I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Dua Lipa Category




Dua Lipa Nipples of the Day

I’ve been seeing a lot about “CONSENT”….that it shouldn’t be NO MEANS NO anymore, but YES MEANS YES, so when you’re getting it on with your tinder date, before burying your face in her asshole, you have to say “are you sure you are ok with this, can you sign this document, we could just film it so that we have the evidence”…in an attempt to nip date rape in the bud….or some other bullshit.

I’ve seen movies or TV shows where they now feature this before the sex scene, to normalize how the WORST SEX ever is to take place….

There is no losing yourself in the moment, it’s just transational, because I guess sex in the future will be transactional…girls have to make money to live in this own nothing be happy world they are mapping out for us…where we’ll assume the woman is the honeypot assuming there are still going to be women and not just a bunch of trannies because they are more confusing and better for the agenda.

So we’ve got this “CONSENT”,”YES MEANS YES”, bullshit laws coming into place, instead of letting women make their own decisions on whether they’ve been raped or not, since the state likes to think woman are mindless retards while pretending they have their autonomy and intelligence….

But there’s no consent to being exposed to tits in sheer tops, like this DUA LIPA bitch, just UNSOLICITED TIT PICS, like it was UNSOLICITED dick pics, that angry women of the internet have decided is the equivalent of internet rape, after weird perverts staring at their smut they monetize give into the boner and want to let the girl know what she’s done to them with their smut.

DUA LIPA, a huge star right now, is in a sheer top, and you can see her shit stain saucer nipples on her decently sized tits that are straight from Albania, via London, via Youtube, via America…now a global Hit Maker for a Globalist agenda.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Upskirt of the Day

Dua Lipa is some weird fucking popstar that is super fucking famous because the industry is manipulated to shit…

They say she’s some YOUTUBE sensation, but I know how the internet works, it may not seem like I know how the internet works, don’t let my laziness, lack of success, drive, and ghetto approach to everything I’ve done over the years, get in the way of me knowing how the internet works….it takes money.

Sure, some people organically go viral, if they get lucky and if she wasn’t planted on Youtube by her label to pretend to be “organically found”….part of the manipulation…

I know the whole “Cover Song” thing can go viral, it’s a mooch attempt to steal the clicks from the actual song, and it may have worked….I am not saying everyone famous is a plant, or fabricated by the industry…there are people who got in at the right time…and it didn’t take a genius to figure it out, especially when they have the tits…

Here she is taking bikini selfies…because that’s how people who are rich and famous try to stay interesting….

I’m not against it, but it’s funny how dumbed down everyone is…drooling…”TITS”….


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Nipples of the Day

They say that DUA LIPA is some sort of industry plant, they happen, you know someone with connections or within the industry figures out they can take this person to the top and that person essentially works for them because if not them, than there’s about a million other girls who would be willing to be given that opportunity, so in loving the attention, the money, the success, they become pretty easy to manipulate…

The fact is that no music industry executive, or manager or agent, would really put up with someone who gives them too much push back, they’d side burner them and focus on people who do exactly what they are told..

There are just too many moving parts in the industry for me to really believe “girl goes viral on youtube organically and now she prints hit after hit”….like Nicki Minaj and probably a lot of other people, she was cast….

I have a hard time believing she’s a true original, creative talent that will revolutionize pop music, I don’t really know her music, but assume it sounds like all the other video game shit being produced out there..

I am sure she doesn’t even dress herself, but maybe she does, and if this outfit was her choice, which is possible, good job, I see nipple…because instagram is a softcore porn site, it’s just a nipple, feminism shit, but luckily we’re still men who can appreciate a good tit…desexualized or allowed on IG or not…so I appreciate her hard work that is probably barely work….and in her defence, we’re really all just a bunch of fucking puppets anyway…at least her puppetry of her penis gets her fucking rich…


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Wet Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa was born in England and not in a Kosovo refugee camp where they housed all the Albanians I originally thought she was human trafficked from. I admit my lack of information on Dua Lipa, I am an old man, nothing these people do is impressive, and assuming I care enough to dig deep on some puppet used as a diversion, you’re wrong….not that you assume that, I am well aware no one reads this site, but I am speaking in broad strokes…high concept over here….

