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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I was reading some conspiracy that basically outlined that all of the famous actresses are actually born men and part of some big scam to confuse people.

I wouldn’t say that it is totally impossible, because for the entirety of this site I’ve called these celebs out for not being nearly as hot as they are marketed as.

I also know where there is money, there is a lot of fucking weirdness, and Hollywood is about the money…lots of money…so what we think we know may just be an elaborate troll. As someone who has been on the internet as long as I have, I wouldn’t be all that shocked or really all that mad since I don’t jack off to celebs like you do.

Anyway, in the conspiracy they mentioned the CAMELTOE prosthetic that is available on amazon for the average consumer looking to dupe dudes into thinking there’s a cunt under those balls and I figure that technology had to start somewhere, like most trends, that somewhere may have been HOLLYWOOD.

So you can’t always trust the cameltoe, but sometimes you just need to trust the cameltoe, because pussy eating pants, underwear, shorts, basically anything…showing off the pussy in full glory through the pants…is pretty fucking great.

These cameltoes, which we’ll assume are on women, it’s all a matter of perception, are fucking great.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I like to think the cameltoe is the passive aggressive strategy of the woman who is secretly mad that the transgenders are moving in on their turn in an actual threat far greater than TOXIC MASCULINITY…

You know, a bunch of dudes who can’t get pussy rating girls they see in movies based on their tits, because it’s all they got….is not a fucking threat to women.

Or a big corporations using sex to sell products, because it’s easy, and people appreciate good looking things being sexualized…is not a fucking threat to women.

I would argue that women, at their core, under all that noise and confusion from external factors, probably get turned on by dudes being dudes, even lame dudes being dudes, because they like tits….rather than the male feminist cuck who wants to watch them have sex with a dick bigger than theirs…

I am not a woman, so I don’t really know what goes through their mind, but I am sure no hot chicks out there are really that mad that they get benefits for being hot….maybe doors held open, maybe men hitting them up to date, or fuck….it’s actually a fucking compliment…

So the whole misogyny and toxic masculinity thing is actually welcomed, you know that masculine energy is important for the species..

The real threat is men saying they are women, acting like women, and society embracing them as women by taking things AWAY from women and given to them…because they are the bigger victims. or whatever.

Since people can’t say that, since it would be considered a hate crime, or could get them cancelled, they hit the streets, pussy eating their shorts so ya’ll know – they are woman, hear them roar..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Definition, Camel Toe, HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO-PUSS, or whatever you want to call pants too tight for a meaty pussy, or a pussy so fat that it’s got one of them eating disorders where all it wants to do is eat everything around it, is one of my favorite real life experiences I have these days…

For whatever reaason, I assume the popularity of transgenderism, and the attack on the biological female, as men have infiltrated their gender and are winning at their sports, advancing in their jobs, being rewarded WOMAN of the year like we’re at the Special Needs School and forced to tell the retard 15 year old who figured out that 2+2 is 4 using a couple of the rocks he played with, is like he just solved world hunger or broke some fucking code and figured out eternal life like he was Elon Musk….instead of hitting it over the head and saying “of course 2+2 is 4, you’re 15, figure it the fuck out, slow mo”…

Anyway…I am here to support the bilogical female, as a fan of the pussy, seeing the pussy cleavage, so you can essentially see the full pussy, or at least how fat the full pussy is, just going out to the grocery store, or the park…is a HUGE improvement in humanity, cuz otherwise I’d never get to see their pussy.

So SUPPORT the pussy wedgie MOVEMENT…it’s important…in the fight to SAVE biological women….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

God is real. I always knew there was something bigger than what’s out there, but in the last year or so, I’ve realized how present God is….because I’ve seen how present EVIL is….

I know what you’re thinking, that GOD must be real because girls have subscribed to the whole getting naked on the internet for money instead of working a real job….who’s to say selling nudes isn’t a real job….why bother getting trained in a skill or make a difference int he world when you can do a quick and easy cash grab…..so maybe these PUSSY wedgies are evidence that GOD is real to some of you because pussy wedgies are some of the hottest shit and they are no longer just reserved to girls with BIG fat vaginas who wear pants a few sizes too small…..

I see that as more of a God has been bastardized, censored, Christians made to look like ignorant idiots stuck in the past, or hicks while Satanists infiltrated their churches, schools, government…..is probably why we people are turning to the dark side of posting pics of their vaginas through their pants and you probably subscribe to that and think it’s a good thing, I mean there’s so much smut out there, where to BEGIN…..

I see it as being more obvious than ever that EVIL is hard as work, but at least EVIL sometimes presents itself in ways we can all remain braindead and distracted….through babes, who were put her by God, but have lost their course and are totally forgetting what’s actually important in life as they chase that instant gratification..like having pussy wedgies on your dick through meaningful relationships rather than in photo from the comfort of your lonely apartment…

So I don’t choose EVIL, but I’ll watch what the people who do choose evil, or at least the smut they produce for the internet and I guess in real life because I do leave the house and I do see pussy wedgies and love them like they are God’s children, because they are….every last one of these lips…

I do think society is better when the majority of people are good Christians, so that when pussy wedgies happen they are fresh and exciting and new….rather than this discount bargain basement level of PILES of this shit…but there could be worse piles to sift through….you know these could be TRANSGENDER cameltoes, which I think they call MOOSEKNUCKLES>


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again….the first pussy wedgie I remember was one that I was actually grossed out by because it was on a lunch lady who had more than 6 kids. Her sweatpants too tight to not hug her pussy harder than it was the load of one of her baby daddy’s before getting pregnant with the 7th kid….

