Maggie Gyllenhaal is at th peointin her career where we can collectively agree that she is a fucking exhibitionist pervert who likes people watching her gross mom tits in fuck action.
The spoiled RICH LA kid has had a great career. She has been in so many movies. There is no need for her to break out at 45 as some sexual being getting her fuck on. She did that in the Secretary movie back when you needed a role like that to let people know you’re a fucking serious force coming to get all the acting jobs..
Now, she’s so established that doing this is just for kicks, for a thrill cuz she likes simulating sex for an audience….she doesn’t need the money, she doesn’t need the glory, she does this for her own perv reasons. It is weird.
Maybe it stems from her rich kid childhood where she likely fucked her younger brother Jake…cuz there is no way that asshole isn’t a sister fucker….who had a perv sister force his homosexual cock in her during puberty…cuz rich people are fucked…
I don’t watch The Deuce because James Franco plays twins and that kind of thing makes it impossible for me to get into the show, knowing special effects are going on…it annoys me…and they could have just cast his actual brother…why go down that annoying early film making tactic of split screens and body doubles so one guy can play all of the cast..in the worst one man show ever….not to mention it is twin-facing, when there are many twins trying to get work in twin parts, but instead the studio chose Franco for their 70s porn story….
Dumb and dumpy….

Posted in:Maggie Gyllenhaal