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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I like to think that all the trannies have forced the actual girls, many who have similar faces to said trannies, thanks to all those face injections that instagram made all the girls get when they didn’t need them….I guess instagram likes making people get things they don’t need…it’s kind of the whole point of it but maybe that’s just the society we live in and by default social media became some herding tool to get credit cards pulled out…it wasn’t by design…who cares..

The fact is that thanks to social media, where girls get the ideas they get for their own content, and thanks to trannies, where girls have penis which isn’t so marketable to guys who like girls who don’t have penis, so bitches need billboards pointing to their cunts to let everyone know it’s the real deal…the CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY….you get what I am saying….the pussy, the modern cleavage for girls who want to be known as girls so guys who like to fuck girls with natural born vaginas, not the inverted dick kind…since they freed the nipple…they needed another angle…THIS IS IT..and it is amazing.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I have always looked to the pussy when coming across a girl, I don’t know why because I’ve never had a CRYING GAME experience where I’ve had a surprise dick make an appearance in a random hook-up with what I thought was a girl, it’s just habit…blame my facial recognition blindness…so I look to the pussy first….

Not that it would make a difference, I am sure TRANNIES are all about the the pussy wedgie, whether with cameltoe inserts, or showing off their new expensive designer pussies made from turning their dick inside out, or even with some strategic use of their balls in a CAMELTOE tuck….PEOPLE ARE FUCKING NUTS..so broken and manipulated by the algorithm….

Anyway, in looking to the pussy first, I’ve always seen a lot of cameltoe, but since the pandemic, I’ve never seen so many cameltoe…some so aggressive I can see them from across the street without my glasses on…never have their been so many fat lip with pants jacked up in it…maybe because pussies are fatter, I mean everyone is, maybe girls are sluttier and like the pressure on their clit…it makes walking fun, or maybe they just like people seeing their cunt..

WHO cares…they are amazing and here is a round-up…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I like to think that the younger generation that was raised on porn are not woke at all, I mean they may pretend to be, because they are inclusive and don’t really judge each other for their genders and colors, and who they fuck, because they’ve seen it all in porn, but they aren’t annoying about it like the generation before them who unfortunately have a platform…and the big business and government think it’s real issues, when no one I know buys into the shit, we still like using the word faggot like a faggot still uses the word faggot, cuz it doesn’t mean we care that they are faggots, it just means we like great words that don’t need to be deleted from the dictionary and replaced with weird woke shit like pronouns..

So when I look at girls who are rocking cameltoes, leave your house, you’ll see at least 2 per hour, but on social media, so much pussy definition happens, in part because they wear tight pants, pussies are fat, it happens….

Which brings up an important point, has the hormones in the food, the air, the chemicals in our diet, the shifting of our brain and genders, like we’re all crazy….affected to shape of the pussy…

Clearly the men have less testosterone, so does that mean the women have less estrogen, do the pussies look like mini dicks are are they all INNY….I don’t know…but I want to know…but I’ll look at the frontal wedgies, a hot thing, and try to figure it out with my own investigative techniques…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies can happen in any kind of tight pant with any level of fat pussy, which is what makes them so great…you can have a skinny pussy bitch, you know them thin lips kind of girl in a pair of jeans an still see the outline of that pussy….you can have a fat pussy bitch in a bathing suit, panties, leggings, short shorts, bike shorts…and see just how fat the pussy is….because pussy is hungry, like a parasite latching onto things and sucking them up inside them as they try to get pregnant in this sterile world of people only making babies if they are good props for their social media…but not as good of a prop as jacking your pants up inside you…cuz it’s the vagina flash without the vagina flash…blame it on the pants…but we KNOW what you’re UP TO…you can fool us…you CLEVER MINX….

Here’s some pussy wedgies…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Unfortunately, the only pussy wedgie I’ve seen today was on a group of middle aged guys who I guess don’t go to office anymore, because COVID or some shit….wearing the silliest bike shorts for their casual bike ride…you know Lance Armstrong role play…

I have said this for years, there’s nothing gayer than bicycle shorts, at least bicycle shorts on a man going for a leisurely ride on a Wednesday….which is why I’ll assume they actually had vaginas….because vaginas seem to fucking LOVE bike shorts, you can’t go outside and see a girl who is not in bike shorts, because they either like the way they look, how they market themselves, or how they feel….because they like them so much…they fuck em….and here’s some pics of bike shorts getting fucked.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t think I can leave the house without seeing a girl pull her pants out of her vagina at least once. I don’t think this was as common a thing when I was younger, because I know I would have noticed, since I look at a woman’s vagina before looking at her face in every and all scenarios..it’s just my autism, interests, why look in eyes when you can look at their pussy….

Anyway, I don’t think I can leave the house without seeing a girl KEEP her pants in her vagina, because it’s a style choice, maybe some activism, some “I have a pussy hear me roar” feminist shit…that’s really just being an exhibitionist trying to get attention…probably on an animalistic level of “being the female the men try to impregnate to keep the species alive”…but since everyone is a mindless retard, oftentimes on medication, they don’t connect the fucking dots, they just like walking around with their external genitals pretty much exposed…

I am not complaining, I just watched enough animal nature documentaries to know what’s going on, why else would girls want to use their pussy to get it stared at…it’s beyond just “STYLE”…or “Trends”….or being EDGY….it’s deeper than that…

So here’s some pussy wedgies…I fucking love the cameltoe, I’m a fan, and onboard for this trend.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The pussy wedgie, for the pussy lover, or the trans pussy lover, since they make inserts for trans people to tuck their dicks into that have fat pussy lip mounds to give the really confusing illusion of there being a pussy up in there, when the rest of them is telling you another story, like that they are a Kardashian inspired sugar baby ready to suck dick for money, cuz everything is transactional in this world of everyone being a sex worker instead of someone who holds the sanctitude of sex, love and romance in high esteem…you heathens…

But yeah, I fucking love seeing cameltoes from every angle, in every outfit, at any time….bikinis, panties, fitness gear, I don’t care….the pussy definition is a magical thing that for whatever reason, girls have decided they love showing off…maybe it feels good…or maybe it feels good to be a little racy, provocative and arousing when they leave the house, like when they masturbate for money in the comfort of their home, but different!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The best part of Pussy Wedgie Wednesday is that you can see them and not smell them, because pants so tight they suffocate your cunt in ways it can no longer breathe, so they just basque in the pussy hugging fabrics…..not that I hate a stinky pussy, I mean I’ve met so many of them, the idea of a freshly showered girl before feeding time, seems like a mystical creature I wouldn’t know what to do with….I mean no smell, no Flavor, what is this a COVID symptom….the sweat, tang and pH levels is what I need….

I ask this question weekly, are the pussy wedgies intentional…pulled up in the cunt for stimulation when they walk…shorts that are the modern Ben Wai balls….or bull plugs…or does it just happen because fat lips can’t be contained…

No one ever answers me….that makes me cry….SO LONELY….at least I have the pussy wedgies….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

What came first, the pussy or the pussy wedgie…

That’s a dumb question, I guess you need a pussy to have a pussy wedgie, so it’s not some big philosophical mystery, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a mystery around the pussy wedgie….

The mystery around the pussy wedgie comes in the form of whether it is intentional, a fashion statement, modern cleavage as I’d expect it to be based on all the girls with tight pants jacked up their cunts that I see on the internet and in real life…this is not limited to internet girls trying to get followers…I have seen pussy wedgie’s so intense that even with my shitty eyesight I’ve seen from across the street…I mean that’s SUBSTANTIAL PUSSY LIPS needed to give that level of PUSSY wedgie…where shit can be basically seen from space…

Or does the pussy wedgie just happen organically when the pants are tight enough, the pussy is fat enough, you know it just sort of works its way up in there….

Pussy wedgies are amazing whether it’s intentionally being pulled up into themselves cuz it feels like masturbation, or if it’s just a design flaw that’s been turned into a win, you know empower the pussy wedgie, there’s no shame in having a pussy, despite what the media tells you as they replace women athletes with men on women’s hormones….

The mystery around the pussy wedgie doesn’t matter, so long as these girls keep bringing the evidence they exist for us to do further research.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Despite my Penis Looking like a vagina, it’s an inny not an outtie, I have no real authority or knowledge as to whether a cameltoe feels good for a girl, you know like your pants or shorts are jacking you off, but the girl version…

I just know that the cameltoe is trendy, whether it’s just a product of tight pants, or fatter pussies, or fatter pussies in tigter pants…or an actual intentional style decision, which I’m more inclined to think it is, you know modern cleavage now that girls walk around with their tits out in sheer tops, they ned to have something to trigger a response from being racy….it’s a girl thing…

I am more inclined to think it’s an intentional play, only because they are uploading these pics to social media….meaning they know there’s toe….and want you to know too…which is a pretty nice charitable donation…a reminder that not all philanthropy comes from money…it can happen sexually, even through cockteasing because these girls could have very easily decided to not show you their pussy wedgie….



Posted in:Pussy Wedgie