Chelsea Handler loves showing her tits, because she has the right to do that on social media, since she is famous and a woman, all empowered and pushing the limits, but when I post the shit…I get my account deleted…which is fucking mental to me….be consistent fuckers…
I guess we live in this fake news world, that has existed since media was created, because you can angle stories however the fuck you want, to tell whatever story you want, and the minion idiots will believe it…or take a side and fight to the blood for that site….
You can argue that it’s targeted to self involved, uneducated, idiots who don’t have liberal arts degrees that help them step back and analyze what is being fed to them….you know ignorants…but it’s safe to say that people are ignorant from all walks of life, on either side of the fence, and that people seem to like things that are black and white, as long as it’s not too black, and that people hate any other viewpoint that from their own…which makes everyone a fucking fascist….
So Chelsea Handler can put her tits out there, but I can’t repost her tits calling her an old garbage cunt that probably smells like cellulitis or other vaginal infections, the remains of sucking cock to get ahead as a comedian, after he acting career never panned out, but she knew she was meant to be on stage, being mean…with her hate speech..that can’t be seen as hate speech because she’s a woman…girl power….
BUT…none of us can…they delete us, they block us, they call us misogynistic, they try to shut us up…
We can pretend what we do is art, this is my art, I mean it’s not news…it’s me talking shit on some old whore showing off her tits….and they can pretend they love art, support free thinking, encourage it…as long as it fits their mold…
Even if this site is satire, ironic, me saying “look at these whores, they are whores”…in efforts to elevate people to not be whores…
Even if I can spin this to any angle that is more than just be slandering these idiots who are rich but set themselves up to be slandered….
Even if I only want to judge the wet t-shirt contest, but with the whole #metoo movement, there are no more wet t-shirt contests.
So Instead the nipples in sheer bras I see are on old hags like this…
The world is unfair…but at least sluts will always exist.
Posted in:Chelsea Handler