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Archive for the Kendall Jenner Category




Kendall Jenner’s Nipples on the Runway of the Day


Kendall Jenner is walking runway fashion shows now and I sure as fuck hope she’s doing it for free because she needs the credibility as a model and the brand figures since they family and whores and push product – it will be good for sales and social media presence…

I hope the brand didn’t seek her and GIGI out as models, because they are the biggest thing in fashion, you know because they can afford the products and are the target market for the products, so wearing the products is organic..rather than hiring some Russian model who can’t afford a Toyota Camry…you know these are girls with funds…let’s use them as the leaders of the people who can afford our shit…

I guess the only good thing about Kendall is that she’s showing her nipples, but also that she’s not fat, because really, modeling requires zero fucking skill and if she was plus sized doing this and pulling it off, I’d be mad, where as now I just think it’s funny how lazy people are – and how they buy into hype…but they always have so whatever…

here are her nipples..



Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Kendall Jenner VS Twinks of the Day


I don’t get in arguments with people when they say that Kendall Jenner is hot. Sure she looks a bit too much like her dad and has a lot too much of her mom’s ability to be prostituted in any way she needs to be to get what she wants despite being rich as fuck, in efforts to get richer as fuck, because when you’re a vapid cunt, with no soul or substance – money is all that fucking matters, it is what gives you credibility, respect, adorning fans, and thus a following you can convert into more money with ad deals and spokemodeling shit, despite being a virtual no one…because you’re rich and all it takes in America to be someone is to be rich – Just ask Trump (the obnoxious real estate agent, not the politician).

That said, at least she’s no doing gutter fucking booty campaigns like her pig sisters, and she’s actually taken her inherent athleticism and coupled it with her inherent fame whoring and took on high fashion…as a model, despite not being model quality..pretty much shitting on the luxury market with her name and that in and of itself is pretty funny…

But I guess what it comes down to is why not Kendall, sure she looks like an untrained, despite being trained amateur doing her awkward poses she’s been practicing in front of the mirror – since modeling is all she ever wanted to do…and why would she do anymore than that, when the family is such superficial – garbage – business hustling trash…it’s not like some Eastern European pulled out of a dumpster looking for her dinner is any more capable – just hungrier….all it really depends on is who’s out there promoting and selling you and in her case…it’s the whole fucking world…she’s top of the list…and here she is for Calvin Klein taking on some twinks like she was her dad at the gay bathouse…bareback.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner Can Do It thanks to Kim K’s Tits of the Day

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Kendall Jenner was dressed like the lesbian in the wartime “We Can Do It” campaign – featuring Geraldine Doyle – who only worked in a factory for a few weeks…because she could do it, but was more into quitting doing it to marry a dentist and have 6 kids….

The “We Can Do It” poster was designed to encourage laborers to not strike, but in the roaring 80s…it was brought back as a Feminist image for equal rights for women in the workplace….

In 2015…they have taken that imagery of “woman power”, even if it wasn’t intended as a Women’s Power campaign in the 40s when it happened, and pretty much shit on the memory and purpose of the 75 year old image, by having some vapid rich kid who has never worked a day in her life because her sister got fucked by a black dude on camera and her rich family was able to leverage that into a trainwreck with great ratings…who has only taught the young women of tomorrow that being a vapid cunt is fun, especially when you go to the cool parties and drive a Range Rover or G Wagon or Rolls Royce….and that all you have to do is pander to men using your sexuality or even fuck them on camera and the good life filled with NOT ACTUALLY working can be yours….people will just pay you to live because “we can do it”….

The plight of the feminsits of the 60s had this vision in mind when they fought their fight….they said – fuck equal pay, let’s make sluts famous for acting slutty and having no soul, no substance or values…

The whore thing is offensive..SCAB,.

Instead of doing a separate post on the source of all this evil, or at least the first of the daughters to take the hooker mother’s lead and tyrant rich bitch values, to create a clan of “real life soap opera basic america love”…shit…Kim Kardashian in a bra – with a hard nipple because she wants to be remembered…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall’s Ass of the Day


Kendall Jenner is double dipping in Love Magazine, maybe she’s like an Athlete who gets extra money from his Sponsors when he gets published in magazines or featured on TV shows, like he’s won some kind of award or some shit….because she’s giving Love Magazine, who I guess has some level of cool factor to a person like Kendall Jenner who has no concept of cool has…

These rich kids are so detached from reality…in their weird insular bullshit overrated lives filled with cheesy people who suck up to them and want to be famous like them….it’s weird..

Maybe the family is just on Love Magazine’s payroll, since they did some massively viral – possibly the “break the internet” fully nude Kim Kadashian photoshoot…that the public seems to forget they can see her at her prime naked getting fucked by a big black cock…because her getting naked – is hardly breaking anything except maybe the chair she is sitting on or anything her naked disgusting body touches…

Point being, she’s wearing her sponsor Calvin in the magazine, showing her non existent ass, because she’s uneventful, not that hot, but exists and people seem to like talking about her…despite being garbage…myself included…and I hate myself for that and more – stay tuned to find out…

Not too far behind Kendall is her friend and possible employee GIGI

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Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s in a Campaign of the Day


Kendall Jenner is a pile of shit that dripped down Kris Kardashian’s leg and that for some reason that I call being on TV made the general public find her interesting…

She’s the equivalent of some weird pervert finding a used tampon in a dumpster and bringing it home with him to make love to and worship, you know saving it in the jar with the other used tampons he found, because he’s into used tampons…only on a mainstream scale….and I guess more human than a bloody tampon, even though she’s got less substance than a used tampon.

It blows my mind that all it takes is being some social media followed sister of a porn chick to book every single campaign ever…since brands want social media and using her as a model is like advertising in a magazine, it’s less about her, and more about getting published across her network of people who talk about her…

So she moves products, she gets people followers, she’s making a lot of fucking money because of it….and it really just required a good calculated stage mom…a team of 100 people, some of the best in the industry, a family of 20 all pushing for the same goal, and a TV show to make it happen.

All this to say, she’s not hot.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner Sluts Up for Love Magazine of the Day


I guess Kendall Jenner is in Love Magazine again. I figure they just did a photoshoot with all the girls from their Advent Calendar last fall, that they’ll release over the year in their magazine, because why bother coordinating with these people when you get them for a day to do the one cool thing the magazine does every year….

So get the social media whore to show up, milk the social media whore, feed into her rich kid ego, and hopefully she’ll plug you on social media so your company gets more followers and becomes higher profile..

That’s the only reason people are working with her, she’s not that hot, I can’t imagine she’s that good, because everything she does is shit, but peeople follow her bullshit…so latch the fuck onto it when you can like Love Magazine is doing….it’s good for business…some young spoiled rich kid…overrated slut is good for fucking business.

What a joke..

There were other garbage overrated fame whore trash that the media likes – and that I think should be taken out back and shot – in the form of Gigi Hadid never too far from Kendall, Selena Gomez never too far from dying of Lupus and Emily Rat-Cow never too far from doing any media to remind people she happened…cuz she’s done…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner in her Underwear of the Day


I wonder if Kendall Jenner will every discover that she’s just average looking and boring, talentless and half retarded thanks to growing up lazy with everything handed to her, making her unable to do or connect with the most basic of things in life…

Or if she’ll just continue to be sucked up to by brands, designers, agency people, agents, managers, other models and celebrities, who all want her to tag them on instagram to grow their own reach…

Will reality ever set in for her, or will she just remain as delusional as the rest of the family, whoring herself for a better tomorrow…for her cunt, self absorbed self, she can’t let this ever end…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s for Calvin Klein of the Day

We can all agree that Kendall Jenner isn’t hot. She’s not interesting. She’s just a puppet used by her family to peddle product. She will eventually realize this in some kind of breakdown. I’m sure at this stage of Vapid and riding high, she’ll be delusional and love every second, but when the mom dies of cancer, and she will, she needs to…the rest of the family will crumble…making her as obsolete as she can be…no longer getting campaigns…eventually killing herself or doing something positive…

Doesn’t matter, because right now, she’s doing big things for every brand…including Calvin Klein…milk her when you can…everyone else is….except you…because she’s too rich, famous for nothing, talentless and bratty for that…

This bitch is everywhere…

Here are the rest of Calvin Kampaign pics…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner and the Hadid Brats Dance of the DAy

Kendall Jenner is into dancing, but that doesn’t mean she’s interesting, talented or cool…it just means her mom is conditioning her for Dancing with the Stars when the career takes a lull, hell, she’s probably got a plan for a whole Karashian season of Dancing with the Stars once their sheer media power to sell product fades when the world collectively unfollows every single one of them

The sad thing is that the general public is too fucking lazy to go in and figure out all their names to unfollow them, so it’s just easier to “like their pics”…because clearly they are doing something right and will do something interesting…even though they never did…

They peaked with the sex tape and the sex tape wasn’t even that good…

But I guess in their mind, while Vogue and Chanel is booking them for work or photoshoot campaigns, because if they promote it, it gets seen and if it gets seen they get their moneys worth, all while these three rich kids are virtually playing dress up like they did as little bratty tweens, only in real life…because the world is fucking set up for them to be this…

That’s why they are all doing their white girl twerk, hood dance, bullshit cultural appropriation, because this is what white girls are into and how white girls act, whether they’ve won at life or not…all done up for an elegant shoot…because they are so fun and I guess because this is a joke to them but this makes them current, relatable to other white girls who follow them..and the whole thing is so stupid..but here she is dancing on her instagram like the lame, cheesy bitch she is..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin Compare Asses of the Day


Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin are together…showing off their non-existent asses that even their leggings don’t push up and support like they are designed to do, because these bitches just starve themselves in efforts of being mistaken for REAL models…when they are not real models, but they are rich and in the rich kid scene and have fucked Bieber…

They are garbage, overrated, over celebrated, for no reason other than that they have a good team behind them.

I am convinced that Hailey tries to maintain this relationship with Kendall, trying to be her groupie and friend, possibly paying Kendall 10 percent of her earnings to be invited places and on jobs, while Kendall acts like a PREMIUM Kardashian….who works in the real companies, magazines and brands, like a real model, because magazines and brands are idiots trying to get in on the hype, like they were Bieber’s dick, but I guess different…and less annoying.

It’s a scam, they are a scam, they aren’t even hot…and they are milking this hard, and I hate that it’s working.

The world is so fucking lazy.



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Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Kendall Jenner|SFW