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Archive for the Bella Hadid Category




Bella Hadid Topless of the Day

Bella Hadid Topless

Here’s some trans Bella Hadid showing off her fake tits that I guess helped her pull off this scam as a relevant person in the fashion world, despite not being a model, but rather some rich kid pretending to be a model, who ultimately wasn’t fucking hot…and still isn’t hot…

I don’t know what angles she’s trying to pull, but she has managed to scam the world the last few years, because people are fucking idiots and buy into pretty much anything they see and read…and the bookers and talent scouts and marketing people are too busy taking selfies to really decide if the person is worth hiring or not, they just throw the money at them and perpetuate the lie…pretty disgusting…..especially since this muppet isn’t even that hot…at least do that tactic with hot chicks…not hard faced gender neutral things….

But at least she’s got the tits…logic most of us have used at least once after banging fat chicks.

Bella Hadid Topless


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid New Tits of the Day

Bella Hadid New Tits

Bella Hadid has always had tits, so these are probably not new tits, but they are pushed up tits and a nice distraction from her rat looking face…

It’s like hide the cheese, this weasel is on it’s way to rummage through the trash that her sister left behind to salvage whatever she can to make a career out of it.

She is not hot, she may be TRANS even, but the face injections just remain confusing as fuck….

What are we even looking at!!!

Is it human? Or is it some photoshop creation that lives on the internet….

I guess only those lucky and elite enough to attend the same parties as her know the truth….

Bella Hadid New Tits


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Bikini of the Day

Bella Hadid Bikini

Bella Hadid is the monster Hadid. The Khloe Kardashian of the Hadid family, who has managed to have a crazy career based on being the sister of Gigi Hadid, who only had a career because she was on Instagram when Instagram first happened and people thought it meant these people were actually important, influential or mattered, when really it was all just digital marketing…you know what I mean…scamming the fucking system.

They were rich kids with budget and staff to make things happen…from LA where these rich families compete to be the most important making the most money…and will got to all costs to make it happen.

It’s all fucking nonsense, but the rest of the world doesn’t seem to catch onto the nonsense…they actually buy into the hype…so fucking stupid…

Well, Bella, who was naturally unattractive had to step it up and really buy her “beauty” or look, like all these girls are doing, with the muppet face injections and with that hot body, the butter face melted away….but apprently it’s back.

I guess the only good thing about these pics is that she’s not at Coachella like all the other whores.

WOW…someone went fucking mental with the face injections….


Bella Hadid Bikini


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Nipples and Possible Pussy of the Day

Bella Hadid Nipples

Bella Hadid walking the runway in Paris Fashion week, showing off her nipples and possibly some pussy lip happening down there…provided she even has a pussy…cuz this face screams trans to me…which I guess is pretty marketable, if your sister is friends with the Jenners and paves the way for you to have followers and a career…that hard and edgy face that has had so much work on it…because there is no such thing as ugly if you’re rich..thanks to non invasive plastic surgery treatments this bitch has had a lot of…

She looks like shit, but has tits….that she shows off…because as an ugly girl who probably never knew she was ugly, as these rich kids never do…born with an elitism….she’s living that model dream that deep down inside she knew she didn’t deserve cuz she’s ugly….even though she never knew she was ugly, she must have known she was ugly…right?

Who knows.

Bella Hadid Nipples See Through Braless


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid Panty Flash of the Day

Bella Hadid Panty Flash Interview Magazine 3

Bella Hadid is garbage.

The amazing thing about her is that she manages to get this far on instagram followers alone…

Even when doing photoshoots that are shot by all the top photographers, with all the top hair and make-up people, with all the best lighting…and still looks like shit…

I know there are people out there drinking the Flavor Aid (which is what the Jonestown Massacre people actually drank)…. who think that she’s hot because she’s a hot booking, costs alot to get to work for you, is all hype for whatever reason I don’t understand…but you can look at her…and see an ugly, manly face that would never be where it is without being rich and the sister to a hotter version of her that the media and brands embraced.

It’d be nice to start booking people for their skill, their look, what they offer the people, rather than fucking followers they bought…but whatever..she’s here…so look at her panty.


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Nipples for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid Nipples See Through

Hard faced Bella Hadid who I think is fucking ugly as shit, even with her plastic surgery, has her nipples out for fashion, because she’s a real model and real models bust their tits out for the sake of the fashion show, it’s their art, their craft, their performance, their everything…

She’s so hard working, doing this fashion thing, only cast cuz of her fame and all her followers, pretty much playing make-belief….like a typical rich kid out there trying to be legit…and the whole thing would be better…if that hard face wasn’t so hard…

I mean early 20s look 45….birdlike, hard edged, scary….like a villain in a comic book..I just can’t get into whatever this tranny shit is…but you can see nipples and aren’t nipples the beacon of life, humanity / things we jack off to…well of course they are…so stare. STARE hard…STARE long…as High Fashion cheapens itself with rich kid trash from LA….cuz they have their nipples out.


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid Jacked Up Face and Big TIts of the Day

Bella Hadid Big Tits Tight Dress

What the fuck is going on with Bella Hadid’s face….

I have been calling her ugly, the ugly sister, since before she came onto the scene and stole Gigi Hadid’s career because she was the ugly one, more eager and Gigi was bored of the whole thing, so this try hard, over achiever decided that she was a model and the world agreed with her and gave her work and here we are no with some trans looking, plastic surgery ridden, chiseled fucking tranny looking bitch…thinking she’s hot.

I think you can see a sliver of her nipple in this outfit though, which I guess makes the busted up face a little easier to handle…but shit…is this Celine Dion on her 50th birthday in a black wig…or some 20 year old rich kid fashion icon who fucks big dicked rappers representing the generation of shit that we all know exists…because even high fashion is ripping off shitty streetwear…cheapening itself…thus explaining why they use such broken down instagram models as their models..

The cheapening of AMERICA…


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Bodysuit of the Day

Bella Hadid Degenerate Versace Kith Pussy Print

When I lay in bed at night, worrying about the current state of the world, and what the future of humanity is, by scrolling through weird fetish porn on tumblr …..

I think we need more rich kids, entitled brats, who the world has embraced in a fucking body suit for social media to barely revolutionize shit and pretty much maintain the vapid cunt existence. To inspire the other people out there to be vapid cunts too. You know perpetuating the bullshit to future generations of shit…

The only problem with Bella Hadid is how fucking ugly she is….

Bella Hadid Degenerate Versace Kith Pussy Print


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Pussy Print of the Day

Bella Hadid Pussy Print

Bella Hadid has a really hard face…one would say a man face….definitely not a face of a model…which I guess isn’t saying much because the fashion world is run by gay dudes and the marketing world is run by 22 year olds….two things I am so far removed from…which would explain why her hype confuses me…

I am an old man who likes women who look like women. I am also a traditionalist in that I don’t mind nepotism if it is warranted. Like if it makes sense. All the celebrity rich kids of the past were not the best for the job, sure, but they were able to pull off the job….

Bella Hadid isn’t even a product of nepotism, sure she’s a rich kid and her career was bought, but her dad was a real estate developer and her stage mom who pushed her into i claims to be a model, and was a big enough model to end up with a rich pervert like her dad, but he’s the kind of guy who hangs with the grey area prostitutes model types, who like the good life and don’t mind selling their soul to the rich guy for the good life…since he is into that!!!

She exists….because of social media, her sister’s fame and the fact that everyone is queer and like trans.


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Bella Hadid Tits Out for Love Magazine

Bella Hadid Slutty Love Magazine Side Boob

Bella Hadid is a fucking man.

Sure she’s skinny from an eating disorder and has tits from a surgeon her rich dad hired cuz he didn’t like having an ugly daughter…and sure she’s a scam on all levels…from her career, her social media presence, her celebrity, or socialite status. and her looks….hype generated by simple marketing that idiots buy into….but as far as I’m concerned there is no way that she is not a man….and a scam…a scam of a man…

I feel that any dude who finds her hot, even with her big fake Arab rich kid who is riding off a lie that her family bought tit….is a fucking closet case queer. It’s a fact…I’ve done extensive research….via google….

I find anyone working with her as a model is just an idiot who don’t have a brain and buys whatever they are sold…which as it turns out…is pretty fucking weird looking….

They took an ugly girl, and made her come across as a hot look, and people bought all cuz of her name, her fan base…it’s a crazy fucking world that for some reason has not imploded….which I don’t understand…but it hasn’t imploded.

Bella Hadid Slutty Love Magazine
Bella Hadid Cleavage Tits Topless

Here is her mom Yolanda Hadid also being slutty
Yolanda Hadid Lace Lingerie


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW