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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk is a Scary Runway Model of the Day

I am guilty of saying that Irina Shayk is one of the hottest models of the year, or even ever at least on one occasion, because whether I was drunk or not, I was blinded, like the rest of the world by her intense soulless Russian face, that tricked me into thinking she was more than what she was, thanks to bikini pics…

You see, Irina Shayk is like a Russian hooker, a hot Russian hooker, who I guess wanted mainstream success in her Russian Hooking, so she tricked a Soccer player and his team to hire her as his beard, and in turn make Irina Shayk Happen…

But seeing her on the Runway the other day, makes me realize, she’s not a model at all. When photoshopped half naked in a bikini, she’s good, but when actually fashion modelling, she’s a fucking monster or a troll…

I guess what I’m trying to say here is – bitch, put your bikini back on or we’re sending you back to war torn Ukraine to live in your cold water flat with 18 of your relatives…

Irina Shayk is AMazing in Maxim

Here she is on the Runway

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk is Sleepy of the Day

From my understanding, and I could be totally fucking wrong. Irina Shayk and her boyfriend have a deal, where she pretends he’s her boyfriend so he can hide his homosexuality…and in exchange, she gets into Sports Illustrated and wherever that may take her…

It’s hard to know for sure, I mean I’ve heard so many different stories from people close to her…things like that she seems him once a month, if that, for public appearances…and the rest of the time she’s in the USA gallivanting with rich and famous people because she’s hot..

He doesn’t care, because he’s got his army of cabana boys to keep him occupied…and logically, he can’t come out of the closet, because Europeans, despite being the daintiest, gay dressed, emotional weirdos, are fucking homophobes..homophobes passionate about soccer and with him being star there, being gay would probably end his career…cuz getting hard for hetero athletes, with your tight pants and Faux Hawk is ok, but the second you find out homie sucks dick, it’s over…

EIther way, gay or not, beard or not, Irina Shayk’s really not digging this public appearance she’s been paid to attend ,because when a girl gets a career like hers, they forget being a poor hooker in Russia…and think it’s all them.


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk and her Boyfriend Simulate Sex in Vogue of the Day

Vogue Spain did a photoshoot with Irina Shayk, who I like to think is one of the hottest BEARD to a homosexual athlete who can’t come out of the closet because Europeans are homophobes, despite being some of the daintiest, emotional freak show men in tight pants around…

They would hate their star player they are so passionate about…being a poofter…

So his team, who make a lot of money from him, found some desperate model, promised her the world, to save her from just being another Russian Babe on webcam, because so many Russian girls are just as hot and soulless as Irina Shayk…and she went for it.

Now she’s making money, is a Sports Illustrated model, because I am sure it was challenging for his sports agents to set that up…and here they are pretending to be a real couple…as he giggles…because he’s not just in on the joke, he’s all about the fucking joke…his career depends on it…

You see, I’ve been told by 10 different people, at different times, with different levels of involvement with the couple, that it’s strictly a business transaction, they see each other when they need to make an appearance together, but they spend under 3 weeks a year together, because she’ too busy in AMerica fucking other dudes…and he’s too busy in Europe fucking dudes…

Either way, I approve of their sham…even though this shoot is super fucking gay…I believe that hiding your sexuality so hard that you find the world an Irina Shayk, totally works for me….and as you know, it’s all about me.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk and Adriana Lima Get Political of the Day

A few people are jumping onto this Nigerian girls being kidnapped and sold off as wives hustle by posting stupid signs on instagram…because selling off 12 year olds is illegal in America and thus wrong and posting signs makes a huge difference….

