I used to bond with a dude, not in a gay way, but in a “we both have really fat wives” way. He was a lot younger and lived across the street from me and for a few months we’d run into each other at the store buying ice cream or chips for our wives late night, and eventually we’d laugh about the shit and start telling horror storries about our wives. It was like a “My wife’s so fat” marathon at least once a week, eventually we started drinking together and our bond was our hatred for the fact that we have to share a bed with a fuckin’ barn animal everynight. He moved and we didn’t keep in touch, cuz I don’t do that faggot penpal shit, but I ran into him the other day and he was with a fuckin’ model lookin chick. She was in spandex shorts like she just finished working out and her ass was incredible. It was like he pulled her out of a mail order catalog or saved her from Brazil or some shit and I pulled him aside and asked what the fuck happened and he turned to me and said “one day she just decided to stop eating shit and working out and that was the best day of my life”….I was blown the fuck away, this hot piece of ass was the ugly fat chick he married who pulled her shit together, it was fuckin’ impossible, beneath all that fat was a fucking supermodel who is stickin’ by his side because she actually loved him and believes he actually loves her because he was there was she was at her lowest, that shit doesn’t even happen in fuckin’ movies…but gives me hope….even though my wife would never try to lose weight and if she did, she’d be the kind of girl who would end up 10 times uglier and disproportionate like some kind of monster or cartoon character because that’s the kind of luck I have….
Here are some pics of Leanne Rimes jogging….all fit and ugly to look at for the diehard fans who still have pics of her when she was 16 on their computers to jerk off to……too bad no one photoshopped her face in these pics…I feel like I am watching a dude jog….

Posted in:Jogging|Leanne Rimes