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Archive for the Kirsten Dunst Category




Kirsten Dunst Panty Flash of the Day

Kirsten Dunst Panty Flash

Kirsten Dunst will forever be the unshowered hipster celebrity with big tits on a skinny frame who was one heroin cigarette away from death….you know from Bring it on to all the independent shit that never featured her nipples….to falling the fuck off…while the only constant was her janky tooth, that I actually liked and appreciated most about her…

Well now she’s back, she’s working, she’s winning awards, she’s mattering…so why not flash your fucking panties..and that’s just what she did.

I still think she looks like she smells and that’s what I like best about her.


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Kirsten Dunst Promo Tits of the Day


Kirsten Dunst is at the Venice Film festival…because she’s Kirsten Dunst and was borderline dead in terms of health and career after her first round of a career as an actress peaked..and she fell off….only to get back up, possibly because she was out of money, or because some fan boy finally became an exec and was like “Where’s Kirsten Dunst Now, Let’s put her in this thing I wrote for her when I was 18 and she mattered”….and whatever it is that happened..she’s not dead from her hard partying..but instead at film festivals promoting celebrated movie roles she may be in….I wouldn’t know…I don’t keep track of her…but I do remember when she was at rock bottom, and I do remmeber finding it substantially hotter than this haggard version of KD in her “adult serious actor years”…

Great big tits on a small enough, despite being middle aged now…frame…right..


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Kirsten Dunst in Nylon of the Day

Kirsten Dunst in Nylon is not Kirsten Dunst in NYLONS…you know showing off her old lady skinny girl body with big, what must be saggy as hell tits, because it feels like she’s been around forever…we’ve seen her rise to the top and fall into some haggard crackhead looking mess..only to rise up again because I guess she ran out of money…

In this episode of NYLON magazine, she talks about being on TV again in some show I don’t care about but more interestingly….she said “You can get jobs based on your Instagram following these days. That’s insane. But that’s why I have it now”…

Meaning her instagram is just her clickbait, her way to be relevant, her way to prove her celebrity, because she knows she can’t get work without an Instagram, so now she’s on instagram…strictly for profit…like a garbage opportunist you know all these greedy cunts are….

I checked out her instagram, hardly slutty enough, but she’s got a lot of followers, because she’ Kirsten Dunst…an icon…I guess…but I’m more into her tits on her small frame..

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Kirsten Dunst Shameless Panty Flash of the Day

I guess Kirsten Dunst is happy to have crawled out of the booze and drug soaked coma she was in for a bunch of years, before making her comeback….as the actress with a skinny frame and huge tits, that match her huge tooth…because why else would she be collaborating with the wind to give the paparazzi a cute, cheeky, panty flash…..I mean I guess if she was still a mess, she’d be doing the exact same thing, you know this is just WHO Kirsten Dunst is…and I like it…


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Kirsten Dunst Covers Vs of the Day

Kirsten Dunst is on the cover of VS magazine, which from my understanding is a pretty big fashion magazine, so naturally she did it naked or in lingerie…that’s what fashion is about. Clothes just get in the way and the irony of fashion nudity since by definition fashion is clothing…IRONY….

I guess it is to remind that Kirsten Dunst, despite her career and IMDB page is not dead at all..even though anyone you ask will just assume she is, she may still running around like a drunken fool getting in trouble and going to rehab…or she may have settled down thanks to rehab…who knows anything for sure really…other than that she’s got great heavy tits on a skinny frame and that – in a lot of ways – is all the genius you need.

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst




Kirsten Dunst in a Bathing Suit for L’Oreal of the Day

Here is Kirsten Dunst, not looking anything like Kirsten Dunst for L’Oreal, the make-up company that takes your face and turns into the face of another person…

She must be pushing 40 by now, and I find the showered version of her very dull.

I was into the medicated, suffering from success, rich and famous version that looked homeless as she was self destructing in her perpetually, broken girl who had everything, feeling sorry for herself narcissist that all actors are…

There was a time I appreciated, maybe even masturbated to her big tits on small frame…it was probably in the 90s…and maybe there’s hope for her still, as long as she walks through life with a giant filter over her ….

Either way…I’m not against this pic.

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst




KIRSTEN DUNST Brings in the Spring in Harper’s Bazaar UK of the Day

Fashion really is so ironic and high concept art, because here they are using Kirsten Dunst, who is not a fresh face, and if anything, has seen much better days, years, even decades…she’s old, tired, washed up…she’s been eaten up and spat out by the entertainment industry many times, leading to rehab at least once or twice, and for some reason, never to an orthodontist..as part of their floral, bright, inspiring, spring look…I guess they tried to get Amy Winehouse, someone of equal relevance, but the cemetery she’s buried at denied permission to dig her up, so they went with a living dead instead of a dead dead…

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst




Kirsten Dunst in her Underwear on Set of the Day

Here are some seriously shit quality pics of Kirsten Dunst on her movie making comeback tour – on the set of Anchorman 2 – and she’s in her underwear….at least that is what I am told…it looks more like some weird looking dress , or maybe some vintage lingerie that she got back when her career was relevant, 50 fucking years aog….

It’s the kind of underwear that you’d think that I can’t really masturbate to….but luckily…I can masturbate to anything…especially a silly toothed, big titty, mental health issue ridden, addict who was once an “It girl” everyone loved, despite her inability to shower, who is still trying despite being old, tired, damaged and in pixelated lingerie from another era…..

If you throw it my way, if I’ll take on that masturbation challenge….it’s the only thing I know.


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst




Kirsten Dunst in Leather of the Day

The fun thing about Kirsten Dunst is not that she looks like an 80s hooker about to have a heroin overdose at a Rock concert…..it’s that GETS NAKED IN MOVIES NOW ….I mean when she was at her peak of celebrity, before being forced to take on nude roles to pay the bills and regain respect as an action…I’m talking Bring it on Days….seeing her naked seemed like it would never happen…but it did…and I’m glad it did….but not as glad as I am about her VAGINA FLASH she gave us….

Now get ready for her TOPLESS IN MELANCHLOIA

Posted in:Kirsten Dunst




Kirsten Dunst Melancholia Premiere of the Day

I’ve already posted the good parts of this movie….you know the Kirsten Dunst topless scenes in Melancholia to remind you how big her tits are on her small frame…making you forget how haggard, unshowered, cracked out and fucked up her teeth are, because when you have great tits on small frame, all other shit just doesn’t matter…making this likely the best move in her career, cuz tits like this should never go to fucking waste…

Here’s the clip you all want to see…

Here she is at the Melancholia Premiere…..less interesting than the clip…but good enough reason to post the topless clip….

Here is the premise of Melanchloia…Seems ridiculous…

Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth.


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst