I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Christina Aguilera Category




I am – Christina Aguilera's See Through Pregnancy Nipples Dress of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

So we all know that Christina Aguilera is pregnant and we all know that her husband isn’t the best looking dude in the world, because he kinda reminds us of the kid who had no friends growing up. The funny thing about the kid with no friends growing up was just a little socially awkward and funny looking, but all that alone time and rejection lead him to learn some kind of skill, That skill was making enough money doing whatever the fuck he does to get in circles where girls like Christina Aguilera hangs out for long enough to pull his dick out and blow her away with what’s gotta be some kind of heavy machinery, because this slut looks like a size queen….so here he is knocking some popstar up when every girl who ever turned him down or laughed at him is sitting in her shitty home in the shitty town they are from looking at her shitty husband who was the highschool hero but now can barely make enough money to pay for their shitty car, listening to Augilera songs while cooking their shitty dinner with food they bought with coupons, knowing the whole time that life coulda been a lot better for her, had she not been such a superficial fucking cunt. I guess karma is a bitch.

Unfortunately, you’re the socially awkward kid everyone avoided because you smell and you have no skills that will ever take you to places popstars hang out and if you were there you wouldn’t be able to impress her with your huge penis you’d just probably make her laugh or run away, something you’re used to by now…but thanks to these pictures you don’t need to get into any celebrity high profile circle to make out this bitches tits she’s doing all the work for us….in a few months these fuckers are going to have a baby dominating them, so enjoy it while they last….

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Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Pregnancy Cleavage Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Tits in China Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus Video

Posted in:Breasts|Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Nipple|Pregnant|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera Pregnancy Tits of the Day


Here are some pictures of pregnant Christina Augilera’s leaving some restaurant with her husband that gives all of you hope that if you ever make a lot of money, you can knock up a bitch like Christina too, but until then, you’ll have to jerk of to her attempt at ready to drop porn that is pretty fucking weak cuz all we can see is her huge implant pregnancy fat milk filled tits. That’s good enough for me, what isn’t good enough for me is that I lost a bet I made 10 years ago that I would bang her in my lifetime, that fact that dude dropped load in her that stuck means she’ll probably stick it out with him for a while probably a good move on his part, because being the baby daddy of X-Tina’s baby is sure to go over well with all the young college chicks he’s going to cheat on her with because now he thinks he’s hot shit…I am just hoping it’s enough time for me to get my shit together because I hate losing bets and because I already know she’s got no standards….but I think it’s easier to just accept that I didn’t win. I am lazy like that.

I used to know a guy who was obsessed with trying to get a girl pregnant. He never really had sex all that often and when he did it was usually paid for. He would always sabotage his condoms hoping one would get through but the problem with hookers is that you can’t always find them for the follow-up. He became so obsessed with it that he’d go to the laundry room in his building and jerk of on girls panties, thinking that one unsuspecting girl would put on the underwear before it dried. What he didn’t realize was that there was a hidden camera in the laundry room of his building and the one girl he constantly did it too caught on the first time and made a complaint. He got arrested and he probably should have quit his pregnancy quest while he was ahead…but dude just had to push the limits.

Either way, here are some Aguilera crazy cleavage pictures.

If I was a real blog this post would have been two lines and it woulda gone like this: Hey Christina, maybe you should lay off the cheesecake it’s starting to look like you’re pregnant. Oh wait it’s cuz you are. Nice tits.

Related Posts:

Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Fucking Cleavage Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Fucking Cleavage in China Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus Video
Christina Aguilera’s Orgasm Face Pictures

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I am – Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Fucking Cleavage of the Day


Being the slowest site to update out there, I am sure you’ve seen all these pictures before, but it’s Monday so I don’t really give a fuck about giving you what you need and how fast you need it, I am still trying to wake the fuck up and deal with the fact that my life is pretty fucking shitty, especially when I am sitting here cropping pictures of a bitch with big tits, like it’s fucking newsworthy or relevant to the world.

I am more fascinated with milk filled tits than I am with fake tits, lucky for use Augilera has both since she’s knocked up and a highend stipper or pornstar who doesn’t need to fuck on camera or get naked on stage for some dude’s pocket change, she does it behind closed doors but she still has to live up to the image by getting fake tits, fake hair, fake tan, and a manager boyfriend type who is ready to exploit her the first chance he gets to make a dollar, because that’s just what his kind does….

