I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Lana Del Rey Category




Lana Del Rey New Signle Tits of the DAy


I don’t hate Lana Del Rey or her music. I think it’s dark, catchy, fabricated, manufactured, even bullshit…but I can still handle it, where as other pop stars are just fucking intolerable…like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, that shit just rapes my fucking face like I was some back alley prostitute just trying to find money to buy my baby formula…

I do hate a lot of her fans, who are these bullshit feminist lies, who are from the internet generation and don’t understand that they are just consumers perpetuating everything they claim to hate, but marketers are just more clever than them…

That said, Lana Del Rey has a new song coming out, like she was Dr Dre, she’s also got great enough tits for me to look at – cuz I like tits…

Posted in:Lana Del Rey|SFW




Lana Del Rey AnOther Man Magazine of the Day

Lana Del Rey - Alasdair McLellan Photoshoot for AnOthet Man Magazine 2015 339417

Lana Del Rey is not….

You know what I mean…

If you don’t, do I really need to walk you through the fact that there is nothing hot about her, and that the only time you would really fuck her, is if she was willing to have sex with you at some afterparty, because you have no other options…

There is no way that anyone jerks off to this girl…not even her boyfriend…who probably fucks other girls and just leverages dating her to get more jobs..

You know, the kind of girl that if you’re drunk and high, seems ok because she starts making out with you…

Not the kind of girl you seek to destroy with your dick, even though the only thing your dick has ever destroyed was some deli meat you once fucked…

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey Panty Flash for Galore of the Day

I drank the Galore Magazine party open bar dry the other night in Miami. Lana Del Rey wasn’t at the event, and no one was particularly nice to me because I guess I make fun of their models, while giving them free press, since I have a lot more traffic then they do, I just don’t have the cool factor that they have, and the it girls like Lana Del Rey don’t want to flash their panties at me…but who needs that approval, it requires sucking too much dick, it’s much better to be the abrasive asshole that I am, drinking open bar dry while telling the models I will make them famous, if they send me nude pics of themselves, which they all do…because that’s how the industry works….

All this to say, Lana Del Rey isn’t hot and unless these pics were her sex scene or her Eli Roth / Marilyn Manson rape scene , I’m not really interested…but I’ll post it anyway, I have nothing better to do, even though everything is better than this…especially staring at South Beach girls in bikinis…

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey’s in Some Shitty Maxim Shoot of the Day

I hate Maxim, I think they are a dated concept that should have died with the dot com boom, but unfortunately was too strong of a brand and barely powered through..

I hate that the assholes at MAXIM send me lawyers letters everytime I post their shitty fucking pics that up until the last 3 months have been of absolute nobodies…

I like that since 2004 – I have been a bigger website than Maxim – with more traffic…they used to buy traffic from me…

I don’t hate Lana Del Rey, I just don’t find her that hot…you can CLICK HERE FOR THE PICS

I am more into her rape video with ELI ROTH from yesterday…. CLICK HERE TO SEE IT

I am also more into Jennifer Lawrence…singing…to promote her blockbuster movie that makes her stupid fucking money…

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey, Marilyn Manson and Eli Roth Rape Video of the Day


So Marilyn Manson is denying being a part of this Lana Del Rey rape video that may be shot by Eli Roth….because I guess rape is bad, even if many girls have rape fantasies, it is actually one of the most common fantasies that is up there on the chart of fantasiies with gangbang and lesbian sex….I guess girls, especially now, all polluted by internet porn, like the idea of losing control to some overpowering man, but they don’t like it in practice, because if you were to make a rape joke, let me tell you, every raped girl and their friends who “have a friend who was raped” will let you know…even though you can’t rape the willing, at least that’s what my grandma always told me…

All this to say, it’s just a short movie, it’s not that bad, and seeing Lana Del Rey being controversial, is boring, even when it involves throwing her on the bed….but maybe I am too romantic for this kind of thing..I like flowers and cuddles not violence and tears…but I am sure you angry fucks love this attempt of hers to prove she’s a high concept artist…

It’s no big deal…it is “art”

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey Bikini Pics of the Day

Lana Del Ray is in a bikini on her latest vacation in Italy…when she really shouldn’t be.

I am all for big women to have the right to be half naked when enjoying the summer pool after trolling the world into thinking she is a talent because her songs are all awesome, no thanks to her, it’s all computer…

I am just not into big women who make money being public figures being big, and if they are, they should dress accordingly, like in a sweat suit, because no one needs to see this shit..

She can afford a chef and trainer…and drugs…this here is just straight up laziness.

The good news is, I’ve never found her hot, so fat or not, I am equally not excited nor inspired by this…

She has a lyric “Kiss me hard before you go”…I assume she’s talking about cake…to emotionally eat her sadness…but I could be wrong, I’ve been wrong before…at least once I can think of….


Her boyfriend is photographer and music video director Francesco Carrozzini, who shot THESE KEITH RICHARD PICS I LOVE ….and A BUNCH OF OTHER COOL SHIT and apparently, he likes fat chicks, like most italian men on the cusp of gay.

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey’s Hot House Hunting Pose of the Day

I am so into the paparazzi when they snap off pics of Lana Del Rey showing off her panties , even if I don’t give a fuck about Lana Del Rey, or find Lana Del Rey hot in any way, other than that she’s got some pretty catchy anti-pop-pop songs…I gotta appreciate her bending over a Jag as looking for some over-priced house in LA, because she’s living the good life…and I’m just bummed I can’t see her asshole…cuz like I always say, an asshole is the gateway into a girl’s soul….you just have to fuck it right.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey Probably Shouldn’t Be Wearing Short Shorts of the Day

Lana Del Rey, like so many girls before her, is proving a very known fact, at least to most men, and that is short shorts are not made for all pussy, but rather only a select few should be allowed to wear them…

Bodies, especially when lazy and hard drinking, are not created equally…and that means, either should the length of their shorts….

Sure, I don’t mind looking at even the fattest bitch in short shorts, you know trying to understand what it is I’m seeing, you know trying to make sense of the whole thing, in a “what the fuck does she think she’s doing, she’s too fat to be in those, how did she even get them on, I guess that’s why the button is open and zipper is down, because she didn’t get into them at all, but yet she decided to wear them out in public…weird….”…situation.


Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey is Giving me Boners of the Day

Lana Del Rey is an interesting story that I liked to hate one in the beginning because I felt she was a product of her rich dad just giving his “troubled” rich kid daughter something to do with herself, to make something of herself, and to stop humiliating the family with her failing….which made for a good story…and whether it is truth or not doesn’t matter…cuz if you’re a rich kid capable of releasing hit songs and making yourself famous….fucking do it with whoever is willing to finance it…cuz the famous life…is far better than being a nobody…it’s a fact….that’s why everyone wants it so bad…

These pics are of her at some Fashion show, showing legs, hiding vag, giving me boners….two of them….at the same time…which is kinda weird…


Posted in:Lana Del Rey




Lana Del Rey for Numero of the Day

I have never found Lana Del Rey all that hot…I mean she’s a whole lot of smoke and mirrors and post production…but I can’t really hate what she’s doing…her songs are not shit…her image isn’t all that bad…even if it’s fake or set up for the media….a packaged fucking good that has been marketed properly thanks to her daddy’s money…maybe…but it worked…people ate it up and to hate is just useless partially cuz she doesn’t know who I am…so my opinion is irrelevant…but more importantly….who fucking cares if she’s legit or not…she is making money, living the good life, and is not overly offensive about it…especially when she’s modeling in magazines showing a little tit…a little topless…I have no choice but to be a fan…

To hate someone doing this climb to the top right goes against my life philosophy of hating people who don’t deserve this fame thing….her product is good and now she’s starting to look good…making all this good…..someone get me a thesaurus.

Posted in:Lana Del Rey