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Archive for the Chelsea Handler Category




Chelsea Handler Nude Book Club of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nude Book Club of the Day

Chelsea Handler may think she knows what good clickbait is during COVID, but what she’s missing is that if we wanted to look at a nude bitch and books, to inspire a book club, or whatever else the likely coke whore from the 80s who was an aspiring actor who became a TV host because as it turns out comedy was easier to manipulate than legitimate acting….is promoting.

The fact of the matter is that there comes a time in every woman’s life where she becomes that bitch at the nudist beach who may be eager and keen to be naked as they are comfortable in their old weathered bodies….but that doesn’t mean anyone else is comfortable with it….

You know all those stereotypes nude beaches have, never the hot chicks, always the olds as shit….this is the at home embodiment of that.

Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler is Nude Again of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nude

It’s 2020 and 300 year old Chelsea Handler is still getting naked for attention. It’s a tactic that I guess has worked for her since her show got cancelled. I find her an obnoxious cunt, both in her comedy and in the fact that she wants us to look at her old fucking body naked or half naked in this THONG underwear, when we have better pussy to spend our time staring at and not fucking…..

It’s one of those give a bitch who had enough of an ego to go to LA to live out her dreams, you know cuz she thought she was smart or funny or entertaining, without ever asking anyone if they agreed, only to manipulate her way onto TV, something that should never have happened, a social media account and she’ll do whatever low level thing she can to get seen, talked about or jerked off to.

If you are jerking off to her, you are sick….unless you’re into desperation and sadness…you know the kind of guy who jerks off to pics of girls they know have committed suicide from being so broken….not that this is suicide but this cunt might as well be dead.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Topless of the Day

Chelsea Handler Topless

How many times is Chelsea Handler going to flash her tits on social media before she’s banned?

RID THE WORLD OF THIS SEX WORKER….who pretends she’s not a sex worker thanks to having a Netflix Series or an E! Takeshow.

If an actual sex worker posted something similar, or even more clothed, she’d be banned by that pervert Zuckerberg who has to distance himself from porn, despite all the sex, human trafficking, criminal shit being distributed on his irresponsible network he’s made a few too many billions of dollars off of thanks to the general public being idiots looking for instant gratification…

But when any celeb, Kardashian or model is naked on his shit..it’s all good….I report EVERY naked pic I see of “models” and “celebs”….not one has ever been removed…but the second you report one moral-less porn chick or cam girl – she’s out.

Now I am not a sex worker advocate – or here to fight the good fight for their rights…I am just saying it’s some inconsistent messaging, find a cohesive set of rules, and in the process delete Chelsea Handler cuz she’s gross.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Tit of the Day

Chelsea Handler Tit

Chelsea Handler discovered a while ago, after her show got canned for sucking, that if you pull your tit out on instagram like a titty activist – the fans will come together and rejoice like it is some kind of horrible backwoods religious experience….some kind of painful and horrible sacrifice that only does one very irrelevant thing..and that is bring attention to Chelsea Handler that she thinks she deserves…almost useless, especially since she’s old and done, but I’ll always stare at a titty, fake or not, old or not, alive or not, relevant or not…and I wouldn’t even consider myself a tit guy….I’m just a girls getting naked in some capacity guy….and this is naked in some capacity…right.

Here is her newest tit pic..
Chelsea Handler Tit


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Flashing her Tits of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nude Tits

People used to find Chelsea Handler and her bitchy condescending comedy brilliant. It was an angle that I guess got her a TV show and made her a ton of money, before mean people were getting cancelled. Her anger stemmed from being a failed actress who did at least one “BLUE” movie, or softcare cheesy movie she got naked in, and never amounted to much more than that, but thanks to being in the LA rich dude scene, she was able to be that big personality a producer was like “let’s get on TV”….

If you weren’t into her humor then, it is because you didn’t really see the depths of her talents and ability, but I like to think this helps her really secure herself as a comedy icon…

I mean na titty flash next to a elderly cross walk..cuz she’s old….or maybe it’s a fuck old people and their cross walks…and aging…look at my tits…either way…hilarious….brilliant even….right? RIGHT? RIGHT?

I know…she is garbage, but her joke got something right and that is that she isn’t funny, but she’s got bolt on tits to divert from that, it is the whole point of bolt on tits, and that is why she likes to pull them out ALL the time…

Like why didn’t the titty flashing happen when she was on nightly TV, why does it always happen in times of desperation for eyeballs and relevance…tits man…thee back-up plan.

Chelsea Handler Ass

More Chelsea Handler nudity..

Chelsea Handler Nude


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Nipples of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nipples

I always found Chelsea Handler’s content mean spirited, rude, vulgar and unappealing….even though people say I am an asshole to celebrities and by default I should like other vulgar, rude and unattractive people….But then again, I appreciate mean spirited content when it is directed at celebrities, since they are the fucking worst
She seemed like a bitter bitch, just trying to be as nasty as possible because she couldn’t get a career as an actress and was forced to choose the route of ugly girls to get where she is…even with the tits…COMEDY.

It’s very easy for a woman to take over the Comic scene…cuz comics are all perverts who can’t get laid….losers really….that’s why Louis C.K. is jerking off on random comics….easy to manipulate.

I don’t mind that in her old age, Chelsea Handler loves showing off her big tits to get noticed, I mean it’s the only thing she does worth paying attention to, and the only thing most women do worth paying attention to.

Her tits are her whole act now…so here she is being “funny” with the titties….oh that wild comedian girl…exhibitionism….but where’s the clit….

This isn’t hot, but it happened….again.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Nipples of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nipples Nude Lace Bra Black Panties

Chelsea Handler loves showing her tits, because she has the right to do that on social media, since she is famous and a woman, all empowered and pushing the limits, but when I post the shit…I get my account deleted…which is fucking mental to me….be consistent fuckers…

I guess we live in this fake news world, that has existed since media was created, because you can angle stories however the fuck you want, to tell whatever story you want, and the minion idiots will believe it…or take a side and fight to the blood for that site….

You can argue that it’s targeted to self involved, uneducated, idiots who don’t have liberal arts degrees that help them step back and analyze what is being fed to them….you know ignorants…but it’s safe to say that people are ignorant from all walks of life, on either side of the fence, and that people seem to like things that are black and white, as long as it’s not too black, and that people hate any other viewpoint that from their own…which makes everyone a fucking fascist….

So Chelsea Handler can put her tits out there, but I can’t repost her tits calling her an old garbage cunt that probably smells like cellulitis or other vaginal infections, the remains of sucking cock to get ahead as a comedian, after he acting career never panned out, but she knew she was meant to be on stage, being mean…with her hate speech..that can’t be seen as hate speech because she’s a woman…girl power….

BUT…none of us can…they delete us, they block us, they call us misogynistic, they try to shut us up…

We can pretend what we do is art, this is my art, I mean it’s not news…it’s me talking shit on some old whore showing off her tits….and they can pretend they love art, support free thinking, encourage it…as long as it fits their mold…

Even if this site is satire, ironic, me saying “look at these whores, they are whores”…in efforts to elevate people to not be whores…

Even if I can spin this to any angle that is more than just be slandering these idiots who are rich but set themselves up to be slandered….

Even if I only want to judge the wet t-shirt contest, but with the whole #metoo movement, there are no more wet t-shirt contests.

So Instead the nipples in sheer bras I see are on old hags like this…

The world is unfair…but at least sluts will always exist.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Topless of the Day

Chelsea Handler is everyone’s famous funny girl, except mine.

I always found her content mean spirited, rude, vulgar and unattractive.

She seemed like a bitter bitch, just trying to be as nasty as possible because she couldn’t get a career as an actress and was forced to choose the route of ugly girls to get where she is…even with the tits…

But then again, I appreciate mean spirited content when it is directed at celebrities, since they are the fucking worst and get groupied on all day, thinking they are fucking awesome even when they know that they aren’t because they are rich and live the good life…a well executed scam…

I don’t mind that in her old age, Chelsea Handler loves showing off her big tits to get noticed, I mean it’s the only thing she does worth paying attention to, and the only thing most women do worth paying attention to.

It’s weird that her tits are her whole act now that her show was cancelled, but not weird enough to stare at.

Chelsea Handler Topless

Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Fat Tit if the Day

Chelsea Handler pulled the big titty out…on some facetime with some dude…in some contrived tactic to show off her tit like the aspiring actor / sex worker she was before deciding to be a quirky bitchy talk show host everyone thought was funny – in an era when we were allowed to tease people for things….

I didn’t post the Chelsea Handler big titty being pulled out because I didn’t know it happened, there’s so much going on in the world, that is more important than a censored pic of some old weather woman’s tit.

Sure it’s a big tit, that’s how it got a TV show, it wouldn’t have got a TV show if it was a small tit….

Sure it’s dragging around like it’s sad knowing that it’s old…

But it’s still a tit being asked to be looked at…as if we are all orderlies at the old folks home and I think that alone makes it worth looking at…even if in the grand scheme of the world it matters at the most insignificant level…but that is a pretty big, full, fat tit…and that alone is worth wanting to suck on like a newborn baby who hasn’t eaten yet…

Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Tit Pic of the Day


Chelsea Handler wants to stay relevant as hard as she can – you know now that she doesn’t have a TV show on TV, even though she has a show on Netflix, while Netflix is the future….and what better way to do it than rope in some fat middle aged woman into taking a fan pic…with her tits out…because tits out, as any college girl on a bus to the big game will tell you, is a timeless tactic to get love, support, respect, an audience, friends, fans, date raped.

Posted in:Chelsea Handler