I would remember getting my subsidized fishsticks, looking at that shit and thinking, that’s what happens when you’re a mom, your pussy just eats the fuck out of your pants, and with that fishstick smell, it made for a stomach curdling thing….but then I hit puberty, realized pussy is awesome and when you can see a full pussy through a pair of pants, you’re halfway where you need to be, making that lunch lady mom with the massive cunt pretty fucking useful to jerk off to….even if you could probably climb up inside it due to its sheer size…

Since then, I’ve been all about the cameltoe, pussy hugging pants, and in the last two years, while the media and social media try to normalize men sterilizing themselves by cutting their dicks off and turning it into a store bought pussy, girls, the dying gender of our species as industrialist thinking men are doing the whole being better at being women than woman, extincting them as men do….the girls with actual pussy are revolting against that patriarchy designed as tranny bullshit, by showing their pussies to everyone through their pants the way they should…because I love looking at pussy, in pants or not, I guess I’m not gay from the hormones in the foods yet.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

You gotta ask yourself what’s the fucking point of wearing pants in this era of everyone being naked on the internet all the time, it’s like just walk around with your pussy out, we don’t need this barrier of entry, screw societal norms, we’re at the point where there is not societal norms, just say your gender is showing your pussy, maybe even get a pair of pants that have a plastic window in the pussy-zone for that technicality that there are pants on, just inefficient pants for covering full pussy…or I guess you could just pull your pants up into yourself, and let us see it that way…maybe it’s a softer version of my proposal..maybe I am a few months or years ahead of the curve because if I know anything….there will be a time in our lifetime, where girls will walk around pussy out for style..maybe not my lifetime, I mean who knows at this point….BUT IT WILL HAPPEN one day…and I hope I am there for it..

In the meantime…they are doing a good job showing the pussy….without fully showing it…those modest ladies..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Definition is pretty exciting to me, because I am a huge lover of vagina, I think that’s the real “born that way” they try to pretend is an excuse for gay shit, when we all know gay shit comes from weirdo perverts who have been confused along the way…I mean I know gay people and totally respect them for fucking dudes cuz they find dudes hot even though they aren’t chicks who are actually hot…and I am convinced that every gay dude I’ve ever met could EASILY go straight…when realizing how much better vaginal sex is than anal sex, I mean it was built for your dick, the asshole is the back-up plan and full of shit…

So yeah, the idea of girls walking around with their pussy’s on blast, you know letting everyone see your pussy as you walk along doing your errands, which for someone who didn’t get to see pussy every time I leave the house, it’s pretty great advancement of our society…I mean I used to beg and it’d be pretty pathetic to get a girl to show me her pussy…NOT ANYMORE…I mean just yesterday I saw a professions, maybe a doctor, lawyer, accountant…walking out of her office building in leggigns…FULL cunt out…I mean I’d NEVER see her cunt in my life, those professional types don’t fuck with my kind, yet here I am with front row seats to her pussy like one of her meaningless sex partners she has eat her out on weekends….a gift…..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy wedgies are what I’ve traditionally called pussy definition because if the pants are tight enough you can see the entire pussy print…which by definition is the pussy definition…not that we’re a dictionary but we’ll assume we have dicks and in having dicks we’re into pussy….that’s not to say some dick aren’t into ass, or that some dick are into tranny that don’t have pussy wedgies but could if they had the right insert sold on amazon to pull their lie….but I’ll assume there are still dudes who are both fascinated and inspired by every vagina they see and that they appreciate that part of a style trend these days is pulling pants and panties into vagina in order to show the world your vagina definition…it’s the new cleavage…

This is a round up of girls with cameltoes…showing off their cameltoes because cameltoes are hot even when they’re not….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

I’ve been a day behind on some of these posts all week, you can blame me for being a degenerate who shouldn’t even update this site to get back to living on the streets and dumpster diving like a true human, not the socialized one they’ve turned us into, with all these societal rules, but rather just a find some donuts in the dumpster outside Dunkin, head to the mall to sit in the food court to stare at the upskirts as they ride the escalator, or I guess the pussy wedgies for those not in skirts, because pussy wedgies are fucking everywhere….all this to say…it’d be more fulfilling than scouring the internet for pics of pussy wedgies for 12 weird fucks or less….11 of which are spam bots….LIVING the DOT COM BUBBLE DREAM over here….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies are a magical thing that happens when girls have fat enough vaginas and tight enough pants for those fat enough vaginas to eat those tight enough pants.

I know they sell pussy wedgie inserts on Amazon, because I promoted them on this site using the Amazon affiliate program that ended up making me 2,000 dollars, that AMAZON ended up never PAYING ME, because they think this is a porn site…

THAT IS DISCRIMINATION….I wish I could have sued, I probably could have, but that 2000 dollars was all I had and I never got it fuckers…

Anyway, The best thing about pussy wedgies is that they are normally actual girls showing off their pussies in their pants, because they need to, it’s a warzone out there, and trannies are tucking their way into womanhood, fucking with women rights and not even at the sport level, but weird fucking queer dudes are trying to fuck trannies cuz trannies can’t get their periods…or maybe because trannies allow them to be gay without feeling gay because it’s still a “girl/boy” relationship instead of just being gay.

POINT OF THE STORY…is I’ve seen so many cameltoes this year…as girls are trying to solidify owning their fat pussies, showing off their fat pussies, cuz they all know it’s their money maker…I am good with that.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie