One solid way to make a low level actor’s bikini pic seem really unimportant is to watch her SEX SCENE FROM TV …because it is a sex scene…and not a girl in a bikini..
That’s something I’ll never really understand when it comes to the internet, it’s like why do I care if a girl is in her bikini, if I can just google her vag…Not that Emmy Rossum Vag is a Vag I’d google, but you get what I am saying…and that is that this pic doesn’t matter..
If a bitch who you’ve seen topless on TV because it was the only job she could get in a time when she didn’t want to turn to stripping or cocktail waitressing…that worked out for her….has hard nipples – does it matter?
I am going to go with yes….because people fucking love nipples…it’s what they sucked on as babies to get fed, or what they didn’t suck on as babies to get fed, because their mom’s weren’t into having their tits sucked by a lecherous little troll that crawled out of her pussy to ruin her body and life…in both cases …the nipples still matter…
I am a fan that cable TV has nudity, it’s the only way TV could really survive when put up against the porn filled internet, because there was a time when you had no choice but to jerk off to Baywatch, phone sex infomercials, and music videos…so it’s progress as a concept…but it still hasn’t happened on network TV, cuz based on the Seinfeld and Cosby porn parody, sitcoms would be better with full penetration.
Here’s some nudity from TV…just because I like nudity in all medias…
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Emmy Rossum posted a bikini pic of herself on President’s Day because I guess she wants tot give a little skin to her fans…
You know she’s put so much into building up a fan base over the years, from being on a few shitty movies, before landing a TV show with William H Macy so long as she showed her tits and fucked on it…
Like all good wholesome actresses do…it’s all part of their “Art” and they aren’t whores…like strippers…even if they only matter when they get naked…they are just giving their body to us to convey a story…and the fame and money…that shit just doesn’t matter at all does it…
Emmy Rossum is a Shameless kind of girl and not just because I am an asshole type journalist or blogger who likes speaking in puns so that I can write NO PUN INTENDED or PUN INTENDED if I really want to piss off anyone with a brain…
Emmy Rossum is Shameless because she booked the show knowing she had to get naked, that led to her getting naked in pretty much every episode, all in exchange for money and more fame…pretty much the easy way…
Now I don’t have any problem, with any reason, any girl want to be a stripper, hooker or work in the sex trade using her body to get ahead..
I just have a problem when the girl thinks she’s on some higher path, like an artist, not getting naked for money and personal gain, but doing it as part of her “talent”…
Because when you get naked, whether in character, like when you’re “Candy” in the back pages, or on HBO and Showtime…you’re virtually one in the same…one of you just gets paid more…
Own that shit, lets not white was that shit, Emmy Rossum is a prostitute who memorizes lines and I kinda like it…even if she’s awful
I don’t like Emmy Rossum….and I really don’t know why. She’s not horribly offensive, and more importantly, she was a low level actor who managed to realize that in order to really matter she had to do nudity on cable…it would solidify her place in the world and she probably would have done it for free…you know just to next level her low level shit…which in theory is amazing…but for some reason, a reason I call being overrated and having it go to her head because this is the life she always imagined for herself and now she has it…she thinks she deserves it, and is an entitled bitch about it…
Emmy Rossum doesn’t like me, she’s blocked me and told me off prior to her landing her Shameless show….a show that she got because she is willing to get naked all the time…because I guess her shitty struggle in Hollywood needed a break and she got to the point of showing tits on TV rather than tits in a stripclub back home…or tits to some married executive who pays her to fuck…because those kind of tits don’t come with fame.
I know very little about Emmy Rossum, her career, or even why she annoys the fuck out of me…I just know she’s naked in Episode 1 of this season’s Shameless, like she’s been naked so many times before, and I don’t hate her as much as I thought I did….
Not only does Emmy Rossum really not matter, because she’s a low level actress who is hardly hot….you know the kind of actor you shouldn’t even care about when she does a sex tape…so doing a “panty” shoot for Esquire is hardly interesting from her…the only reason anyone knows she exists is because she’s naked on TV every week, assuming her show is still on the air, so maybe she has a few creeper fans, I mean we all do, even me….but those fans are better off looking at her sex scenes on Shameless than this boring Esquire shit because at least you can kinda jerk off to simulated sex, while panties are just fucking dull…this is like bringing a girl home from the bar, and making her dress up in a snow suit for you to get makes no sense…bitch gets naked, keep her naked…
Sidenote, she’s blocked me on twitter and instagram and that hurts my feelings…
Emmy Rossum is hard to take seriously…I mean she had a few low level acting roles that amounted to very little before locking down Shameless only because she was cute and willing to get naked…you know anything to have a big break and have people know who she was…so that she didn’t have to crawl back to her parents house a failure…but instead of realizing she’s like a low level stripper, she thinks she’s a talent and a star and with that comes a bad attitude and ego that annoys me…but I’ll still look at her in her bikini, even if I can just LOOK IN MY ARCHIVES AND SEE HER NAKED ..because naked is the only acting she knows…Living the American Dream..