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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Underboob of the Day

Bella Thorne Naked smoking a blunt

Bella Thorne is out of control at New York Fashion week, because for some reason, a reason I call being noisy as fuck and maki

ng sure people know who she is, she’s been generally accepted as a character in pop culture…

You know from a mom who whored her and her sister out to Disney, teaching them the path of whore, supported by social media, giving her a vehicle to whore, generating buzz and following, hell, I post her everyday because I think she’s wonderful…I mean to look at…half naked…her face is trans, her ginger is creepy, and her tits so big, exposed, in a playful way…even though you know she’s into fucking…and has been fucked, and does the fucking…she’s broke…it’s good…

Now she’s doing EDM and people like DIPLO are playing her song, because he’s old, not so out of touch but trying to stay relevant in pop, because he’s made so much stupid money…and lives this wild life….that must be a bit of a joke to him – since it worked out..and he knows he can play anything and the kids will go nuts…

Either way, she was showing off her tits like a good girl…good girl.

Some videos…she self produced….you know to tell her story…the content creator…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne tits again

Bella Thorne TITS are a daily thing…bitch doesn’t shut up about her tits…whether they are real or fake tits are irrelevant…they are something she really puts a lot of value on..that she likes putting out there…and based on her attitude towards her tits…she’s like most chicks I know who get implants…you know showing them off like a new car…sure most girls I know with implants are strippers but you know what I mean….and showing them off is their job…but that’s not the point..

In terms of Bella Thorne, the face so jacked, the noise she makes so annoying, but the body so good, I don’t care to hate her and her scamming, it’s just the way of the world these days…you know…



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Sturdy Tit of the Day

Bella Thorne is so fucking irritating…

But that body, those tits that could be bolt ons, that face that could be trans, her “celebrity” that could be all evil lies produced by Disney because they know how to maximize the reach of their starlets…through slutty content…is less fucking irritating…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Literally Showing her Literal Nipple Literally of the Day

Bella Thorne is literally really fucking tedious…but she’s literally showing some nipple because that’s the style and girls like showing their nipples especially when they’ve decorated their nipples with metal objects so that their nipples can be found and so that dudes don’t think the nipples were removed during the boob job…

She seems pretty uninteresting, uneventful, just a pawn in someone game…that may be her own empire she’s building, or maybe she’s just out to prove how basic and simple it is to get noticed….

But ultimately, she’s a “relevant” half retard chick showing her nipples and you know what…that’s all I can really ask of a girl…with or without a tranny face.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Stripper Dance of the DAy

I was not planning on doing any Bella Thorne content today, because it is Labor Day, we all need our time off, and because I hate being sucked into her scam that I know is just a fucking scam, basic low level marketing scam, to get attention scam…and with that attention she will make more money, get more jobs and continue to scam harder and harder until one day she expires, you know do as much as you can as hard as you can as fast as you can and this half nakedness is just trendy, the style, all the girls are doing it…and I love it…but I know it comes from an evil, selling product way, taking away the authenticity, not that she’s authentic, I’m sure the tits are fake, I know the face is face, but I still get into it….but probably because she’s lookin’ tranny faced and tranny, like nude selfies, are also trendy….so hard to keep up with these idiots…so many idiots…everywhere…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini Top of the Day

Bella Thorne never ending stream of her life because girl is so hooked to fame, attention to herself, being the star of her show, that she runs and directs and stars in like a Mel Gibson movie you can jerk off to, while designed to feed her ego..

It’s just a weird fucking social experiment, some JennyCam shit, only the 2017 version where everyone can do it….so weird….but I like it…even when she jacking up her pimple face..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|Videos




Bella Thorne’s Bikini Top of the Day

In very life changing and important news, while people in Houston are struggling to pump out their homes and salvage their cowboy hats, while the world is going completely insane with their nazi bullshit, or terrorism bullshit, or taxation bullshit….as we all sink deeper and deeper into debt…and work harder and harder for the man…getting all obese, sick but unable to treat it due to healthcare…

Really important people come along to inspire us to push forward…like Bella Thorne…

The jacked up faced Disney Kid exploited by her mom after her dad died to be a child star…all her siblings pushed into it…she’s the one who stuck…

So while we all sit here struggling, we can be inspired knowing the half naked exhibitionist with an awesome body, who has really done zero in terms of inspirational work in her career or life, unless you’re like me and think being a hot and half naked exhibitionist is inspirational…

So while we all sit here struggling to make ends meet, we can fill our brains with new of this vapid character, clickbait really, dyed her hair back to orange – probably for a role – rather than keeping it all fucking unicorn bullshit…and the whole world can be inspired to go on.

The struggling in Houston…knowing that bitch dyed her hair back to orange and did a bikini dance about it…can forget their troubles…and if they’re like me…be a little more inspired to strap rocks to yourself and hope to drown in 6 inches of water in your bathroom floor..

One more video:


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Raving of the Day

Bella Thorne was out “raving” in a bikini and mesh pants and the whole thing was pretty wonderful to a pervert like me – because I think Bella Thorne, despite all the jacking up she’s done to her face is hot… I am drinking the RED koolaid, I am sold or I’ve bought into her witchcraft manipulating all of us in with her body…despite having never watched Disney Channel, or her show on Disney Channel, and not actually knowing who she is…

I just know she’s better than a traditional insta whore, because she started this whoring with the mainstream support of the media…the money, the fame, and yet she still felt she should be naked or half naked showing off her tits and slutty behavior that comes with being a porned-up youth these days…I mean they just fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck no problem…creating Super GONO and other fun things…like the throat HPV epidemic..brilliant…

I also know she’s just a child star being a product of being a child star, spoiled, entitled and now very into EDM and making dance music for the mainstream who all listen to this mindless, lack of music music…and I’m not saying that as an old man..it’s just all video game shit that they probably spend an afternoon making…turning out crowds and making millions..rewarded for understanding a computer program by fucking groupies like this one…as they rage / rave / who cares…her body is great.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|Videos




Bella Thorne Nipple FLash of the Day

It seems like Bella Thorne may have pulled out her nipple for the paparazzi, because of course she did.

She was raised to want as much attention as possible, to think fame is all that matters, and she finally found a hook to leverage the work her mother started, making her a Disney Kid, but hitting social media hard…with the right attitude…getting as naked and racy as possible…

I find it a nice reminder of years ago when celebrity actually mattered, even these chaotic pics with the paparazzi and tits pulled out, groupie friends holding on and protecting their very important host body they leech off of, looking hot, filled with excitement…like a disaster, falling the fuck apart at the seams..

I don’t think this is going to end well, it’s already been a nose dive heavy and I’ve only known she’s exited for a year….fame..it’s one crazy drug that leads to more drugs and pre-mature death…but before that happens…TITS FOR DAYS…FOR EVERYONE…EAT THEM UP.

PS that nipple pic looks weird.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne at Teen Choice Shit of the Day

I guess the Teen Choice awards happened, but you probably already knew about all of that, you know while sitting in your van outside of the teen choice awards, a trip you make every year at the end of the summer, hoping and praying that you’ll finally get invited in, because it is the only thing that matters in your life, because you had a fucked up childhood, an even more fucked up adolescence, you cystic acne, your awkwardness, your love for bathing in vinegar or lack of showering, chronic masturabtion to girls in your class, anxiety around woman…your no friends, not girlfriends, your family who hated you….leading a life of teen obsession, hoping to one day relive the trauma the right way, not that you have a great job in middle-management…

Well, for those of you who weren’t aware of the teen choice Awards, a award show I doubt teens even watch, since they don’t watch TV, or fuck with award shows, so they don’t actually vote, but the networks do, so it carries on with fake news, fake votes, fake bullshit…fake…

Bella Thorne was there, looking like a raver who got shat on by another raver, because they are so edgy…and EDM….who make EDM…because anyone can apparently…and people like jerking off to her….even though she’s annoying….so here she is…


I am sure there were a lot of attention seeking, stage parented, broken 20 year olds who play teens on TV shows no one watch there….but I’m too lazy to find them.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW