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Archive for the Emmy Rossum Category




Emmy Rossum Bikini of the Day

Emmy Rossum is the fucking worst. Not because she GETS NAKED ON TV. That’s actually the only thing I don’t mind about her…and I guess the only reason she exists….so I guess she’s not the worst…because if the only reason someone exists is a good thing like because she simulates sex on TV…then they by default are good…right?

I actually don’t remember why I think she’s the worst, there was a time when I thought she was the worst, but I have no idea what it was that I disliked about her….it’s all a fucking blur, all this shit sort of crosses over and piled up into one big pile of shit , and it really that doesn’t actually matter.

What matters is that I am sure she was failing at getting work, and auditioned for Shameless, and realized if she gets naked , she will have a lasting career on a popular show, and will get paid for a long time, a lot of money, and the nudity can be spun as artistry not shamelessness…on a show called Shameless…not to mention from that nudity comes a pretty loyal fan base, thanks to her getting naked on TV….so it’s a win/win for everyone…

She gets work, gets paid doing what she set out to do and you get tits…

I am sure her struggles weren’t that “real”…her cousin is married to Vera Wang…or some shit, which means she’s uppercrust rich kid from New York like so many of these people who are famous, the poor have to actually get jobs to pay rent, instead of running to LA to take a shot at acting for 3-5 years borrowing money from their trust fund to make their dreams happen….

Well she’s in a bathing suit and it isn’t exciting but it happened.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum Cameltoe of the Day

Emmy Rossum Cameltoe and Ass in Tight Black Leggings

Emmy Rossum blocked me on social media once…which is pretty fucking hurtful to me because I am just trying to be friends with everyone, you know celebrate everyone, you know for their talent, their beauty, their accomplishments…try to bring them up because I know it’s hard being an overpaid actress the last 18 years…I know that it’s a struggle when you have been on a show getting naked like some kind of sex worker as your only redeeming quality of your character on the show….

I am here to big up all these people, because I don’t think they get enough praise for their hard work….that involves sitting around being coddled for stupid amounts of money everyday…

The nice thing about Emmy Rossum, is that she’s only met her father twice in her life, something that I look for in all sex workers, even when they pretned they aren’t sex workers…

She’s getting old now, but her vagina’s still hungry enough to eat her pants, unless that’s just what happens when vaginas get old, they give up and just sort of flop all over the place….like a fat chick who’s been in bed all weekend crying…


Emmy Rossum Cameltoe and Ass in Tight Black Leggings


Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum Hard Nipples of the Day

Emmy Rossum Hard Nipples Black Shirt White Pants

Emmy Rossum is a garbage actress who isn’t hot, but has been positioned as hot because she gets naked in movies…or TV shows America ripped off from the UK…and there’s nothing wrong with that…you see if you’re going to get rich acting, you gotta be willing to get naked…..and if you’re not a get naked kind of actress you’re not serious about your career and you don’t deserve to get paid…

I guess they also suck dick to get where they are, but most of the dick suckers don’t want to admit they were dick suckers, they prefer to call it being pressured or sexually assaulted…hard to admit you’re a stupid whore that puts yourself in dumb situations to get ahead…but if other girls stand by you in protests on the street..it makes it ok…being the victim for the win…

As far as I’m concerned, Emmy Rossum was destined to be a cocktail waitress or receptionist…but she’s Jewish and that alone means cocktail waitress work would never happen….it’s too labor intensive for the payout…but Hollywood starlet is a viable option…it’s just the way the system works when you are the chosen ones…

Her nipples are hard in paparazzi pics, but you’ve seen her simulate sex, so does it really matter…I guess it does…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum Bikini Pic of the Day

Emmy Rossum Bikini Pic

Emmy Rossum is a garbage actress who isn’t hot, but has been positioned as hot because she gets naked in movies…or TV shows America ripped off from the UK…and there’s nothing wrong with that…you see if you’re going to get rich acting, you gotta be willing to get naked, and I guess suck dick, but most of the dick suckers don’t want to admit they were dick suckers, that’s why not many girls who have made it are coming out, unless forced to, as they want to pretend it was based on merit alone…

To me, Emmy Rossum was destined to be a cocktail waitress…but look at her now..in a bikini being written about on prestigious sites like this…LUCKY girl..

Fit body though.

Here she is water skiing….

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Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum Living the American Dream of the Day

Emmy Rossum is the fucking worst…and I find her tribute to America offensive..

Sure she’s recently married because she’s probably knocked up, that’s why she got married so don’t use the bikinis, use the one piece, and if you want to see her tits cross reference her whoring for TV on Shameless, the show that created her….but it’s still like taking a huge shit on America and her fans not that I’d know, since she’s blocked me on all social media for being a troll, because that’s my American dream….a dream that doesn’t include Emmy Rossum, because she’s not that hot..I deserve better.

Nice American Flag Suit you clickbait slut…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum’s Married Cunt on TV of the Day

If it looks like a cunt, and it smells like a cunt, then it must be a cunt, unless it’s an old sandwich you found in a dumpster outside the deli, in which case…it’s LUNCH…and I guess to some, mainly Emmy Rossum’s new husband…this is lunch too…

She was a nothing actress, probably wokring as a waitress or sex worker, when shameless gave her work to be shameless, nude scenes on cable TV all day….and it took her to the next level in her career – reminding all sluts to be sluts and get half naked…it’s important…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum Sex Scene of the Day


Emmy Rossum is the fucking worst and not just because she blocked me on social media, everyone blocks me on social media…but because she’s just a garbage celebrity who isn’t even that hot – but thinks she is…

I know, she gets naked, but it’s not even exciting…and seeing her fuck on Shameless – bores me…maybe when it first happened, back when it was the best thing that ever happened to her – in a time when she was just not hitting the mark or booking jobs – and this get naked and fuck for a TV show in an era where that’s the best thing that could happen to a career – since sex on TV, something I’ve been endorsing forever, has been the only thing people watch…giving her that ego she always had – but that was a little tarnished when it wasn’t working out for her…not that you care – you just want to see her fuck scene…you perverts with no standards or taste…I hate you.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum’s Acting of the Day


I like to sum up Emmy Rossum’s acting with these pictures from the Shameless season premiere…a show that pretty much made her, and that I like to say was the lucky turning point for her, where she was so unemployed she was debating going into porn, so showing tits for a show with William Macy, seemed like a better option…but the reality is that she was probably rich, never had to work, which is why she was able to get to Hollywood and wait around until something like this came up…because acting is a rich person activity, that whole “risking everything to make it”…is just a storyline, all these idiots have parents or sugardaddys who were willing to pay their rent…

Either way, great acting job for an average at best, now famous and well paid person who has blocked me off social media possibly after telling me off…because these idiots also take themselves too seriously…it happens with being coddled spoiled pussies..who in this case aren’t showing their pussies…but tits count for something…


Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Quirky Emmy Rossum’s Awkward Bikini Pic of the Day


Look at those terrified, old, tired, bag filled eyes…it’s like fresh faced doesn’t exist in the world of Emmy Rossum, who like so many other female actors lacks swagger and looks, but we deal with it, because they are the ones getting the jobs…in the shows we watch…in our mindless lives…that we pollute with mindless television…like robots…thanks to it’s addictive nature for population control….

What I’m trying to say is that Emmy Rossum is not hot, naked or not naked, in a bikini or not in a bikini, in a sex scene or not in a sex scene and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are just an idiot who can’t get laid, who has never left the house and who has never been on instagram…because the world is filled with girls who are far hotter..

Sure they aren’t on TV, don’t have sex scenes, but even with that, this Emmy Rossum bitch is so average and boring….even in a bikini top.


Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum’s Fitness Porn of the Day


Emmy Rossum is some girl who gets naked on TV because it was the only way she’d get work…and I don’t hate her for that…I hate her for her shitty curation and creative direction in her instagram pictures…because once we see your tits, whether in character on a show…or your simulated sex…whether in character on a show…we expect more than this…”I’ve got a tummy ache while engaging my abs at the gym, because fitness is the key to getting cast as a nude actress on TV, and my celiac disease won’t stop me from that…but it could make me shit myself and/or die…”….

At least she’s not a fake Gluten intolerant cunt, and her gluten actually leads to ass issues you probably wouldn’t want to come face to face with, despite your love for eating ass.

Either way, let her be an inspiraton for you all, and remember, she doesn’t get naked on TV because she seeks approval from having never met her father..you’d be crazy to think that.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW