Emmy Rossum Fuck On TV was some of the best Tits On TV to advance my career I posted in the last year….I mean other than some shit from Boardwalk Empire, and some shit from Californication…but overall she was right up there…a pretty good place to be if you have no self respect…and are running off a dream that you’ll one day actually be famous….cuz prior to Shameless, I never heard of the bitch…it’s one of those “I can be a hooker or stripper in my hometown, or I can be one on TV and get labeled an actress” stories…..
I figured she would have loved all the press I gave her, so I turned to twitter only to find out that she blocked me….proving yet again that bitches don’t like being told they are bitches and don’t respect the people endorsing their nudity….
Who fucking blocks people….it’s like not inviting someone to your birthday in grade school, childish cunt can’t appreciate messages of TRUTH….
That’s the kind of shit that would make me mad, if I actually cared….but ultimately, I don’t….cuz actors are emotional little twats who hate criticism but put their insecure selfs out there hoping for that pat on the back….all while making stupid money…
Fucking useless fucking bitch if you ask me….which you did indirectly by visiting this site…

Posted in:Emmy Rossum