I guess everything is porn now…so it’s hard to say that this fashion shoot is porn, when everything is fucking porn. I’ve seen 90 percent of the girls I know in real life naked…..in nude selfies…and all I have to do is ask…nothing is sacred, we’re all desensitized…jerking off to our imagination just doesn’t happen…and soon religious sermons will be done nude…just to get mindless, primate humans to listen to the shit they are selling…
This is Lily Donaldson, porning out, because I guess that’s what models do, because they can pretend it is art and not porn…and I call this shoot “Little Too Late”…the other working title I have is “From Model to Instagram”….where established models don’t know how to compete with the instagram models who get all the work despite not looking like models…all because they are clever social media marketers giving the brands the idea that they are what the people want….Tila Tequila did the same thing with Myspace friends…
There was a time, pre 2012, when Lily Donaldson wasn’t a desperate 30 year old doing this kind of amazing…but rather working for Victoria’s Secret as one of their models Leonardo DiCaprio took the virginity of….and now I guess she’s figuring out different ways to make her big tits interesting and I like big tits…in fact…I am always willing to stop what I am doing, anywhere I am, to suck tits…even if I am crossing a busy street…I will risk my life for big tits…so to me, this more DIY work…is better than evil corporate work…but that’s just the anti-establishment in me speaking in this over commercialized world…that sometimes cunts need to be fired from to become cool, down to earth and tolerable…
Here are the pics for the fashion mag…that are pretty fucking awesome…even though she’s 30, which is disgusting and old and has probably banged out some pretty disgusting, rich…famous…men…making her disgusting…I still want to taste her soul / pussy & asshole…
Posted in:Lily Donaldson