I once knew a stripper who made breast milk a huge part of her act. The stripclub was in some small town in some barn and the girls were all pretty strong from working the fields all day and the pole all night. This one bitch they called Creamy Clementine would get on stage and hose the locals down with her tit milk from having numerous kids and a breast pump that kept shit going well into her 40s. Anyway, I originally didn’t understand why all the grown men were going crazy like she was the Kool Aid guy and she just broke through their highschool cafeteria wall, but they were fucking hooked. I am talking pushing each other down and beating each other up to get to the stream of milky goodness squirting out of her tit.

I never took part in this show because it grossed me out and I didn’t research what kind of diseases a diseased whore can spread through her tits so I just kept my curiosity at bay until this guy I knew with the hottest wife around asked me to babysit. I know asking a drunken pervert to babysit seems fucking weird, but I love kids and we had a good time, the only problem is that she had about 4 bottles of her milk set aside for the kid and I couldn’t help but taste it thinking about old Creamy Clementine from years before.

I got hooked and I drank all 4 bottles, shit was powerful and I needed more so I’d show up unexpected a couple times a week and down all the tit milk I could find….that was until they caught on and I was blacklisted from their home and banned as a friend of the family, but I still remember the smooth flavor that touched my lips and slowly dripped down my throat and every time I see a bitch with milk filled titties I get all excited to get a taste, for some reason asking for a taste never goes over as well as planned cuz girls just think you want to suck their tits and end up slapping you or having their husbands defend their honor, but I promise I’ve got good intentions….

Related Posts:

Christina Aguilera Big Ol’ Titties in China
Christina Aguilera Partying in a Club
stepTV Does Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus
Christina Aguilera’s Orgasm Face
Christina Aguilera’s See Through Dress

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Pregnant|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera's Crazy Fucking Cleavage of the Day


Being the slowest site to update out there, I am sure you’ve seen all these pictures before, but it’s Monday so I don’t really give a fuck about giving you what you need and how fast you need it, I am still trying to wake the fuck up and deal with the fact that my life is pretty fucking shitty, especially when I am sitting here cropping pictures of a bitch with big tits, like it’s fucking newsworthy or relevant to the world.

I am more fascinated with milk filled tits than I am with fake tits, lucky for use Augilera has both since she’s knocked up and a highend stipper or pornstar who doesn’t need to fuck on camera or get naked on stage for some dude’s pocket change, she does it behind closed doors but she still has to live up to the image by getting fake tits, fake hair, fake tan, and a manager boyfriend type who is ready to exploit her the first chance he gets to make a dollar, because that’s just what his kind does….

I once knew a stripper who made breast milk a huge part of her act. The stripclub was in some small town in some barn and the girls were all pretty strong from working the fields all day and the pole all night. This one bitch they called Creamy Clementine would get on stage and hose the locals down with her tit milk from having numerous kids and a breast pump that kept shit going well into her 40s. Anyway, I originally didn’t understand why all the grown men were going crazy like she was the Kool Aid guy and she just broke through their highschool cafeteria wall, but they were fucking hooked. I am talking pushing each other down and beating each other up to get to the stream of milky goodness squirting out of her tit.

I never took part in this show because it grossed me out and I didn’t research what kind of diseases a diseased whore can spread through her tits so I just kept my curiosity at bay until this guy I knew with the hottest wife around asked me to babysit. I know asking a drunken pervert to babysit seems fucking weird, but I love kids and we had a good time, the only problem is that she had about 4 bottles of her milk set aside for the kid and I couldn’t help but taste it thinking about old Creamy Clementine from years before.

I got hooked and I drank all 4 bottles, shit was powerful and I needed more so I’d show up unexpected a couple times a week and down all the tit milk I could find….that was until they caught on and I was blacklisted from their home and banned as a friend of the family, but I still remember the smooth flavor that touched my lips and slowly dripped down my throat and every time I see a bitch with milk filled titties I get all excited to get a taste, for some reason asking for a taste never goes over as well as planned cuz girls just think you want to suck their tits and end up slapping you or having their husbands defend their honor, but I promise I’ve got good intentions….

Related Posts:

Christina Aguilera Big Ol’ Titties in China
Christina Aguilera Partying in a Club
stepTV Does Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus
Christina Aguilera’s Orgasm Face
Christina Aguilera’s See Through Dress

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Pregnant|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera Lookin’ Like One Classy Broad of the Day

Christina Aguilera

I had to transfer to another school halfway through my sophomore year cause we moved and they wouldn’t let me go to the same school. I don’t make new friends too well, so school basically became a day to day schedule me being picked on and getting my ass kicked, cause I wasn’t a loser-jock-girl-fuck who wore Sweatsuits to school everyday with the word JUICY blazing across my ass. There was this one asshole named Juan who fucked with me everyday and was basically the dude who lead everybody else in fucking with me and the other kids, and who everyone in the school hated him but never said shit to him about it.

