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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Every day I see at least one girl in the park, or on the street, or in the stores picking their pants out of their cunts…

The question I have for them, and should ask them, but don’t bother because in this woke era of everyone being uptight fucks, I can’t ask if they intentionally shove their pants into their vaginas, or if the pants are fucking perverts who like creeping up on them, you know because it will make me out to be the fucking pervert looking at their cunts…but I always look to the cunt….

Maybe it’s how mu AI is programmed or maybe I just like pussy…or maybe I saw Sleep Away Camp one too many times….but I look at a girl’s pussy before looking into her eyes on any chance encounter…I am a crotch starer not eye starer in conversation and when observing…so the pussy wedgie’s my fucking favorite…and here’s a bunch of em because pussy is everything and everything is pussy….or at least everyone is pussy.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you leave your house, you will know that girls, not just whores, but all girls have decided that showing how fat their pussy lips are in their tight pants and tight shorts is all part of fashion and style….or being their hottest self…

I know that cameltoes for the longest time were something that girls avoided or were embarrassed of and I am sure that you’ve all had women in your life pull their underwear out of their cunts with the snap of the elastic panties as they free their pussy’s grip….but maybe with all the trans girls are into saying “I AM AS LEGIT AS THEY COME” even though AMAZON sells pussy definition inserts for the tuckers to have cameltoe too. It’s only fair.

I assume that the cameltoe feels good, I’ve seen girls get off by pulling their panties up into themselves, so maybe they are just more open about it now that everyone is a pervert…a horny fucking pervert…or maybe they just want you to jerk off to them…either way, cameltoes happened, these girls posted them, they are the unsung heroes…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know about you and I really don’t care about you because you don’t care about me and I am convinced that you don’t exist, that this website isn’t real, and it’s all a terrible simulation, dream, or schizophrenic experience and I”m actually in an institution hopped up on meds creating this horrible reality….cuz there is no way I update this shit voluntarily…it doesn’t make sense.

That said, I don’t know about you, but I fucking love cameltoes…I think it is glorious that they’ve become a trend or a style play…that girls are jacking their tight shorts or pants or bikinis up inside themselves to show you just how fat their pussy lips are…cuz I like fat pussy lips…who doesn’t…but then again I like skinny pussy lips too…who doesn’t….they are pussies and pussies are glorious.

I don’t know if it is a gender bending issue, of “LOOK WE ARE REAL WOMEN”…to fight off all the trans stealing their sugar baby money cuz rich dudes are into fucking trannies..or if girls are just more and more exhibitionists and now that cleavage and ass has run it’s course, the natural progression is pussy and how hungry they are…as they eat their way through outfits….who knows…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

It’s wednesday…the day of the pussy wedgie…even though if you leave your house you will see ample tight shorts, often times bike shorts, pulled up inside a bitches pussy because she’s just casually being active and they ride up into the gash…and it has nothing to do with them pulling the short up into themselves like they were trying to inseminate themselves with a pro athlete, or really any rich guy’s dick…it’s just how the pussy is built to not support, or eat the tight pants..

I am all about the pussy definition, since getting over the fat girl in High School who always had a nasty pussy wedgie due to her pussy fatness, I’ve really been able to dedicate the rest of my life to staring at a cunt in clothing and thinking…”nice”…even when it’s not.

These aren’t user submitted pussy definition pics, but they should be, so it’s a reminder of my failures…while staring at a cultural and style win for humanity….PUSSY WEDGIES..better than the wedgies you get being bullied on the school bus….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I had a pussy wedgie conversation with a girl in the park who had a pussy wedgie…because for whatever reason she didn’t pull the pussy wedgie out…something that we’ve seen our entire lives and probably hardly ever noticed girls do…cameltoes are a real thing the affect pussies of all sizes and ages…it’s not just for fat pussied moms or fat pussied sluts who like to fuck a lot…it’s even for skinny pussies that don’t fuck at all…but that currently see the cameltoe as either a style option the intentionally give themselves, an inconvenience they don’t bother with because pulling tight pants out of pussy is so annoying..just let the pussy be exposed to whoever wants to see it…which is a great attitude that I am glad more and more women are taking on…because pussy wedgies allow us to see pussy without seeing pussy and thus a win for all involved…girl gets to flash her pussy, maybe get some subscribers if she’s wearing branded bike shorts with her IG handle on them, you know the classy monogram of sluts…..or at least a rush and thrill that some pervert like me stared at the pussy in the pants the way pussy wedgies are meant to be.

Anyway, I didn’t have an actual pussy conversation with a girl in the park, I had a telepathic conversation with the pussy wedgie…you know it’s one of my many mystical talents…they call me the pussy wedgie whisperer..

I did however try to convince a homeless crackhead I chat with to pretend to be offended by the pussy wedgie, you know to stir up some controversy, but she had three other friends with her and they had pussy wedgies too…

PUSSY WEDGIES…the plague like locusts…they’re everywhere…blacking out the sun levels of pussy wedgies…but unlike locusts…you can jerk off to them…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I make fun of social media and barely participate in social media because I hate everyone and feel like it’s more fun to just update my site in peace without having to go onto social media and scream at everyone to CLICK my links or VISIT my site like a shameless self promoter. I pride myself on having never marketed the site and I guess the it takes money to make money propaganda they tell you is true…cuz in the even you haven’t looked around…there’s no money being made here…I should launch an OnlyFans..where I post a pic of my handbra that took me 3 minutes to take everyday for the losers…DIRECT TO CONSUMER MONEY..would you sign up?

That said, Social Media is the devil for a lot of reasons, from pushing propaganda, to dumbing people down, to making people less informed, more sheep-like, as they follow the leader and listen to influencers, it’s also made them channel their activism in the worst way because instead of doing anything of value, they leave mean comments on those they disagree with, so do the least amount of effort to come across as a hero on the right side of the conversation…it’s nuts…So now new relgions of woke are being formed by morons who only care about themselves pretending to care about the world…you know to come across as decent people….you know all this…

But I will say after this week’s encounter with a MASSIVE cameltoe was a glorious experience for me…if you don’t read the site, I saw some INFLUENCER looking bitch who you know wasn’t an influencer, but her face was a muppet face, her body in bike shorts and a sports bra, her tits busting out, her cameltoe seen from SPACE motherfuckers..it was SO FUCKING BIG, I noticed it from a block away and I have terrible eyesight and I said to myself “evil or not, at least the agenda involves making everyday girls sluts who show me their pussy by jacking their athletic clothing into their pussy, intentionally”….I mean how could a technology that does that, even if they censor anyone on the other side of the conversation, but that people think is “Free”, meanwhile their data’s being mined and monetized…since NOTHING IS FREE….be a bad thing….

MAKE MORE GIRLS SLUTTY AGAIN….and that’s precisely what they are doing, so as someone very into the CAMELTOE for fashion trend, here’s a bunch of PUSSY WEDGIES…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies…

In this era of genders not existing, everything being about diversity, gender, race, religion, sexuality, you know the boring shit that no one actually cares about so why the fuck is everyone always talking about it like it’s revolutionary….where people like Margot Robbie are trying to give the nerds boners and be woke by wanting her Pirates of the Caribbean Character to be some kind of Queer, or Harley Quinn to Strap On Fuck Poison Ivy, pushing some agenda cuz she know that no one wants her white ass on screen, and not even cuz of diversity, the low grade, low rent, generic brand nude in Wolf Of Wall Street, peaked in Wolf of Wall Street…the whole existing beyond that is fucking mental…so try every angle you Aussie slime…

Anyway…girls want you to know they have pussies, cuz they pull their pants up in them for photos…it’s the silent protest that trannies are capable of partaking in thanks to a product they sell on AMAZON…the CAMELTOE insert…..you know doing girl better than girls…and seeing a pussy definition, the lip thickness, fatness, gape, clit….makes us better people, or at least is a good way to present yourself in your tight pants to the world…you hugry pussied fuck.



Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

In the confusing gender dysmorphia world we live in, where men are becoming women and women are becoming men, and everyone becoming infertile, thanks to the plastics in the water, hormones in the foods, vaccines….that aren[t vaccines…but a whole other conversation for you idiots to have amongst yourself because I don’t care about how hard you believe the media and influencers getting paid by the WALGREENS or CVS to push the vaccine on the herd…like the HEROES they definitely aren’t…

But yeah, while everyone is cutting off and modifying their genitals, there are still girls out there into showing off how fat their genitals are but feeding them their panties and taking a pic…and I think that’s important work, content creation and messaging…so I encourage it…and the exciting thing in all this is that girls are pulling their pants to their shoulders in real life too…not just internet life…because this is a trend…new cleavage…but pussy cleavage and I’m into it.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

It’s hard to not appreciate a girl who pulls her pants up into her vagina before leaving the house because it’s a trend…like cleavage or going braless before it…the pulling of tight pants into cunt intentionally to show people how fat and hungry your cunt can be…you know the let us know if they are the Ashley Graham, Roseanne Bar, Fat Chick on This is Us kind of pussy or not…and knowing is half the battle, or knowing what a pussy you’ll never fuck because it’s in line at the grocery store in front of you and is likely married and creeped out by you….is the important level of narcissism and exhibitionism we need….you know so self involved they don’t even care that some fucking slimy fuck like me can basically see her clit…because they just want everyone to see their clit…it’s fascinating and amazing….because I remember a time when you’d have to negotiate with girls to pull their bikinis, panties, pants into their vaginas, and it usually didn’t go over well when doing it on public transit, outside colleges, in bars and restuarants….even strippers would get mad…but here it is just being handed to us with no effort….what a world…seriously…how can you be mad when we live in a world where girls pull pants into their cunts for strangers they wouldn’t give the time of day to…but rather be grossed out by… to see their cunts…brilliant.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

As you can imagine, the pussy wedgie, when not on the high school lunch lady, or any other obese trash in a thankless job, maybe working at the diner, or the old lady on Welfare at BINGO….you choose your own nasty ass fat lady in pants too small for her that it forces or gives the illusion that her vagina or at least the fat around her vagina is trying to eat their way to freedom…you a pussy as hungry as the pussy’s host body that it eats everything around it…

But yeah,…a pussy wedgie on those types are far different than a pussy wedgie on girls who you want to know have a vagina for real and not on some trans shit…but more importantly…that allow you to visualize the vagina thanks to eating the pair of pants…

I am pussy wedgie fan on the right pussy….or the wrong pussy….since they are always the right pussy….cuz pussy not be created equally is still pussy.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie