I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Hailey Baldwin Category




Hailey Baldwin’s Ass From the Front of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is the 19 year old daughter of weird, Christian now that he’s no longer an addict, Stephen Baldwin and some brazilian he married in the 90s….and I guess his fame whoring from suing Kevin Costner, to fighting adult stores in his home town, to tattooing Hannah Montana on him to get on Miley’s TV show that he never booked…to doing reality show after reality show…since filing for bankruptcy…

From Barney Rubble to poverty, to famewhoring daughter, who has been making the rounds, and I don’t mean with her vagina, or ass you can see from the front thanks to short shorts and the hormones in the food, but because she hangs with Kardashians and Jenners and Biebers…and her cousin Ireland and probably Taylor Swift since Taylor Swift owns everyone…even Bieber pussy due to the solidarity she has with Selena Gomez….in some weird fucking cult I don’t understand…

But who cares about that when you can see her ass from the front…in shorts…at 19 and lovely..


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Does Dubsmash in Real Life of the Day

Young people are fucking annoying, especailyl when they are raised by Stephen Baldwin….who has no business being rich and famous, but who pulled a scam off in the 80s….

Or even worse when they fuck Justin Bieber…who his fans are really into…check out the comments…tons of LOLZ….

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I’m more into her in a bikini, cuz these aspiring fake, instagram models, cuz their parents are vapid famous assholes and this world is all they know, aren’t that interesting as people…but their bikini pics are nice and youthful, and besides their trust funds, all their good for…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Hailey Baldwin’s 18 Year Old Ass of the Day

Hailey Baldwin proves that if you merge a Baldwin with a Brazilian model….

You don’t have to end up with some potato headed Irish looking overrated monster…

But instead a recently turned 18, rich kid in that lame Jenner rich kid scene…who has been rumored to be fucking Bieber since she was under 18…because Bieber is a sex offender…assuming he’s not a faggot…because he seems like a faggot…but the fact that he’s rumored to be getting up in this small round young ass in short shorts that know exactly what they are doing…may prove otherwise…

This girl may just be some instagram famous with a famous last name…and father…but her body is nice and ridiculous…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Bikini Cameltoe of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is the bootleg Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, who runs in the same circles as those spoiled LA twats, thanks to being a Baldwin…all eager to be a model or some other nonsense…but who unltimately doens’t matter, because none of this matters…probably something she’s used to as her Baldwin father was Stephen Baldwin, one of the bootleg Baldwins…preparing her for this…

The nice thing about this isn’t her young, tight, banged by Bieber body. But rather the fact she’s in a while bikini, because I am someone who many years ago experienced a white bikini first hand…

It was a pool party I was invited to when I was probably 20 at a rich friend’s house and his younger sister, who was 18 and pretty fucking fit, was there…in a white bikini…as I floated drunk on a floaty in the sun, I looked up to her looking back at me was her full fucking vagina…because she had been in the pool and had no idea that her white bikini was totally see through and I carried that memory through life…and masturbation for a long time…realizing that it wasn’t so much my friend’s sister I loved…but rather the white bikini…

So here’s Hailey in a white bikini ..and here’s her cameltoe…looking cute…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Josephine Skriver Fondles Kendall Jenner while Hailey Baldwin Watches of the Day

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Josephine Skrvier was a test tube baby created by her gay father with her lesbian mother’s egg….in what was clearly some genetic modified human experiment…that you will want to fuck…and that I guess Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin have adopted as their own, because I guess they are jealous of the robot model, or maybe they are all fucking robots created in a lab by their rich parents…

Well….together they grab each other’s tits. The fact is that these it-girls are useless…but I still want to fuck them and their horrible morals and values…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Josephine Skriver|Kendall Jenner




Hailey Baldwin Titty Dance of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is Stephen Baldwin, who played Barney Rubble in the Flintstones and not much else’s daughter…with what I can only assume was a Brazilian model, and she’s gone onto amazing socialite type things only rich La/NY girls can do, like hang with Taylor Swift and the Jenners….and more importantly bang Justin Beiber..when she was 17…all while pretending to be a model, because it’s easy to become a model, when you’re a Baldwin, unless you’re Ireland Baldwin, in which case no one wants you….but lucky for Hailey…she’s not Ireland…and here she is shaking them tits….tits that Bieber has desecrated…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Hailey Baldwin for L’Officiel Netherlands of the Day


Hailey Baldwin was rumored to be Bieber’s girlfriend back when she was 17….

She’s the cousin of the Kendall Jenner wannabe Ireland Baldwin, who due to her big bones can’t get the love as a model she wanted…so instead turned ot a black rapper chick to get love…

She’s the daughter of Stephen Baldwin, and luckily some groupie, possible immigrant model from some obscure country looking for a greencard…because she doesn’t look like Stephen Baldwin..on some Barnie Rubble shit…but instead looks amazing…for some obscure market fashion magazine…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Beiber’s Barely Legal Vagina in Wonderland of the Day


Hailey Baldwin was Bieber’s 16 year old, then 17 year old, girl he had sex with. She’s also weirdo Stephen Baldwin’s daughter who is first cousins with that big monsterous lesbian Ireland Baldwin….and now she’s 18 years old, and they had a birthday party for her at Bieber’s house, making the whole thing legit…which is too bad, because I wish Bieber got arrested for being a sex offender, like most 20 year olds who fuck 17 year olds…

What isn’t legit, is her modeling career. She’s not tall, she is hot, but not tall, and just part of this stupid crew of Kendall Jenners, Gigi Hadids, who are basically the rich, popular girls at the high school that is pop culture, and everyone pays attention to them for no real reason, other than they get good publicity……

I could show you dozens of much hotter 18 year olds, they just don’t have the right friends, father, connections…and boyfriend…to matter enough for magazines like Wonderland…

The world is unfair, but luckily for me, all these bitches are interchangeable…replaceable, and in 2 years…this set won’t exist, but the next one will…so in the meantime watch them seek validation.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Justin Bieber’s Barely Legal Vagina of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is Stephen Baldwin’s daughter who has been fucking Bieber since she was 17, but that he would only be seen with in public when she turned 18, because this is not Canada, and motherfucker could get arrested for that shit, provided her parents weren’t so liberal, self involved, actor types that probably don’t even know who their daughter is, because they are too busy looking at themselves in the mirror, or watching bullshit Flintstones performances he participated in when he got acting work, before drinking his face off and shooting his TV realizing how much of a failure he is…you know typical self involved narcissism that comes with these people, allowing their teenagers to come with people like Biber…

All this to say, she’s a model, trying to be an it girl, rich and connected…and wearing demin…so you can stare at her half brazilian model ass like you were Justin Bieber…something you’ve probably always dreamt of in your weird sexual fantasies you fucking freak.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Hailey Baldwin for Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is one half Brazilian, one half Stephen Baldwin…and she’s also recently turned 18, so old enough to come out as Bieber’s girlfriend, not that she has yet, but that I assume she has or will because at 17, it made him a criminal and now it just makes her the fucking criminal for falling into his very uncool trap…but he’s still Beiber, and she’s still some rich girl who rolls with the Kardashian/Jenner sisters, who clearly doesn’t really get what’s going on, but is skinny enough to be cast as a model and connected enough for people to think she’s worth using as a model, because we all know if she was Hailey anything else, bitch would be working at the FroYo bar with all her other tween friends…and not doing lingerie Christmas for a fashion magazine….

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin