I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Chrissy Teigen Category




Chrissy Teigen Shitty See Through of the Day

Chrissy Teigen wore a see through shirt a few days ago. She posted it to her instagram. Her fans that she doesn’t deserve, because she’s not very hot, downloaded the shit and played with the brightness and contrast so that you can see her nipple. Nipple that she’s had exposed in photoshoots before. Nipple that is hardly interesting, kind of dumpy, but like any gold digger, smart enough to land a man right before he gets actually famous, make him co-dependent, so that all his fame and fortune he attributes to you…so much so that his last song is about you…which will hold up nice in divorce court.

She’s an enemy of the site, she’s gone to war with me. I don’t really care, I figure old sloppy bitches who never made it deserve someone to target their frustration on, and it might as well be me…I am selfless like that…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen in Some Nude Shoot of the Day

[pics removed]

Chrissy Teigen is my fake enemy, because I am sure we both don’t really give a fuck about each other. Her story, from what I know, just makes me laugh.

What I see is an average at best, what would be an “Instagram Model”, if bitch wasn’t so fucking old, who booked one swimsuit catalog for Billabong or some other surf brand way back 8 years ago, that was shot by one of Kanye’s friends from Chicago, who ended up introducing her to John Legend, who I guess she felt was going to be the next big thing…so she took her 250 dollar pay check from the bikini catalog she did, and wifed the motehrfucker before he was really rich and famous so it looked less obvious and made him believe she was part of the process…and in wifing the motherfucker, she’s managed to keep herself busy plain ton social media, and doing free campaigns for people like Sports Illustrated and their affiliates…

So to some she’s a gold digging hooker, to me she’s just an opportunist who knew she couldn’t make it as a model without some celebrity support, and if she get mad when people say she’s fat, or has a shitty pug face that is bloated from either hard drinking, cocaine, or botox and filler…because no one likes to admit they manipulated a man with their tits…and who gives a fuck, because you can just stare at her tits…like you were John Legend getting sucked the fuck in…early on in your career…making her too expensive to fucking divorce…

Anyway, she wrote a nice blog post about me on her site once, I feel like it’s my claim to fame. HERE because I think she should finalize the dig, with a pregnancy retirement plan…I’m just being practical…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen is a Chubby Drunk Attention Whore of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is a chubby, drunk, attention whore who has probably made 3 dollars modelling the last decade, since locking down John Legend and thinking she was responsible for his career, cuz she got in there early…

She’s also an unstable, depressive drunk, who looks like she may be pregnant, with a pug face, and not in a cute pug face way, who hates this website..because I called her out on being low level, and a wallet fucker, because that’s pretty much what she is..she even went to her blog to write about it…

You see, when you date any successful musician, scamming your way into Sports Illustrated is easy…because she was a bikini model at one point, for billabong, int he fucking 90s….for one season catalog…that’s all she’s ever done other than being a funny clown with big tits on social media all day, because you don’t actually work, and it allows you to seemingly feel more important than you are…even when you’re not….you know the kind of girl who will end up on her own reality show…which I guess is more important than I’ll ever be…but I can still sit on the sidelines and laugh at her silliness…and I will…even though I think we’d make lovely, life long friends, if she wasn’t such a fucking hater….because as you know, I like girls who get in their bikinis, with big tits and rich husbands to finance my drinking…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen Looks Like Shit on the Cosmo Covers Her Husband Bought Her of the Day

Two years ago, Chrissy Teigen praised me calling me funny and loving all I do…I have visual proof of that, because the internet leaves a paper trail that bitch, in all her instability can’t hide…unless she deleted the tweet…

Last Year, Chrissy Tieigen turned on me, like an unstable cunt, because we’ve never met in person and I guess she had enough of being called an pug-faced, and not in a cute “I Own a Pug and Like People Who Look Like Pugs” kind of way…I also called her fat, old, and said it was time for her to retired, even though in her career, she’s made all of 10 dollars working as a model, and all her living is from John Legend’s fame….a man she locked in before he made money and who she will ride til the end because he’s her one hit wonder…and she can go to bed at night legitimately thinking she’s in it for the right reasons and that 50 percent of his career is due to her because she’s supported him through it…rather than just wallet fucking a rich guy from day one, she wallet fucked a rich guy before he got really rich…

Anyway, she’s not a fan of me, and that’s ok, because I am not a fan of her, or anything about her, I think she’s ugly as a person on the inside and out, overrated, not hot at all, and only a model for affirmative action reasons…but for some reason people find her funny, but not as funny as these shitty Cosmo covers….that we can assume were bought for her, because that’s the kind of gold digger she is, the kind who can’t acknowledge it.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen’s Vagoina Raspberries of the DAy

For those of you who don’t know…Chrissy Teigen doesn’t like me….She even took to her shitty food blog to WRITE ABOUT HOW IT FEELS BEING CALLED OUT FOR BEING A GOLD MINING FAME WHORE WHO DOESN”T GET WORK AND WHO SHOULD JUST GET KNOCKED UP SO WE CAN ALL FORGET ABOUT HER …..

And now she’s giving Brooklyn Decker Vagina Raspberries, or what Bill Cosby calls Zurberts…where you press your lips on a pussy, or really any flesh and blow…

This would possibly be more exciting if these girls weren’t 100 year olds hanging onto the looks that made them money…even if those looks aren’t all that good…and more importantly…landed them dudes who make actual money…not Chrissy Teigen’s booking one job a month at 4k a day….money….

Either way…Vagina Raspberries look fun….even when has been garbage who has fallen off the rails participate…we call this “I’ll do anything for attention, just watch”….

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen Slutty with her Husband of the Day

Chrissy Teigen showed off her titties in a TWITTER PIC from some romantic bullshit video she shot with her husband John Legend, which was a little too masturbatory for me, but I am the kind of guy who like ripping out my eyes, or even go Columbine on people who show me how in love their are with wedding albums, or bullshit like this…

So I didn’t watch the video, I’m just assuming at least one of you likes this gold digging twat, and alsy assume that she exposes her tits, at least once, because that’s how you get attention and attention is all she wants…or needs….

She’s the worst…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen Titty for Twitter of the Day

This picture makes me laugh, because Chrissy Teigen has been trying so fucking hard to be famous for the last few years. From being engaged to some Grammy winning musician, to scamming her way onto the pages of SI, to hustling twitter harder than an attention seeking tween…but nothing’s really worked out for her…she’s still just the Wifey only a handful of people give a fuck about…and a few other people stare at when pics come along….

So she’s taken a page out of the Emily Ratajkowski’s hustle, because it worked for Emily Ratajkowski, because Emily Ratajkowski has a bit of fucking vision and substance and figured out the formula early on…not to mention she’s hotter, not a bottom feeder and consistent in her delivery…you know doing things she liked doing, not scared to be naked, and boom she’s gone viral…

Something Chrissy Teigen obviously thinks is can bull off and that maybe it will change things for her…but the fact is..no one really fucking cares…she should just get knocked up and gold dig like she’s supposed to.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen|NSFW




Chrissy Teigen for Beachbunny Bride of the Day

Sports Illustrated model, Chrissy Teigen who I may or may not think deserves to be in Sports Illustrated, because she’s gone the route of Kate Upton, and is a little fuckin thick…you know from all her food blog eating…but then I am reminded that Sports Illustrated likes their women doughy and untoned, because doughy and untoned comes with natural titties…and since I don’t really handle their casting, but I should, I’ll just stare at the bikinis, whether I am that into the bitch or not…

Well, she’s gone the route of Kate Upton, and other SI Models, and is now doing some spokesperson shit for some company that is probably owned by the wife of someone at SI..Beachbunny…and the fascinating thing is that she’s doing the bridal collection…because no real bikini company is trashy enough unless they have some white bikinis that are not just perfect for destination beach weddings at the shitty 3 star all inclusive…but that are made just for that purpose…just don’t get your period in them…

Now as much as I like naked bitches, Chrissy Teigen should just assume the role of rich wife to the rich music man who once modeled to land this life…sure she’s funny on the internet, like clown or comedian, and sure I like all girls in bikinis, even the fat ones, but there’s just something missing in her modeling…that something is what I call “wanting to lick her bikini so hard that it starts to melt off her, even though it is designed to last polluted salt water”….she just doesn’t do it for me…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen Did the ESPYs Last Night of the Day

Chrissy Teigen was at the ESPYs last night and at least someone was having fun. It was on at the bar I was drinking at and shit was fucking boring. I also know people who were there who said shit was fucking boring…but this Chrissy Teigen is just so happy her gold mining worked out, and she’ll get down and act silly everywhere cuz life is just that good for her..

What’s not good is her photo editing skills, I mean shit she looks fat and stupid in this, and I get she’s trying to have her own talk show or something, and I get she tries to be funny, but bitch is a model…so fucking model..let’s not get off course here…

What a stupid lookin’ bitch.


Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Chrissy Teigen for Beach Bunny of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is some ethnic busty model from SI who I consider part of the stepfather family.

Not because I am black or asian and not because I am her husband, John Legend’s long lost relative from the same orphanage or wherever he learned to play piano before landing a gold digging modeling wife.

Not that she’s necessarily a gold digger, I don’t know her personal finances, maybe she’s just a fame whore and likes the celebrity connection, because I am sure she could be fucking far richer people than him.

Whatever her deal is, she’s definitely not fucking the poor dude in the studio apartment down the street because girls are all the fucking same and always choose the good life.

I consider her part of the stepfather family, because she tweeted me once, probably something rude, I don’t remember, but it turns out it’s just that easy to get with me people. I’m such a slut.

Here’s the video….

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen