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Archive for the Fatty Category




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed!

As you know, EVIL is the normalization of fat chicks being hot, from the propaganda the TV, Fake News, internet is pushing because it’s really an easy thing to push on people…

First, they know how to use sounds and images to manipulate our minds, whether using fear tactics, emotional tactics, cyber bully stories to get in our hearts, or just straight up repeating the same messages to us, the media is a trillion or even ZILLION dollar industry and they have specialists who study this shit and tweak and perfect this shit to control our shit….

Second, fat girls are an easy sell to other fat chicks because if they can be rewarded for being fat, why bother not eating all the cake you can, cake is delicious….so everyday a new clinically or legally morbid obese woman is created and she thinks she’s FIERCE and not disgusting.

Third, dudes are perverts and just see tits, if they only know fat chicks, only fuck fat chicks, because like parasites the fatties are taking over, then they’ll just accept any pussy that comes their way, until that fat chick develops and ego and realizes she can take her fatness to the top and the low lives they used to land out of loneliness become regular dudes, or even rich dudes, who could be with non fat chicks but they’ve been propagandized.

As a fat fuck married to a fat fuck fat is bad, never good, always unhealthy and thus gross, not hot, never BODY POSITIVE, because it’s BODY destructive…..DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES…

That said, here’s some BBW for you perverts for INCLUSIVITY….because we don’t want to be told we’re not DIVERSE enough.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

For the sake of humanity – I don’t want to normalize obesity by sexualizing it.

I’ll let you sick fucks do that because you see tit and you go mental and forget what you’re dealing with or how much she’ll cost you in food…

They want to trick us into fat is hot, but you know, fat’s deadly bro….maybe that’s the kind of living you like…ON THE FUCKING EDGE….

In my soul, I am a no fat chicks allowed motherfuckers….because as a lazy fat fuck I can assure you how gross it is….


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

As a fat person married to a fat person, my inclusivity post can be about how obesity is nothing to be celebrated, is the opposite of body positivity, because it’s really just body abuse, and no matter how hard they try to normalize fatties and make them out to be sexual beings, and no matter how many girls become fatties because they are lazy and think it’s allowed, and no matter how many fat girls you fuck because it’s limited options, or no matter how many fat girls reject you from sex because someone’s given their delusions approval and they now think they are better than you, it will always be a fetish of people into feeling tiny, slimed, or with someone who may die in the process due to a coronary.

SO here are some fatties for the chubby chasers, gross to me, hot to you, either way, unhealthy but better naked than clothed…really….


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Isn’t there a song called big girls don’t cry, because they are too busy eating?

I figure some of them should probably cry, because of how abusive they are to their bodies.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be sexualized, anything with tits and at least one fuck hole can be sexualized by the right pervert…

Plus if you’ve ever seen a food addicted over eater at the all you can eat buffet and you hone in on her mouth, you can see just how skilled it is, how trained it is, and how solid it feel on your cock….unlike those skinny pitches who just puke up bile and re-eat it for sustenance, these fatties got strong fucking tongues and smell like baked goods and feces…HOT…

And some of us are into watching a long drawn out suicide, it’s a fetish, right….look how fat they are and how not dead they are yet….amazing….

Clearly society wants us fat, it’s normalized, so if you don’t hop in the fat vat of fat you’re just a FATPHOBIC and that’s shameful and will get you cancelled…

No Fat Chicks Allowed….is now NO SKINNY CHICKS ALLOWED….get out of her hotties, there’s a new species in town and they’re large…and easy to outrun, not so easy to escape once they mount you, but you may like that.

This is my FAT inclusive post…JERK OFF TO IT for the WOKE and for the INCLUSIVE….


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I am a fat person married to a fat person, so in this era of hating on Cyber Bullies, despite bullying being AWESEOME and this era of everything is a hate crime that can get you locked up if you don’t like something that they think you should like, like sucking cock or putting cock in your ass….or pretending that fat slobs who have hormonal issues from laziness and bad diet are hot….YOU LOOK FIERCE GIRL….or whatever the hip lingo of the time is…even though everyone looking at those pics don’t actually believe that…but in the land of make belief, where truth doesn’t matter, where original opinion doesn’t matter, you can’t say shit…

But as a fat person, fat is my identity, I should get a pass, like how fags call each other fags but when I call them fags they call hate crime…or trannies can call themselves trannies but we have to call them women and pretend we want to fuck their inverted penis wounds….

What I am trying to say is I don’t care if fatties make fat smut but I don’t think it’s hot, or they look hot, or that fat is wonderful and by definition it’s body hate, body negativity, NOT body positivity….but they want us fat, they want to coddle us, and that’s how you DO IT…


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

When the internet normalizes totally insane things….bad things happen.