I guess these girls have good intentions, it’s just funny when a model who is known for being half naked, posts the picture of her supporting any cause, especially girls being sold off for sex while half naked… because they sell themselves off for sex…it is kind of out of context, achieves nothing and I can’t imagine their sincerity is sincere…especially when posing naked while promoting that cause…It makes no fucking sense…

That said, I did my part in supporting Nigerian girls, but telling the Nigerian from my Facebook, to send me more nude pics of her big Nigerian tits, only like the girls this models are jumping onto, my Nigerian is in her 20s and has big tits…

Here’s Adriana Lima doing it too…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Topless on the Beach of the Day

The single most important pics that happened this weekend, may be the Irina Shayk Sports Illustrated shoot that involved her being topless…

Topless may be something that she probably has never done for her boyfriend, since he’s gay, and she’s just under contract with him, because what better cover-up for being a closet case soccer player than to hire a Russian hooker with nothing else going on, in exchange for packaging her into a bikini model on the international level…because if you want to stay in the closet and cover up your homo behavior, you go as over the fucking top as you can to get your point across “I fuck models”….

Not that he boyfriend she doesn’t fuck or really ever sees matters, not when she’s posing her fake tits like this…fake tits she probably got to get an american husband or to make more money on russian cam sites…but fake tits that helped bring her to the top…and really what it comes down to is that there is no hotter model right now…she’s the fucking best…


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Posing With Panties of the Day

Irina Shayk is owned by the assholes at Sports Illustrated.

My assumption is that they bought her from her “boyfriend” who is gay, even though he is not known for being gay, but who is gay, because if he was to come out as a gay in the Euro league, it would be some serious shit that takes away from his skill as a top player…and that’s is some serious shit, since European men, despite being flaming hate fags..

So the answer to that is buy a Russian hooker, give her tits, send her to America to live her dreams, see her once a quarter for paparazzi pics, and get Sports Illustrated to back you for legitimacy since they are the media that run this kind of thing…

I also assume that Sports Illustrated owns beach bunny, so it’s only natural that Irina Shayk would post pics of her sniffing a pair of their panties, because it’s her job…

Either way, she’s hot and has beat the system…unlike the Russian whores I know…who cost a lot and have no souls…here she is.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk’s Hot Instagram Pics of the Day

Apparently Irina Shayk posted these pictures on her Instagram and they were deleted…

I don’t know if they were deleted because she cropped out her face…and she can’t live her life without posting her face, you know like a model who loves herself, or maybe she is recovering from more plastic surgery and fillers that she’s obviously got, when not fake marrying a homosexual soccer player who has given her freedom and a career…or maybe it’s because she’s grabbing her fake tits and you can tell she’s got fake tits..

Who fucking knows, she’s still the hottest model around, but I may just be saying that cuz I know she’s a whore, and she looks more like a pornstar…than a model, which I guess I like when it’s a model not a pornstar, because pornstars are the worst.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk Changing of the Day

My friends at SPLASH NEWS got these behind the scenes pics of Irina Shayk changing on set of her photoshoot like some kind of exhibitionist who doesn’t show nipple…which I guess makes her nothing like an exhibitionist at all…and that offends me, knowing her background, as a hooker from Russia who bearded the right closet case, only to leverage into a massive career, because she was hot enough to pull it off…but she should still

Either way, she’s amazing…


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk in a Bikini Through the Bushes of the Day

As a total fucking creeper, this paparazzi looking pic of Irina Shayk really speaks to me, since most of the nudes I masturbate to, involves me in trees, bushes, fires escapes, I am not athletic, I just like the challenge…

Sure, it’s rarely voyeurism of hot models on campaigns or whatever is going on here, with this Russian Prostitute who got famous for being the beard to a homosexual soccer player…who she sees once a year for paparazzi appearances, because euro men don’t like getting hard for men who get hard for men…if you know what I mean…and if you don’t, it’s that despite her plastic surgery, she’s one of the better models…even when lookin’ fat as fuck.


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Irina Shayk on the Beach with Kate Upton For Instagram of the Day

Irina Shayk is such a Famewhore…

She saw Kate Upton on the beach, and was like “Hey you’re a Sports Illustrated Covergirl…just like me…let’s pose together and fuck the internet up the ass”….and Kate Upton was like “Where’s the all you can eat buffet”…and Irina Shayk was like “I don’t know, I’m just a low level hooker who fucked an athlete to get to where I am”….and Kate Upton was like “Where’s the all you can eat buffet”…

At least she’s one of the hottest bitches in the game, despite all the plastic surgery that makes her look cheap….

Posted in:Irina Shayk