She does have a really irritating backstory that is perfect for this generation of losers….who celebrate being losers, or being victims, and coddle them, because it’s not their fault, even if it is…

So apparently she was told she couldn’t sing, yet now she’s a singer…what a story of victory….a real fucking hero…

Then she was told she was too fat to model, yet here she is in a bikini, and she consistently poses half naked, and doesn’t look too fat to model…has she met Ashley Graham or the other fat models making millions, she’s not one of those….BUT WHY NOT play victim, it makes people easier on your shitty fucking music…

Anyway, she came to fame from doing cover songs on YOUTUBE, it was that fucking easy to get famous back in 2010, because they’d clickbait off people searching the actual song, I’ve told many girls I was trying to get my dick inside to go to YOUTUBE to sing cover songs of hit songs, if they wanted to get famous…

I don’t think it works that way now, I don’t even think it works that way with DUA LIPA, because it can all be bough, placed and manipulated…meaning someone with connections saw her tits, said “We can do something good with these”….”let’s get her big on Youtube” and the public will think she’s organically famous and not some planted talent marketed to them….which she is, cuz nothing is fucking real, organic, it’s all PAY TO PLAY motherfuckers and this one happens to be on the receiving end…

It is funny, while looking at her self produced smut, to think just how uneventful and uninspiring she is…I mean is it because they all reduce themselves to bodies, tits and ass half naked for likes, or is it because their music actually sucks…

There was a time that some famous musicians were impressive and made actually good music, but I guess when you celebrate mediocrity, you get mediocrity….and here’s the world’s most famous popstar being mediocre.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa who I like to think was created in a fucking lab, back in Bosnia, before being released in the UK like she was RITA ORA where she developed some singing career, before being sent to America to be a huge fucking star….

But her origin story isn’t one of being created by the industry, but rather of being a bad girl the industry didn’t want, you know you can’t have success without failures, even when you’re 19 years old…I guess..

So she claims she was too fat to model for some shitty hip fashion website, so she said “Fuck Ya’ll” and went to YOUTUBE to do cover songs before getting a follow, singed, and now lives that rich as shit celebrity life with the penis she puts inside her, who could be a handler but is likely also handled…since he’s a HADID.

In this video, she is jumping off boats, like fancy people who don’t get COVID, because it’s not a PANDEMIC to the rich, they’re all way fucking richer, which should remind you stop complying like the slave class you are, becuase there’s more to life out there for you than being one of their shills…

In this video, her ass looks amazing…I guess she’s been working out, or maybe it’s one of her clones, for when they need hot content and not “I was a plus sized model” content…depending on how they chose to hose us with manipulative propaganda….


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Braless of the Day

Dua Lipa’s got her titties out in a skimpy top, because that’s the style, that’s the trend, show your tits, people will notice you or notice how stylish you are…

I am not against girls walking around with their tits out, it’s actually a wonderful advancement in the perversion of America, I mean why show cleavage when you can give the whole cow away for free…isn’t that how that expression works..

I can’t imagine bitching about girls walking around in skimpy sheer tops with their tits out, or at least wearing them for their attention seeking instagram feed, you know just loving the fame that they likely don’t deserve, but thanks to digital marketing tricks, they have.

I don’t know if this Bosnian refugee is even all that good at the whole music thing, because I am old and think all new music is mindless swill designed to dumb down America…

I am a firm believer that Josie and the Pussy Cats…shout out Tara Reid was a documentary that they wanted you to know that dog whistles were injected into music to trick you into either buying shit, or worse…

I mean I know every lady gaga song and not once have I listened to a Lady Gaga song, it’s all been by third party exposure…POKER FACE POKER FACE….

The entertainment industry is evil, this is one of their pawns, making titty clickbait….reminding me of a time when I would have been excited to be a celebrity tit, but the celebs weren’t walking around with them out…

I am all for style, all for tits, all for the “down with bra” movement….because I get to see TITTY all day…so keep on perpetuating this style you narcissistic fuck


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Braless Nipples of the Day

Dua Lipa is some famous popstar who I think came out of no where, they pretend they are “social media sensations” and maybe they are….but I am a firm believer that no one is organically famous. I have been doing the site for 17 or 18 years and I think every single “famous person” has been a fucking puppet that they’ve wanted to make famous….you may wonder who “they” is….and I know you’re probably thinking I’m talking about Demi Lovato and Halsey, you know the other puppets pushing insane agendas to their retard fans…

I don’t know who “they” is…I just know that I am not “they” and that I am not a “They”….and that I have no control in who become famous and who don’t….

