like other fat chicks and that’s a bummer…it’s teaching horrible things to her massive, young, fan-base…like to overeat and not exercise…

Either way, her friend and costar Shay Mitchell is in a bikini with her…doing the same thing…because I guess that’s how friends support each other – instead of saying “no” when she demands ice cream….or cake..

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ashley Benson|Shay Mitchell




Doughy Ashley Benson and the Pretty Little Liars 100 Episode Party of the Day

Pretty Little Liars is a hugely successful show…that has made Ashley Benson famous…despite being chubby in a bikini in Spring Breakers….and it turns out that she’s not The photoshopped babe from GQ you may think she is…and that her tits, like so many big tits before her, we’re talking Kate Upton, come at a price…and that price is usually that the rest of her is usually big too….and despite hating fat girls who play hot girls that people want to fuck in the media…I am not that offended by Ashley Benson, because she obviously knows she looks like this, and she’s owning it, and getting paid for it, rather than locking herself away like so many other fat girls eating her feelings and hanging with her cats…she’s the fat you want to fuck, because it’s rich, famous, on TV and lives a better life that the fat you normally fuck thanks to tinder….

ALl this to say, if this girl spent some of her money on a personal trainer, she’d be unstoppable…now she’s just unstoppable if she takes a running start at you….inertia..


Posted in:Ashley Benson|Pretty Little Liars




Ashley Benson Bikini Selfie of the Day

Ashley Benson posted a pic of her tits in a bikini…laying down, which in the event you have tits, is the worst way to show off those tits, since laying down tits, are usually not optimizing your otherwise big tit tits..

As a fat man, I get that laying down makes you appear thinner in the rest of your dumpy midsection for pictures, but when your tits are the highlight of who you are….and when your tits are all that matter, despite your huge acting career thanks to a huge show and silly movie…you’d think this would be more topless nipple…

I prefer her Pretty Little Liars Shoot

Posted in:Ashley Benson




Pretty Little Liars Do GQ Magazine of the Day

We’ve all seen this shoot 100 times before with different people involved…and you know what…it never gets boring..

This time it is starring the slutty girls of Pretty Little Liars, who are all hugely popular, getting down like they are on a Terry Shoot, that may or may not be a Terry Shoot, because everyone takes pics like this now…it’s the hipster porno way…

I’ve never see the show, but I’ve heard it is helping condition girls to get teenage pregnancy and Herpes…and I am all for that..

The girls are Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, bikini with water gun and inflatable and is a good enough times…compared to what I am doing with myself…which is something that would probably scare most people..

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|Lucy Hale|Shay Mitchell




Ashley Benson Hot for Complex of the Day

Ashley Benson Springbreaker who had a threesome with Vanessa Hudgens and James Franco, I think, I don’t really remember that movie as it was shit, but inspired young girls to wear skimpy bikinis and whore out, is this Month’s complex girl…and she looks amazing, but maybe I am just blinded by the fact that she’s busty and not looking as dumpy as she normally does…

She’s really famous in the younger market, is the face of that generation of hipster mainstream kids…because everyone’s an edgy hipster…thanks to the internet now…and I am all about this shit…


Posted in:Ashley Benson




Ashley Benson in Bikini of the Day

Ashley Benson has stepped up her attention seeking for the internet game by posting some bikini selfies…on instagram…

I guess Spring Breakers came out a year ago, and despite becoming way more famous because of it, she learned a very valuable lesson in the process and that is that bikini pics get you noticed, people like them, especially not that she’s less fat…

I mean sure it’d be better as a sex tape, or topless, but she’s got a wholesome hipster image she’s trying to maintain, and I guess this is good enough…

Posted in:Ashley Benson




Ashley Benson Singing for her Fans of the Day

Ashley Benson is singing on Instagram, because she wants everyone to know that she’s more than just the fat girl in a bikini from Spring Breakers…

I think the whole instagram movement is funny.

People post the most ridiculous shit about themselves, including but not limited to their last shit, or in Ashley Benson’s attention seeking through songs, or taking her extensions out…

Posted in:Ashley Benson




Ashley Benson on Set of a Photoshoot of the Day

Ashley Benson was one of the fat chicks in a bikini in Spring Breakers. I don’t really remember the movie because it was boring, uneventful, garbage that may have made 100 million dollars, but that still fucking sucked and that couldn’t be jerked off to, despite the Disney Stars being in threesomes…threesomes I think the Ashley Benson, who I had never heard of before the movie, but who is apparently, on some sexed up hit TV show for kids, and is hugely famous…but who I know exists now, and for that I am not a better person…these are some instagram pics from some photoshoot that aren’t hot.

To see some paparazzi pics of her that aren’t that interesting – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ashley Benson




Ashley Benson Walkin’ Around in Short Shorts of the Day

Ashely Benson is the chubby girl from Springbreakers who was in her bikini, had the tits, and who I think had the threesome scene with one of the other Disney starlets because she likes attention and that had the most impact..

She’s also hugely popular on some show for tweens that I never really heard of or watched because I am not that creepy…I am more creepy in a hiding in the bushes kind of way…or staring at girls after asking them to let me watch them masturbate…but not creepy in watching shows targeted to young girls to be up to speed on young people issues…so that I can have something to talk to them about at Starbucks when I see them studying…

I saw THESE PAPRAZZI PICS of her in short enough shorts, and assumed that they were staged…you know put on knowing the paparazzi was called…and after cross referencing her instagram, I think I was right, because why else would she have posted her shorts there too…I mean maybe she really likes these shorts…but I think she’s more into liking the attention…


Posted in:Ashley Benson




Ashley Benson does Cosmo of the Day

I used to think that Ashley Benson was another one of those Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens type girl who doesn’t get paid very much, but worked for Disney making her easy to hire because Disney puts these girls through the ringer, telling them repeatedly that they are lucky to be there, and to smile harder, because millions of other girls would pay to be in their place, and this is the happiest place on earth factory so be fucking happy, don’t be a bratty cunt…only more low level…

I saw Spring Breakers and saw she was just as doughy as those girls, it’s some new generation, rappers like thick girls, fast food is the source of booty situations…and realized…I have no real opinion of her…she’s just sort of there…before hitting her instagram and seeing she’s on some slutty teen show all the teens masturbate to…based sex and bad high school behavior and realized she’s actually an icon…which I guess is why Cosmo is doing a photoshoot with her…that would be better if it was Hustler…or 18 and spread while being eaten out by old italian men like she was a slice of fucking pizza….it’s a niche magazine…

Posted in:Ashley Benson