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Archive for the Brittany Furlan Category




Brittany Furlan Does a Topless Twerk of the Day

Brittany Furlan is the internet celebrity who was at one point a high paid Vine Star, she was the hot chick the vine nerds needed to execute the high paid Vine content that made them all millionaires. I just looked her up and she was the most followed person on Vine and the 5th most followed by the time it ended and was listed a 1 of the most influential people in Time magazine, a list the left me off us.

I guess when Vine ended, she had to scramble and turn to a life of porn, but luckily for her in the process, she started dating her now husband Tommy Lee, who is rich as shit from being Tommy Lee, so I’m not quite sure why she does this kind of smutty content, probably to feel good about herself, still being jerked off to by really weird dudes, or maybe Tommy makes her do it so that he keeps jerking off to her….

The thing is we’ve all seen his dick, his fuck tape with Pam, so marrying a porn chick should probably include porn, but we’ll watch her shake her ass sadly regardless..

The reality is, she’s 37 and with a fake titty body like that, which is only a little soft in the ass, something expected from someone who is 37, she’s alright.

Posted in:Brittany Furlan




Brittany Furlan Nude of the Day

Brittany Furlan is Tommy Lee’s wife, who I guess does ONLYFANS as internet celebrities do, because the rumor is that she was some big vine star, which put her in the position to put Tommy Lee’s dick that Tommy Lee seems to love more than any man should love any dick, but he’s a rockstar and his ego is probably justified with all his money and dicksuckers, like Brittany Furlan, Tommy Lee’s whore wife, not that she actually fucks for money, but she does fuck money, and potentially gets naked on the internet for money, which at her level of wealth is just rude, she should give it to us for free, I mean, we’re going into an economic collapse up in here, GIVE back to the poor, you jerk!

Which I guess makes me like Robin Hood in posting it for free!

I am your hero, I know!


Posted in:Brittany Furlan




Brittany Furlan Pulls Her Tits Out of the Day

Brittany Furlan is probably a rich as shit “Influencer” thanks to being huge on VINE when VINE was a big deal and paved the way for all these other idiots like the Paul Brothers to become young billionaires by being idiots, so I will assume that this one made some fucking money being an internet idiot too.

She’s also married to Tommy Lee and has been for almost 3 years and in the event you didn’t know…Tommy Lee is rich as fucking shit and not just from his Pam Anderson sex tape, but because he was a rockstar…

So the fact she posts her awesome tits on the internet is pretty amazing, because it’s clearly not for financial purposes, it’s probably some Tommy Lee exhibitionist reasons, you know being turned on by giving dudes pics of your chcik to jack off to, I mean he was married to Pam at her peak….but ultimately, she does this out of the goodness of her heart, or for money, it’s for the passion of being jacked off to….an that’s pure…even if she charges for this shit…

Posted in:Brittany Furlan




Brittany Furlan Bikini of the Day

Brittany Furlan Bikini

Brittany Furlan is Tommy Lee’s new wife, because I guess dating a 60 year old rocker with HEP is a good strategy to have a roof over her head…and food in her mouth…girls are drawn to famous people and thus famous people always have access to a solid stream of mooch pussy..

That said, she was a VINE comedian, who got HUGE on VINE like all the top YOUTUBERs making 100 million dollars a year being idiots…

I think I actually follow her on social media, but never see her content, luckily…thanks to hating social media, never logging on, and the fact that I follow 7500 whores…impossible to keep track of just one…

I have also never seen her comedy, I am sure it’s lame, but most things on the internet are lame…especially if they get views, have gone viral with more than just the HEP….

But she is in a bikini, tits a hanging…and with her grandpa aged husband…and it is boring, but is more significant than I am, which isn’t saying much, but is truth.

Brittany Furlan Bikini


Posted in:Brittany Furlan|SFW




Tommy Lee Fucking his Girlfriend on a Commercial Plane of the Day

Tommy Lee is dating some instagrammer named Brittany Furlan, who I actually follow, yet feel like I’ve never heard of her, because I guess IG doesn’t feed me every whore I follow on the regular, and I guess my brain doesn’t register random sluts I follow when I was drunk, but I do follow her, and I guess that makes her my friend, one sided friend, since she doesn’t follow me back and since I am just 1 of her millions of followers reminding me how insignificant I am…

That said, the honeymood sex tape, cure of hepatitis, rocker Tommy Lee who must be hundred, and who must have fucked thousands of women at this point in the game, was traveling with her and they both left the commercial airline bathroom, because it is assumed they fucked, her got sucked off, they did a line of coke together….who really cares, we’ve seen dude fuck Pam Anderson 20 years ago…this is not shocking, life changing, or that interesting…

I see regular girls who are horny little monsters all fucking day, every fucking day, everyday girls fucking in bushes in the park, jerking off in cars, it’s out of control – porn generation shit…that just seems logical when the girl involved looks like a porn chick and the dude involved is already a seasoned pornstar in his spare, rich as fuck, rockstar time off…I mean…that’s the whole point of being a rockstar…

Amazing the places social media can take you…I mean…without it..she’d probably still be working the strip club somewhere, not fucking rockstars…

Here are some of her social media pics…

Posted in:Brittany Furlan|SFW|Videos