I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Emmy Rossum Category




Emmy Rossum Does the Gym of the Day


Emmy Rossum blocked me on social media a long time ago…

I guess she doesn’t like that I call her an overrated whore who was about to fall out of the whole acting thing when luck brought her shameless on the condition she would get naked all the time, to which she said “A TV SHOW!!”….because she was at the breaking point where she was going to get naked all the time on stage at the Vegas strip club she was going to end up, or for producers promising her jobs like “TV Shows”…which is more likely the case, since she’s got Daddy issues from never meeting her dad and is connected in the New York Jewish scene, where her mother was an established photographer…it’s how it works…and here she is working or working out…for social media, because she wants her fans to know how hard she works for her body, and or because she wants to sell campaigns to fitness brands, either way, not hot enough to jerk off to,

I don’t find her hot, but whatever…I’ll post this shit anyway…for no reason….

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum Has Leggings of the Day

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I don’t find Emmy Rossum hot…

The only thing I like about her is that she’s blocked me on all social media, from Twitter to Instagram, despite never actually leaving a comment on her shit, making me think she really doesn’t like what I have to say about her bottom feeding career as an actor, that has worked out for her and has made her a legit actor, thanks to getting naked and fucked on a popular show, like a hooker, without being considered a hooker because it is on TV..but the parts involved are all the same…it’s like I can bake a cake at home, sure I’m not technically a baker, but if I sell my cake I consider myself a baker…the getting paid to be naked is the hooker stamp…it’s just a different kind of hooking she can pretend is an “art form”..even though we all know acting isn’t art, it’s a scam…run by the outgoing assholes who are pretentious enough to be “actors”…

emmy (16)

Doesn’t matter…what matters is that I just get off to girls who hate me, it entertains me, even if they don’t actually know who I am…the block is enough to make her sex scenes that much better, her tits that much better, and tese staring at her mid-30s pussy that I am sure is well traveled better…all sweaty thighed and barely exciting, but good enough.

Here’s her workout pose..



Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum in a Bikini of the Day

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Emmy Rossum is constantly doing nude scenes in Shameless, I assume the show is still being produced, but I don’t actually watch it…it’s not that I don’t like and can’t relate to the story, I just find it cheesy and bullshit, and more interesting if it was a real family and a real documentary on them, rather that just a bunch of faggot overpaid actors playing make-belief like they are either insane…especially since they consider it art…or childish…because that’s what little kids do…

What I am getting at is that along with acting being a joke, so is Emmy Rossum, because she’s an actor…but she makes a lot of money, which is more than we can say about me…

But this isn’t about me, it’s about Emmy, and how her bikini pics for the fourth of July don’t matter…because I’ve seen her simulate sex like she was a softcore pornstar, only in 2010s, which means it’s cable programming….

All this to say, every one taking selfies, or acting, are pretty much whores seeking attention, I just prefer when they are actual whores that I can afford to piss on their faces…cuz you know for the right amount of money…they’d all do it…

My vow to you is that when I become a dot com billionaire for the drunkenstepfather app, I will spend 10 million dollars a year to piss on celebrity faces…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|SFW




Emmy Rossum Naked on TV of the Day


I don’t like Emmy Rossum, but I do like what she represents.

You see she blocked me on social media for making fun of her, and I encourage that kind of behavior, as a feminist who likes to empower women by making fun of cunts like this who get naked to get ahead in their careers, like a slab of fucking meat….because all they want is fame and fortune and global acceptance…I figure it’s important to call them out for the bullshit that they are….and I do like seeing girls get naked, I just like when they do it because they want me to jerk off to them, instead of for trying to advance an acting career…ya know…a whlole lot of authenticity is missing from her strategy, but that can be said about all these fame whoress.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum|HBOobs




Emmy Rossum’s Shitty Bra See Through of the Day

Emmy Rossum is the fucking worst and I am probably just saying that because she deleted me off all social media, blocking me, and probably even calling me out at some point for being an asshole, but I don’t remember because it happens too fucking often, I think 80 percent of the people I’ve tweeted at over the years have blocked me, because I am either 25 years ahead of my time, or just an asshole that upsets their ego…

Now I don’t remember what I laugh at Emmy Rossum for, it’s not her Judaism, I don’t do any of that because jews are so quick to call you an anti semite….it was probably the fact that she was an absolute nobody for a long time, struggling, until being offered a TV show where she gets topless, to which she jumped at the opportunity because it was better than being topless in a strip club, because this would put her name on the map instead of on the death by suicide, and people will finally know her as the star her ego truly told her she was…and I guess it worked out of her…but that’s hardly a reason to block me…not that I care, I’ve still seen her tits and I’m like “whatever”…and now she’s in a see through shirt so I can see her bra…even though I can google and see her tits..keeping me at “whatever”….which I guess, In conclusion, is the basis of Emmy Rossum…just on giant…whatever…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum in Selena Gomez and Miranda Kerr’s Dress of the Day

Here’s boring Emmy Rossum, all Jewish face for the Jewish Holidays – the aspiring actress who decided to get naked for a cable show and now suddenly matters, at some event, showing tits – in a dress that looks like it is in trend because these tricks also wore something similar…

Selena Gomez….

and Miranda Kerr

Small tits be everywhere…I guess these small breasted implant babes don’t realize that this is the year of the ass…and being someone not into tits I guess it is ok….It’s like so much little cleavage…



Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum for Instagram of the Day

I don’t know why I don’t think Emmy Rossum has anything interesting going for her.

Maybe I am the kind of guy who sees a girl willing to get naked and immediately hates her after she gets naked because it means that she’s a hooker…but not the good kind of hooker, the fake kind of hooker who allocates high concept and pretentiousness to her hooking. Where as real hookers are some of the most honest and down to earth people, who get they are being paid to fuck, while these hollywood hookers, pretend their hooking is ART or Love…when clearly it’s all for fame and fortune…

Maybe I don’t think she looks that great when she gets naked in her cable show…naked. A move she made to get on that map that worked, becasue getting naked gets you noticed…

Maybe I just don’t like that she’s blocked me on the internet, like shitting on any chance we had at love and friendship because she’s an egotistical cunt who is too snobby to support what we do here…

But I do think she looks her best in these behind the scenes Cosmo pics. I guess she’s been working out.

She also posted this bikini pic…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum Bikini Selfie of the Day

Emmy Rossum has been naked so many times on TV, that I really don’t think her bikini selfies matter.

She’s up on the – “we’ve seen you simulate sex enough to know that you love your body and think you’re worth more than you are, since you get paid well and you are living the dream you always had as a young girl in a single mother household that taught you the right way to whore yourself to the top of the food chain, or at least as close as you can get, with the little talent you have”…kind of thing…

Or maybe I am just hard on her because I want to see her in self produced sex tapes, after seeing her in simulated sex.

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum Picture of the Day

A day is not a day without seeing a relatively insignificant Emmy Rossum bending over in a pair of shorts, showing the world her favorite position in casting couch situations, at least before she was a big cable nudity star on Shameless, back when she was looking for her big cable hit like Shameless, because she was tired of all the struggle, more importantly, she probably didn’t think her vagina could handle anymore castings…withough falling the fuck out..but that’s hearsay, I mean for all I know, Emmy Rossum could be a lesbian, or virgin, or Christian…she just plays a naked girl on TV for the money…because getting naked for money isn’t being a hooker or pornstar if there’s no penetration and it comes with a good excuse to pretend you’re an artist, even though everyone knows acting is a huge fucking scam.


Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Emmy Rossum Crotch Shot of the Day

Emmy Rossum posted this picture of her in jeans from what I like to think is an intentional vagina shot vantage point…because if you do a spread eagled crotch shot with jeans on…it is hardly as slutty as if you do it with nothing but your fist inside you…

The fact is that she was a nothing actress, who booked a big show, because that show needed someone willing to get naked, and she was willing to get naked, as bottom feeders do to get to the top…and I’m sure it wasn’t the first time she got naked to get ahead, I think 99 percent of Hollywood stars who aren’t dialled in with rich families have to do it that way…and I guess there’s nothing wrong with that…weasel looking Jewish guys with all the power need to get laid too…might as well be with a girl willing to hook for free than a hooker…

Not that I know Emmy Rossum’s story…I mean even at this level of fame she barely fucking exists…truth.


Posted in:Emmy Rossum