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Archive for the Braless Category




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminists are hardly feminists anymore, except maybe the uglies who are just miserable in life and like to whine about it being due to owning a pussy….

Feminists, at least the hot ones just angle feminism to validate their nudity, their burned bras that led to bralessness, and that’s the kind of feminism to like, since you can jack off to it.

Here are some braless girls, probably not militant feminists, but probably feminists for the sake of validating their nudes.

Works for me.

Posted in:Braless




Hayley Duff Walking the Dog With No Bra on of the Day

Here’s another set of pictures I’m not allowed to use, but have something to say about them and that’s that Hayley Duff in no way is fucking disgusting. She’s got this horse face that no matter how big her tits are or how decent her ass looks in a pair of pajama pants can’t be ignored…and I actually have a hatred for the girl because my friend forced me to watch the worst movie in the world that she somehow managed to be the star of that I can only assume her sister pulled some strings to get her the job as latching onto her sister’s celebrity has been a constant theme in her life and her career and is probably what finances her life….but I’d still love to see her naked, but then again I want to see every girl naked….whether they are the second rate bottom feeding sister of some rich semi-retired teen starlet or not…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Braless|Hayley Duff




Lisa Rinna Shows Off Her Nipple of the Day

I am still not sure who Lisa Rinna is but I do know that she was all nipples the other night…not that that’s a good thing…because there comes an age in every woman’s life where staring at her hard nipples starts to make the average person feel awkward and Lisa Rinna is pushing that age…except the other day when I saw a 75 year old walking her dog in a turtleneck and saw nothing but really hard, awkwardly placed nipples and liked it….because like Rinna, she wasn’t wearing a bra the other night and I guess why would she…because Rinna was spent enough money on her tits over the years so that they don’t need a bra, so she might as well get her money’s worth….and the good news is that her tits in this dress give her the little attention she’s addicted to and distracts us from her thick jacked-up lipped face…..

If you google her, you’ll see her Playboy pictures and these relatively new old lady tits in all their glory…but I can’t post the shit cuz Playboy are mean and like to sue.

Pics via Fame
Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Braless|Hard Nipple|Lisa Rinna




Britney No Bra Spears of the Day

Watching Britney not wear a bra, reminds me of my fat wife not wearing a bra and there’s nothing hot about that. It’s actually pretty fucking scary and that’s why I don’t have pictures to prove it because I try my best to pretend they don’t exist. I guess Britney pretends that her floppy tits aren’t floppy too, but there is a time in every woman’s life where she has to look in the mirror and take a cold hard look at her tits and realize that shit aren’t as perky as they once were and that their nipples are aiming places they are only supposed to aim after menopause or a long hard battle with obesity and it’s time to throw your hippie ideals out the window and put your feminist lesbian movement bra burning bullshit on the back burner and strap those crazy fuckers up in bra or what a call a straight jacket for out of control tits.

There’s no real reason for Britney’s tits to be so fat and sloppy. Bitch is in her 20s and may have 2 kids and like eating shitty food but usually those fuckers bounce back into action. I guess the realization of her tits acting crazier than her is what really made her step up her crazy game that landed her in the psych ward. She’s competitive like that. That’s my theory and floppy tits or not, I’d still take care of her and by take care of her I obviously mean spend her money and not give her sponge baths and gestures of love. I’m just not that kind of guy.

Posted in:Braless|Britney Spears|Nipples|Tits