Before the end of the year he was drunk and crashed his car, genius that he was, and fucking died. Low and behold, all the sudden everyone was so sorry he was gone, and there was yearbook dedications and days off of school etc. What pissed me off most was how all those fucks that said they hated him the day before were suddenly so sad he was gone.

Not me, I didn’t give a shitand told everyone so and even got in trouble because of it. But that asshole had it coming, and karma is a bitch. They gave us all the day off on his funeral. I went out and got drunk with my friends from my old school in the park and lit firecrackers while I screamed with excitement. I knew that asshole was the cause of my problems, and sure enough, I had no problems at school after that and finished the school year in peace. Ding, Dong, the witch was dead.

I always liked Christina Aguilera, not just because shes an amazing fucking talent (her music kinda sucks, granted, but fuck can she can sing) but because I once read that everyone hated her in highschool and she used to get the shit kicked out of her all the time. It gives me hope that my piece of shit life will one day turn around and I will be rich, famous and throwing eggs at the people I hate while I hang out the roof from my Limo with a bottle of vodka.

Okay maybe not the Limo, cause limos are for losers but you get the idea.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Christina Aguilera at a Press Conference in China With Her Big Ol’ Tits of the Day

I am – Christina Aguilera in Montreal of the Day

I am – Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus of the Day

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera Lookin' Like One Classy Broad of the Day

Christina Aguilera

I had to transfer to another school halfway through my sophomore year cause we moved and they wouldn’t let me go to the same school. I don’t make new friends too well, so school basically became a day to day schedule me being picked on and getting my ass kicked, cause I wasn’t a loser-jock-girl-fuck who wore Sweatsuits to school everyday with the word JUICY blazing across my ass. There was this one asshole named Juan who fucked with me everyday and was basically the dude who lead everybody else in fucking with me and the other kids, and who everyone in the school hated him but never said shit to him about it.

Before the end of the year he was drunk and crashed his car, genius that he was, and fucking died. Low and behold, all the sudden everyone was so sorry he was gone, and there was yearbook dedications and days off of school etc. What pissed me off most was how all those fucks that said they hated him the day before were suddenly so sad he was gone.

Not me, I didn’t give a shitand told everyone so and even got in trouble because of it. But that asshole had it coming, and karma is a bitch. They gave us all the day off on his funeral. I went out and got drunk with my friends from my old school in the park and lit firecrackers while I screamed with excitement. I knew that asshole was the cause of my problems, and sure enough, I had no problems at school after that and finished the school year in peace. Ding, Dong, the witch was dead.

I always liked Christina Aguilera, not just because shes an amazing fucking talent (her music kinda sucks, granted, but fuck can she can sing) but because I once read that everyone hated her in highschool and she used to get the shit kicked out of her all the time. It gives me hope that my piece of shit life will one day turn around and I will be rich, famous and throwing eggs at the people I hate while I hang out the roof from my Limo with a bottle of vodka.

Okay maybe not the Limo, cause limos are for losers but you get the idea.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Christina Aguilera at a Press Conference in China With Her Big Ol’ Tits of the Day

I am – Christina Aguilera in Montreal of the Day

I am – Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus of the Day

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I am – Christina Aguilera at a Press Conference in China With Her Big Ol’ Tits of the Day


I was out of town all weekend, like Christina Aguilera, only she was in China promoting something with her fat pregnant tits and I was up in the woods with no internet connection.

It’s called a low cost family vacation and what you do is hitch a ride up to the country with your neighbor and set up a tent he provides in the backyard of the shitty trailer park camp ground he’s been going to for the last 25 years and spend 2 days drinking his beer and eating his potato chips but the most important thing is to leave your fat wife at home and not tell her where you are going because she’s fat and wouldn’t fit in the tent, or be able to bend down and crawl in, but also becaue she is annoying and would constantly want me to babysit her while I want to do other things like sleep all day, try to spy on other campers all night in hopes of listening to them bang.

I always hated camping, even though it was cheap. I just found the whole concept stupid and I like beds more than sleeping on the ground in the woods getting eating by mosquitoes. But I guess as time goes on you realize that being at one with nature while drinking free booze and watching young french girls in bikinis is a hell of a lot better than sitting at your shitbox apartment eating ground beef.

When I was a kid, I was sent to some bible camp by my “foster/adoptive” parents in texas. The fucking thing was a week of Jesus but on the second night there, I snuck out to wander the grounds and shit, I came across 2 of the councillors, who were probably 16 or 17 going at each other like rabid raccoons, bitch was sprawled on all fours and dude was slammin her like it was an order from god. He was committed to her shit, and I sat and watched as it was my first time seeing people bang and I was loving it. The rest of the week, when dudes told me to be good or filled me up with that religious propaganda I knew that they, like me, were full of shit….

I guess all these camping stories kinda suck, but so does the fact that Christina Aguilera is married and knocked up to some dude who may not be much of a looker, but is more successful than you’ll ever be, so I guess you can shit on him all you want or just accept that she is a wallet fucker and start earning for your chance in. Good news is that she doesn’t use condoms….

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Pregnant|Tits|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera at a Press Conference in China With Her Big Ol' Tits of the Day


I was out of town all weekend, like Christina Aguilera, only she was in China promoting something with her fat pregnant tits and I was up in the woods with no internet connection.

It’s called a low cost family vacation and what you do is hitch a ride up to the country with your neighbor and set up a tent he provides in the backyard of the shitty trailer park camp ground he’s been going to for the last 25 years and spend 2 days drinking his beer and eating his potato chips but the most important thing is to leave your fat wife at home and not tell her where you are going because she’s fat and wouldn’t fit in the tent, or be able to bend down and crawl in, but also becaue she is annoying and would constantly want me to babysit her while I want to do other things like sleep all day, try to spy on other campers all night in hopes of listening to them bang.

I always hated camping, even though it was cheap. I just found the whole concept stupid and I like beds more than sleeping on the ground in the woods getting eating by mosquitoes. But I guess as time goes on you realize that being at one with nature while drinking free booze and watching young french girls in bikinis is a hell of a lot better than sitting at your shitbox apartment eating ground beef.

When I was a kid, I was sent to some bible camp by my “foster/adoptive” parents in texas. The fucking thing was a week of Jesus but on the second night there, I snuck out to wander the grounds and shit, I came across 2 of the councillors, who were probably 16 or 17 going at each other like rabid raccoons, bitch was sprawled on all fours and dude was slammin her like it was an order from god. He was committed to her shit, and I sat and watched as it was my first time seeing people bang and I was loving it. The rest of the week, when dudes told me to be good or filled me up with that religious propaganda I knew that they, like me, were full of shit….

I guess all these camping stories kinda suck, but so does the fact that Christina Aguilera is married and knocked up to some dude who may not be much of a looker, but is more successful than you’ll ever be, so I guess you can shit on him all you want or just accept that she is a wallet fucker and start earning for your chance in. Good news is that she doesn’t use condoms….

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Pregnant|Tits|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera in Montreal of the Day


Here are the only pics I could find of Christina Aguilera partying in Montreal with her back-up dancers, or as I like to call them, a popstars hired friends and future husbands.

I didn’t got to this event, because I don’t leave the house, but I did see her tour buses and it was almost as hot as the real thing, because despite how much I want to see Christina sitting on her husbands face, she kinda looks like she’s been run over a few times since her days at Disney.

Speaking of sitting on faces and Disney, I went to a Disney exhibit at the local art museum, because Disney is apparently art and they had a modeling sized Pinnochio model that you’d probably like to sit on its face.

If you are wondering why I was at a Disney exhibit it was because there was promises of free booze and I wanted to scope out security before starting my Sunday Morning protest outside the museum picketing. I am protesting that Walt Disney molested my grandmother when she was a little girl at his theme park. I think it will get me some airtime on local news. I will keep you posted on how it all works out for me…I may be too lazy….

For some insane Christina Aguilera Cleavage Pics GO HERE

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I am – Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus of the Day

Christina Aguilera was in town tonight and I got something more interesting than pics of Christina Aguilera upskirts according to me and that’s a video of Christina Aguilera’s tour buses after her show. She did some cameo at some club that tried to charge me 20 dollars to get in and I don’t have any fucking money and left. But fate brought me together with her tour bus on the highway because a higher power new that we were connected at the fuel pump and lucky for me bitch’s tour buses were rolling next to us for a few minutes. This is the closest I will ever get to this cunt, but reality is that when I was a kid I always wanted a Tonka truck and not a blow up dolls, so it all worked out in the end….Look at me I am TMZ motherfuckers.

If you’re lucky there will be more pictures to come from inside the event…

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