Even when the intention is good, pandering to all the crazy fucks out there because they are trying to be as inclusive as possible…

They are just trying to be open minded and nice…

Sure, fat girls, be happy, don’t kill yourself, get naked…whatever…why not, that’s you….DUDES will still fuck ya…..or jerk off to you if they are sick in the head and indoctrinated…

Not realizing that pushing bad things is bad things because the world is not prepared to handle those lies…because their logical side is like “fat is premature death and unhealthy and we are wired to find unhealthy gross”….but ok…LET’s ALL pretend…there are 1000 genders…..


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Don’t listen to the haters….

Or listen to the haters…

The anti-bully woke mob are the official haters, they’ve all turned on us CYBER BULLIES who I think are perfectly reasonable…

So a handful of teen girls off themselves due to revenge porn, and we all get bundled together in their bullshit “Cyberbullying kills”….

No one ever says that BULLYING saves fucking lives, that BULLYING holds people accountable, that BULLYING tips people off, mainly delusional people off that they aren’t doing the best they can to live the best life they can…..

The reality is that the REAL WORLD, or the world I knew before everyone was a pussy, didn’t reward half asses, and if you let down your boss, your friends, your priest (lol, not in this godless society) down….you get told….you don’t get raises and bonuses…

Anyway, I think Fat shaming is hero work, it’s the way to motivate a fat person from being the worst version of themselves, saying that being lazy over eaters who don’t respect themselves is bad, so get off the fucking sugar and seed oils and do the best you can….you don’t need to be fit, or ripped, but you shouldn’t be comfortable in all that skin…

The truth is body positivity is the devils work and here are some PLUS SIZED for inclusivity since it may be ALL some of you know. ….


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Fatties unite….like the super heroes they aren’t…unless you think eating more than you burn is a super power, which by the way they talk about fat people in the media, I think they do.

As much as I like to hate on fat chicks because fatness is relatively vile and no matter how hard they normalize it or make fat sizes, it still represents not caring about your body, not loving yourself, not actually being fierce or fabulous, which is the kind of affirmations they give themselves, because I guess they are hormonally gay men….

Plus sized will always and forever represent overeating,lack of exercise, unhealthiness, more calories in than calories burned, which is ultimately, or supposed to be a turn off….because you’re programmed to want to drop your sperm in the most top notch WOMB…you know for breeding purposes and advancing the species….and fat is not top notch, it’s sloth, it’s chronic medical issues, it’s not treating the god given body with the respect it deserves…

I am fat, I live with fat, I know fat, you can’t shame me for shaming MY Own people….

But yeah, as much as I’m a no fat chicks allowed motherfucker, I’d rather fat chicks be naked than clothed, so these PLUS SIZED and empowered, who get more sex that any of you thanks to dudes being perverts into any willing pussy, it’s never a feat or an acheivement when a woman gets laid….

So for inclusivity, equity, diversity, LOVING THE FELLOW MAN, here’s some nude BIG girls to fetishize, to fantasize about watching eat until they explode from both ends, because they can, or just smothering you with their giant guts and titties….it’s a thing…

And really, if you are a fat chick, even if it’s gross to most people with taste, you might as well throw in the towel on shame and be naked and slutty, it’s fun, and life is about fun, since we are all going to die…..JUST DON’T BE MAD at us CYBERBULLIES for it, we don’t have to like or be into the insanity you post on the internet….just because you think it’s fierce or fabulous….but we can still like LOOKING at it for all the other reasons you’d look at viral internet content…like the comedy in it.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I may have a no fat chicks allowed policy, but that’s considered a hate crime in Canada and I am not willing to go to jail for my hated of fat chicks….especially since I know, despite their false confidence, loudness, they hate being fat too.

We are in this together….I hate normalizing fat, fat girls hate being fat but pretend to like being fat as part of a lie they push….and together we push LIES as truth, to appease the internet.

We’re suck cucks to the propaganda, and I guess some dudes out there are cucks to the fat chick, since that’s all they get laid by and getting laid is more fun than fat is disgusting to some people….



Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I saw a meme that read you gotta normalize shit, cuz shit ain’t normal….

So normalizing fat as a new beauty standard is just marketing, it’s a way to sell fat sized products that didn’t exist 20 years ago, it’s all just for some group of scumbags to make more money off someone’s misery….

It’s not normal, it’s abnormal, sure it’s biologically possible to be fat…I’m fat, you’re probably fat, your mom is likely fat, the world is fat….but that should come with extreme shame and self hatred with every bite of a donut or bag of chips…

Yet, here we are, buried in fat for exclusivity….like the heroes we are for surviving being buried in fat chick…which is actually a fetish a friend of mine has, which is pretty fucking creepy.


Posted in:Fatty