I just know they couldn’t have someone in a position of influence who they can’t control or turn off, in the event they go against the narrative…too many fans, means too much power, so if you see someone with too many fans, it’s because they want them to.

Remember the social networks have admitted they are controlled by the government and that the system is rigged, meaning any of the famous will be part of that rigged system.

So Dua Lipa, the newly famous, from YOUTUBE a known corrupt platform, is pretty suspicious….some random UK chick the biggest thing in the USA…why….her music is generic video game noise…anyone could be DUA LIPA…yet this is the DUA LIPA for now…and she’s bringing sme barely hot content but keeping up with “show skin, get attention, distract young girls, convince them to post skin too, like that’s the TOP tier of society, instead of being intelligent and productive, just post more smut and have fun”….great inspo you society killing slut.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Hard Nipples in a Short Skirt of the Day

Tennis is the hottest sport on all fronts. Their outfits are hot, their grunts are hot, the panty flashes are hot…and not just at the professional level, where the tennis talent is getting more and more jacked-up and manly, you know muscle mass is important for the wins, but even at the local tennis club where rich girls get together to tan by the pool, order food to their account, and play a game or two in their hot outfits, as rich people do…

Dua Lipa, is posing with pink tennis balls, to give you blue balls, her tities in a tiny tank top and her ass barely covered with a tiny tennis skirt…

I don’t know if this is a promotion for Evian Water, but since they know tennis is fancy, they tend to sponsor tennis related things like Wimbledon, which could be what Dua Lipa’s promoting here, I mean she is from the UK, and as one of the hottest popstars, you’d assume part of her endorsing or bringing new energy to what is a stuffy and pretentious sport you have to be “quiet” while watching in the stadium, would come with her in fetish gear…and you may call this fashion or style…but to me…this is the same as a creative stripper dressed up the night before finals getting paid…because maybe that’s really what Dua Lipa is…just a higher level fetish…integrating the hottest sport into her smut…I dig it.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa

I Don’t know if Dua Lipa is the most important popstar to crawl out of an Albanian refugee camp in the early 90s….but she’s one of three…the other two are Bebe Rexha and Rita Ora…

I do know that whatever scam she pulled whether it was being slutty on Youtube to get the attention of the mainstream record labels looking for easy pickings, meaning “talent” that already had an audience in place rather than doing A&R…going to clubs around the world to find the fucking gold…just pull what people are into on Youtube, even though youtube views can be bought for cheap and youtube views can also be dudes into looking at tits…not to mention, I’ve been doing this website shit a long time and Dua Lipa only really happened after being signed, so her Youtube hustle is likely a bait or lie…they planted her to push whatever it is she pushes…She fucks a Hadid, so you know she’s rigged…

That said, she’s hot, has tits, was apparently a fat plus sized model who quit that to do youtube songs…and she’s potentially the most interesting of the popstars out there which isn’t saying much since it’s all manufactured dog shit…but it is saying something…and that is that I like her tits.

Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Bubble Bath of the Day

Dua Lipa Bath

I like to think that DUA LIPA was an industry plant because I am a firm believer than nothing just goes viral on its own at least not anymore, there are too many very rich people and very rich companies with a lot at stake and their hands in all the pockets, who can control who or what YOUTUBE and GOOGLE shows people and what Facebook and Instagram shows to people. They also own websites, media outlets, blogs, PR companies, etc…and they can basically plant things where they need to be planted. They can also pay other influencers to promote or do a TIKTOK dance to whoever and whatever song they want….so when I see a popstar happen, I don’t buy it…BUT maybe, just maybe, Dua Lipa’s an indy artist from Youtube fame, who just did it all on her own and exists because she knows how to manipulate the industry better than the industry does…IT is possible….anything is possible…

The good news is that Dua Lipa is pretty hot, busty enough, dresses slutty enough to be interesting, and now takes baths in bathing suits with her friends like I used to try to do with girls after seeing how excited they were about going to the rich guy with the Hot Tub’s house….soiled bath tub without hot water in a crackden apartment was apparently a harder selll because they never went along with it….even when I offered to blow the bubbles like I was the HOT TUB jets myself….not even homeless chicks were into coming over to get a good soak in….I guess hot baths with hot babes aren’t for all of us but at least every asshole needs to document their every move so we can esxperience their bath’s with them…..


Posted in:Dua Lipa