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Archive for the Chelsea Handler Category




Chelsea Handler is Gay of the Day

I got in a minor Facebook, despite hating social media, argument with some gays because they were mad someone posted that the NFL dude coming out being treated as a hero was pretty obnoxious, since who the fuck cares who fucks whatever they chose to fuck, this gay thing is out of hand, if everyone is gay, what’s the big fucking deal….

I typically avoid Facebook and all social media because they are the fucking devil on all levels and have never done anything good for me, especially now in the era of uptight fucks sitting their waiting to be mad…

I remember right before Twitter deleted my “new” account during the Oscars or some shit, I called out some tired comedian’s skit and some lady made it a race thing, and I wasn’t even thinking of the comedian’s race, realizing, we’ve lost the battle…everyone was easily triggered which is hilarious on a level, but not when they side with the triggered….

Anyway, all these gays got mad at me for agreeing that the gay thing shouldn’t be a talking point, it’s not the 90s when the real gay revolution happened, it’s more a fetish now, something different to do, as everyone is becoming Brave New World fuck each other at all times cuz cumming is good…

So seeing Handler and the top of her fake tits with her pride flag is like seeing corporations with the pride flag…or the white house with the pride flag…it’s pandering…and if she really wanted to trigger the gays, she should uncross those legs and show us her balls.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Burns Her Ass of the Day

Chelsea Handler is rumored to be going on tour because she’s vaccinated and horny, which is the name of the show….which makes sense because girls are allowed to have wet pussies if they want..men aren’t allowed to talk about their erections because boners are perverted and symbols of oppression…just ask the girls who got Louie CK cancelled…not that I think any comedian shouldn’t be cancelled…they are all losers who don’t stand by their jokes, who are fame whore idiots, oftentimes one trick ponies who found a hook that worked for them, and they just consistently repeat themselves and their jokes and it’s all so unimpressive…especially now that they are scared for being cancelled despite having made stupid money in the lamest and easiest way….so their jokes aren’t progressive or interesting…its’ all woke shit pandering and they should be ignored…

Chelsea Handler was probably always horny, I would assume that’s how she got where she got, and her nudes for attention is a constant reminder of that, however, the horny may have only set in when she hit menopause, you know all that testosterone….

This is her shaking her ass from a mile away from the mirror and it looks alright to me…I mean when you’re a vain fake titty bitch with a dream to be a famous actress and you lower yourself through comedy and it worked, you might as well be naked on instagram to keep that broken dream alive…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Butthole of the Day

Chelsea Handler is one of those old stripper types that has no shame because she’s done far more disgusting shit in front of groups of people for as many years as she’s been working…so now that she’s 50, it’s just a put those fat tits and skeletor with skin hanging off her face out there, because nudity gets positive feedback even when you’re old, used up and nasty.

The funniest thing about Handler isn’t her jokes, which I remember being cunty and unwatchable, but maybe that’s me….they were clearly good enough to land a TV show for a while or have respect in the comedy scene…but I think her dick sucking had more to do with that…not that I know anything about the comedy scene, I find it lame, laughing is for losers….and a distraction from all that is wrong in the world…

Anyway, I don’t think Handler really gave a fuck about comedy either, she just did that because her acting wasn’t working for her and I guess she knew she could be funny and inappropriate while charming execs, so it’d be easy to apply to loser comedians…

The whole naked thing is fine, but the looking at that mom in her 50s looking back is the reason I don’t like the public pool.

Bodies expire….and it’s often too late when women throw in the towel and decide to be naked…because they’ve either given up or are using the last ditch effort to exist…because when half of hollywood has seen your asshole, what’s the problem with the instagram followers seeing it.

I guess the answer is that there is no problem with that…it’s just not very nice to look at….


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Naked in The Snow of the Day

Here’s some Chelsea Handler in her retard helmet, you know because one more head injury will put her retard brain into a coma or some shit….promoting books before the government decides to ban books…in efforts to prove that despite being a retard she can still read….or at least post with books in hand at some ski trip she’s on because rich people have better lives than normals…who have to work to pay rent in their shitty apartments that they have been locked in for months thanks to COVID, because they don’t have the money or luxury to go to a winter retreat ski trip like they were Chelsea Handler…

I don’t know why this old bag of shit feels the need to get naked all the time, but she’s having a good time doing it, and I’ll look at any bags of shit naked, no matter how old and unfunny, overhyped, obnoxious, irritating they are….I’d just prefer if she was actually naked so we could see how meaty her cunt is…but instead I see a different kind of holocaust…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Nude Again of the Day

Chelsea Handler is some old as shit comedian who wanted to be more than some comedian but ended up running with it because at the time people liked cunty bitches who were cunty towards the celebrities she interviewed, it was an angle that wouldn’t work today, because you have to jerk everyone off with your hand and mouth so that they don’t get triggered and start crying like the weak victims they are….instead of just going along with the joke, they have to fight the joke, since we’ve all become robots who don’t know how to joke..unless it involves sharing a BERNIE meme….weird world..

I am not defending Handler’s comedy, I am just saying she was able to get where she got after failing as an actress because male comedians who helped her out, were into a girl with fake tits wanting to be a comedian and willing to fuck them in the process…

SHe is consistently half naked on her social media, showing off her fake tits, since they are an add on item she purchased and I definitely don’t think it’s something to jack off to, but if a bitch grabs her tits crying for people to notice her, it’s still worth looking at, even if it’s garbage…thanks to the whole tit thing…

Until we see a spread ass Chelsea handler playing connect the dots with her old lady hemorrhods, or HPV/HSV scars…I won’t think she’s falling deep into obscurity, but she will…we will get the sex tape or the masturbation scene…the next Maitland Ward over here potentially…it just all depends on how rich she got the 10 years she mattered….probably too rich….but fame and relevance is a hell of a drug and when you gotta chase it there’s only one easy way to do it…SLUT THE FUCK OUT…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Chair Lift Titty Flash of the Day

Chelsea Handler Flash

Chelsea Handler is some attention seeking bullshit who should be cancelled, I mean I guess she’s been cancelled, since her show is no longer on tv, yet she still manages to exist because that’s how social media works…the big downfall of social media is that people can fade away into obscurity so the once famous remain the always famous….becuase people never unfollow.

It’s really more depressing than the fact that kids are killing themselves, plastic surgery-ing themselves, getting abducted, developing eating disorders, consuming fake news as they become more and more vapid selfie takers who photoshop themselves, making me doubt there will be a future because social media makes lazy idiot consumers….

Because sometimes, you just want a celebrity to go away….

Now Chelsea Handler uses social media the way it is supposed to be used, flashing her tits, posting her tits, freeing the nipple like it is some kind of political campaign, but really it’s her mindless way to get attention, you know a titty flash always get a laugh, it’s the more appealing “fart” in the room gag….plus they are fake so put them to work to get that ROI…since people like tits and tits get talked about…and maybe tits will keep the flasher working for years to come with her pulling out her tit comedy….

I don’t know why she censored the tits, we’ve seen the tits, if you’re going to rook me in with tits, show me where the comedians who helped her exist as a comedian used to suckle…as she breast fed them…as payment…before fucking them….as payment.

At least she’s fun.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Topless Voter the Day

In case you didn’t know, there’s an election today….and every fucking celebrity idiot who is overpaid, far too successful for their level of talent, including but not limited to this Chelsea Handler trash, who was just a failed actress who realized she could seduce her way up the ranks via Comedy, like some Whitney Cummings, another Comedy groupie in LA, who knew that if you want to meet losers who have some clout, connections and can help make them exist in the entertainment industry, the single best place to be is the lame ass comedy club, because comics need to get laid…so as all these idiots bounce jokes of each other, trying to win the affection of the tits in the room, garbage women comics were created….and some have made 100s of millions of dollars…

In case you missed it, Chelsea Handler is one of those cunts who is totally unrelatable, trying to be relatable, or trying to influence the vote, she even got 50 CENTS to retract his TRUMP endorsement because her racist ass did a Black on Blonde mandingo fetish relationship with him, and the pussy was that good, I mean good enough to get her a TV show…she’s a pro people…

Her consistently being topless at 65 disturbs me, even if the tits are only 15 years old, because old ladies getting topless to get noticed is just sad….I mean any girl getting naked to get noticed is sad….you’re worth more than that, you know, but we are the misogynists for calling you a shameless desperate cunt reducing the value of women around the world with shitty jokes and getting topless to be heard, clearly, we’re not the fucking problem here….no one’s sexualizing Handler but her damn self…

But I guess when there’s toplessness, there’s me looking at it, so here’s toplessness that I’ll look at….but HATE because I don’t like celebs, their propaganda, the fact that they are out of touch in their insular communities of bullshit, yet think their opinion or experience reflects anything a NORMAL person lives…you elitist cunts.

Plus she’s gross…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Retard Helmet of the Day

Chelsea Handler Retard Helmet

Chelsea Handler may be a cunt, her comedy may be mean spirited enough to get noticed, but really just her trying to pander to the celebrity world that she wanted to so badly be a part of by pretending she’s above it. I don’t remember ever finding her funny, interesting or compelling in any way….but then her show got cancelled and she got naked on instagram where she shows off what I assume are fake tits, because before she did the comedy route to get famous since it was an easy one as a girl, comedians are typically losers who can’t get laid so if an averagely hot girl strolls in, they all do all they can to elevate her career so that they can jerk off to her in their hotel room after a show and laugh about it until the MeToo movement makes them question the experience and try to get that toxic male cancelled…

Point being, Chelsea Handler has tits, they are not exposed like they normally are, but they are in an old lady bikini, while she rocks a helmet, with what could be a dumb as fuck caption I am not going to read, because I’m sticking with retard helmet, because I still use the word retard on internet, in conversation, I’m old and not going to change a good thing….but yeah…the retard helmet so she doesn’t brain damage herself while hitting her head against the wall or whatever else it is that retards do…

Weird bikini pics, sure, but tits.

Chelsea Handler Retard Helmet


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Topless of the Day

Chelsea Handler Topless Nude

Chelsea Handler is out holding her fake tit for attention because like me, her comedy is shit and can’t carry itself, so it needs the tits to get people to notice, even if they aren’t paying attention.

I always found her a loud mouth cunt and her show was some weird condescending garbage I only watched once or twice, so maybe she’s some genius talent and the titty pics are less about attention and more about sharing with her fans because she does have fan.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this bitch had an ego, thought she was going to be a big actor with her cheesy tits, a victim of thinking she’s hotter than she is…only to realize the only way to the top is through sucking comedian dick at the comedy clubs because comedians are some of the most socially awkward virginal fucks who can’t get laid, despite girls saying they look for humor in a guy, they mean they look for humor in a guy who has money.

ANYWAY, through manipulation tactics that are likely similar to this, she made it, and ow a millionaire, she can focus on her passion of exhibitionism despite being 50 fucking years old.

All this to say, you can’t hate on a whore for being a whore when it’s what she’s done for so long! I just prefer my whoring when it has more completion, more climatic moments…this is sort of the intro…where’s the gaping gangbang from a bunch of black dudes…figure it out you loose pussied trash.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Chelsea Handler Naked Again of the Day

Chelsea Handler Nude

The verdict is that people hate Chelsea Handler posting her nudes but not for the nudes….

They hate that she’s a loud mouth cunt who is getting naked for attention….but still think she looks ok nude. Despite being 400 years old, I guess the demographic here is old dudes who have given up on life and don’t even bother jerking off to under 25 year olds because it’s far too much of a fantasy that it’s not even believable as a fantasy….so instead they turn to the MILF porn, the old lady porn….because at least they know there’s a shot that a body like that could one day end up on their dick.

It’s like they think her being nude takes away the purity of a nude and turns it into a monetization strategy taking away from the nude…because nudes are more than just the image, they are also the intention of the nude…and that can offset the jerk-off-ability to a nude…not that anyone jerks off to this shameless loudmouth, but they may.

Chelsea Handler Nude


Posted in:Chelsea Handler