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Archive for the Courtney Stodden Category




Courtney Stodden Clown Tit Nipple Slip of the Day

With all this overpriced, overrated, expensive bullshit Oscar shit…I need to expose myself to some real fucking gutter trash….like Courtney Stodden….

Some fake 16 year old married to some celebrity…despite being a 40 year old hooker…who used her tabloid money to get real fucking ridiculous clown surgery she couldn’t afford from the lap dances…and…

It’s fucking perfect…this is speaking my pervert porno language and the world needs more of this….than that other fancy shit…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden See Through of the Day

Courtney Stodden’s got nipples…on her clown tits….that have been lying to the tabloids about being 16 and married to some old dude no one cares about and the tabloids fucking loved her…but never as much as I loved her…but she never gave me the love I needed…but I did get invited to her Halloween party once and I should have gone, that was where I peaked, like I was her nipples peaking out of her sheer top…for the paparazzi and it’s a good strategy…because people are still into nipples….and she’s already done the sex tape….and where do you go from the sex tape…the only place clown tits can go….after the sex tape has already happened….public nudity…works for me…but probably not for for…but she’s trying and that’s all we can ask of her…

Courtney Stodden is everything…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Courtney Stodden Christmas Miracle of the Day


I think the fact that Courtney Stodden is still getting invited to events…is a Christmas Miracle…his miscarriage…probably also a Christmas miracle, maybe not to her…assuming it was a miscarriage and not just an abortion….but whatever it was it she was great at leveraging it into some weird fucking content….and here she is doing Christmas the only way Christmas should be done…all Mrs Claus stripper / themed hooker – something she’s good a doing, which isn’t saying much because most sex workers are, it doesn’t really take all that much effort to find the sluttiest Santa outfit for the one event you’ve been asked to attend…that shows off your clown tits you spent good money on….

She’s ridiculous, and for some reason, the real obvious shameless bitches are the more honest ones, it’s the fakes who pretend they aren’t being shameless but instead rationalizing it in their minds as being fabulous and desirable…making her a better experience…than an Em Rat Cow…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden is Finally Pregnant and Coughing up a Hairball of the Day


I guess fake child-bride that went viral in more ways than one, but mainly in the tabloids for being a 16 year old wife to some creepy older dude who clearly lost his mind on LOST, but who let some bleached blonde sex doll looking creature run his PR into the ground, or at least into a circus of weirdness white trash America loved and could relate to because white trash America also fucked their fathers…and that I could related to, because I’m old and fuck 20 year olds, some who look 40…and some who are 40 and pretend to be 20 because that’s what hooker fantasies are…

I like to think her best work was shitty SEX TAPE ….but she’s also been on TV, and in every magazine because that’s just the weird world we live in.

Apparently, she’s finally pregnant, or more likely, pregnant because she’s about to hit menopause and that will be one weird baby, with a weird life, that social services should probably take from the horrible parents, but I guess horrible people breed everyday….

Pretty excited for the breast feeding…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden Twerk of the Day

Fame whore and attention seeker who never was, but who did get herself in the tabloids pretty consistently for pretending to be an underage hooker / gold digger…only to turn 18 according to her storyline, at which point she got huge clown tits and became the Courtney Stodden who masturbates in sex videos…

Sex videos that have made Courtney Stodden and Me business partners…becuase of the sex tape…which you can purchase BY CLICKING HERE

A sex tape that isn’t that great, it’s just her masturbating, with her clown tits, but a sex tape you should BY CLICKING HERE

The reason I want you to CLICK HERE is so that I get paid…..

But the truth is that it’s a horrible business, and the real money came from Farrah Abraham…not retirement money…but enough for me to feel part of the process that allows me to never hate them for putting food on my table, by givng me a cut of their whoring…HOWEVER, like all pimps…I don’t mind mocking them, putting them down, and making fun of everything they bring as whores…

This is a twerk video of her, with cameltoe…just trying to keep things going…but CLICK HERE

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden’s Famewhoring for the Animals of the Day


I am an animal lover, but I may just be a human hater, and my be an animal lover due to circumstances, you know the basic human need for love, that I am just directing towards animals because they possess the features you’d want to find in humans, but humans don’t have due to egos and narcissism…

No, I just think I like animals, they are great, that’s not to say I don’t eat meat like some kind of hippie faggot, I am more into eating meat that I get at restaurants and never have to see or touch because I wouldn’t be able to kill an animal to satisfy my love for the tenderness of a chicken’s soul…but I can eat that shit fried up off the bone like a psychopath.

That said, PETA is the key animal advocate organization that probably runs a scam like all the non-profits, overpaying the execs, but that gives famewhores everywhere an excuse to make a spectacle for their cause…keeping PETA talked about…while they try to organize actual campaigns with actual celebs….

I mean why wouldn’t they give Stodden the OK on this, it gets their message across and costs them nothing, bitch just needs an excuse and I guess PETA gives it…

Fame whoring for a good cause is a good excuse and may still be famewhoring…but its’ a good cause…I just thought PETA was about getting people naked, not half naked and covered in what looks like period art, up on some NEW FEMINIST ARTIST….the pornstar version…because STODDEN does softcore porn for VIVID….

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden Catches on Fire of the Day

Courtney Stodden the star of COURTNEY UNCOVERED , a masturbation video she staged that was her most important work…a creature who came out of some stripclub with some low level celebrity as his 16 year old bride, something that would have got him arrested in California, but didn’t because she was in her 30s…but all the tabloids went along with it…and at one point in her career, I even saw her getting her breasts scanned on TV to prove she didn’t have implants…THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN….fucked up..

Well, since mastering the media, while being a real disturbing, uncomfortable to watch, medicated mess…who looks 40…she’s gone onto catch herself on fire on social media…because I guess when you’ve used all your tactics to get talked about, from sex offense victim to clown tits to sex tape…you have limited options…and this is what you come up with….

I find it amazing, but I adore Courtney Stodden, and not just because her team invited me to her Halloween party once…an event I missed…but that has a lot to do with it…most of the low levels fucking hate me, but this one almost wanted to invite me in and that alone is more magical than her catching herself on fire while medicated…

That said, she looks like a lot of fun…my kind of girl…half dead, destroyed and too fucked up to resist my cuddles…a goddess to some…terrifying to others…a good balance of both to me…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden is a Monster in a Bikini of the Day


The highlight of my life was when I got invited to Courtney Stodden’s Halloween party back when she was the 17 year old bride who was actually 40 at the time, using an angel people bought, like she was Bella Thorne….but now, Courtney Stodden is not a funny novelty, her age has caught up to her, her plastic surgery has failed her harder than her sex tape, and her shameless attempts to promote herself with any angle that sticks, in this case TRUMP, is just pathetic….but I still think she represents the American dream, which may be terrifying, because it is…so graceful and harder faced that Shauna Sand and her dick..

Here’s a video from her social…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden Endorses Bernie Sanders in the Weirdest Way of the Day

The Highlight of Courtney Stodden WAS HER SEX TAPE that wasn’t a sex tape, but rather just a reminder of the caliber of talent she is….a hooker who TAkES BATHS AND MASTURBATES WITH HER CLOWN TITS

Not that there is really a highlight to Courtney Stodden, no one even knows who this bitch is, she was in tabloids for being some “teen” bride, despite being 40, with some Actor from LOST or some shit…but the general public, people who don’t pay attention to tabloids, never really happened…even with the SEX TAPE

Yet she still happened…only now, she’s having a harder time tricking us into thinking she’s young, seeing as she looks 100 fucking years old and broken…she’s Terrifying…but I thought that when she first happened….

She’s attaching herself to anything she can to get some buzz, like this “Bernie Sanders” clip…where her husband wears a Bernie mask and she sings “TALK BERNIE TO ME”…

Crazy, but not really as crazy as Donald Trump winning the election with his half statements because he’s working for Hilary Clinton and/or the media, and the media has created him…I mean if he says boo, all these idiots start to analyzing it, he must be laughing with the free publicity. Just hearing quotes from him is jokes…but seeing people read into it, is even more hilarious. I’m Canadian, so none of this matters, except for the desperation and trashiness in Courtney Stodden’s fake lips and tits…that shit is golden…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Courtney Stodden Body Painted at Comicon of the Day

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Courtney Stodden obvious, desperate, embarrassing attention seeker who gets naked, even though she’s not really hot, but rather older than she pretends to be, with stupid bolt on tits, in what I guess is a drug induced level of crazy, thinking this will help her “career”…when really it just sort of makes a clown out of her…

But then again…she doesn’t really have a career…She was the teen bride of a d-lister…and I would say that it’s really too bad that girls want to be famous so bad that they do such nonsense stunts to get noticed…but I love the nonsense stunts..they make me laugh..and they allow me to see her nipples…Which isn’t really a life goal….or a big dealsince I’ve watched her masturbate in her “sex tape”…that has no sex in it…because when your only option is a sex tape…since no one cares about you…go for it…



All this to say, my biggest fail was not going to her Halloween party years ago…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden