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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Here’s a new feature for the site, another one of those “trending hashtags” that are categorized by day of the week, so that we can have a consistent schedule of content that people come back for, like an old friend, State Farm is there and by state farm I mean Pussy Wedgie Wednesday…

It’s something I assume some Dot Com Consultant would recommend I do to make the site better, because we’ve got this 15 year base but it could be so much more if a few tactics were put in place, kind of thing….but then again, I’ve never met a Dot Com Consultant, so I’m doing this genius work ALL on my own based on 15 years of internet but more importantly, being bored as fuck of boring celeb social media content…when the random sluts of the internet are far more important, relevant and what is actually going on out there…

Now, obviously Cameltoe is an old classic….nothing new here, other than the fact that pussy definition is the new cleavage and all these girls of all ages are jacking their bikinis, sports pants, bike shorts jacked up inside themselves…so there are a lot of cameltoes now….the fat pussy, the COINSLOT PUSSY, the meaty pussy is the CLEAVAGE of the era…

Which you’d think would make my selects better, but I am just one person man, I’m doing the best I can for the amount of effort I’m willing to put into this dogshit site…

THAT SAID, there are some hot ones so stop your bitching.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie