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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Looks like it’s another fucking Wednesday, but unlike the annoying people at the office I used to work at 24 years ago, my HUMP DAY doesn’t involve saying HAPPY HUMP DAY, which fucking annoys me more than you’ll ever know, it’s up there with “HAPPY FRIDAY”…like fuck right off with your condescending, manipulative, bullshit…I don’t need YOU to wish ME a HAPPY anything…especially a HUMP DAY with some stupid fucking smirk, like you’re being all clever, because the word HUMP is hilarious…maybe because you HUMP inanimate objects for jokes and it reminds you of that…or maybe you like that BEYONCE song about her lady humps…I don’t know but it’s dumb…

In these parts….we do HUMP DAY…by looking at the PUSSY HUMPS in tight pants, which MAKE sense to me because they call it the CAMELTOE and CAMELS have HUMPS, but I think the fatter the pussy, the less it looks like a CAMELTOE and more like a DOUBLE HUMPED camel, you know the kind you’d have romantic relationships if you were unmarried and living in the desert…

The point is, I used to find CAMELTOE gross because it was always the old fat ladies with the blown out fat pussy lips who rocked them…they didn’t like to size up on pantsize for the egos…BUT now it’s fucking everyone, modern day cleavage, but with pussy eating through pants, like you’d be eating these pussy…RIGOROUSLY.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you’ve got a pussy, you might as well jack your panties up inside it, or your pants…because with the advent of filters, cheap plastic surgery so you can make yourself look like your avatar, the whole state sponsored gender reassignment surgeries that will likely end up in a lot of unhappy people, I mean I know people who have regrets about tattoos they got when they liked a specific band in their late teens….and now it’s branded on them….cutting your dick off a whole other ballgame…

But yeah, with the face injections, the transgendered being able to pull off the sugar baby lifestyle and look better than most girls, since they are born dudes and know what dudes like…BLOWJOBS…DUDES LIKE BLOWJOBS….especially suprise unplanned blowjobs…

ANYWAY…I don’t know if girls are flashing pussy to say “REAL GIRL OVER HERE”….or just because they like the way it feels…or like the dudes looking at the fatness and HUNGER of their labia….

I just know it happens, and this is the extent of my DOCUMENTARIAN work…they call me KEN BURNS of pussy wedgies…doing those DEEP digs…literally…just not for PBS…since it hasn’t become a jerk off site yet…BUT IT WILL…they all do….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I’ve been basically throwing raves of 1 in the grocery store for the last weeks, there’s extreme lockdowns in these parts of Canada because the VACCINE PASSPORT worked so well they had to close all the places that only vaccinated people could go…and they blame the unvaccinated for it…since they weren’t there….and as people who only interact with other vaccinated people get sick thanks to their 100 percent effective vaccine they have decided was never supposed to protect them from the virus, but reduce their symptoms, which isn’t at all the truth, but their new truth and you can’t judge a person’s own truth…”THAT IS MY TRUTH and EVEN IF IT GOES AGAINST ALL OTHER TRUTHS SINCE THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH…YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT OR YOU ARE A RACIST BIGOT HEATHEN TRUMPER”….

Anyway, the grocery store, the last bastion of freedom, what’s a fucking bastion, I don’t know but it sounds right…is where I go and spend hours per night….and last night, I did not see ONE single PUSSY wedgie, all these bitches have LONG coats on but luckily…THE internet delivered and PUSSY wedgies STILL exist…I was worried the trend had seen it’s end….it didn’t.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Girls producing content around their cametoes is a pretty good time because I like to think of the DVD commentary that would come with this genius production, you know some BTS of them pulling pants up into themselves as they prepare for the photoshoot on their phone or computer…because they like the world to see their pussy…like a dude holding his boner in his sweatpants on public transit but the less aggressive version because it’s ladies showing cunt.

I personally like the pussy wedgies because it allows me to assume a bitch is really a bitch and not a dude who is pretending to be a bitch because with the fillers and make-up tutorials they watch it’s hard to decipher what’s what when no one seems human.

So I am a fan of this behavior, especially in public, it’s the hat tip, wink, thumbs up, a-okay sign of “don’t worry you’re not being a faggot by wanting to fuck me”…not that fags would be into fucking men who dress like ladies…it’d be more the closet case trying to delay his coming out…you know the gateway to fagism…and yes I say fag because I’m tired of good words being collectively decided are hate speech…when they are perfectly good words that don’t invoke hate….calling a gay dude a fag is not with hate….a word CANNOT be hate…..but dragging a gay behind a pick-up truck in BOYS DON’T CRY…could be..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I pretty much just wrote this post 5 minutes ago, yes that’s about how much time I put into these REALLY impressive posts no one reads, I’m working on getting them down to 30 seconds, because why bother wasting all of our time for no reason…it’s not like I am leaving a legacy, or going back with an archivist to document my best ZINGERs for some memoir because I have a lucrative book deal…if anything all this is just nonsnse, I’ve cheapened myself like that, and it’s fine…NO PRESSURE…

But yeah, I already wrote that I looked to Eiza Gonazlez in her bikini’s pussy before her tits, because I default stare at pussy and always have because I love pussy…I am a feminist like that…or MAYBE a straight guy pervert like that…EITHER WAY…big fan of pussy…just last night I was mapping out a VACCINATED VS UNVACCINATED pussy taste test because I want to be the SCIENCE….FUND MY RESEARCH….let’s see if the vaccine pussy tastes like death, or TINNY, or maybe like CHINA WUHAN WET MARKETS….maybe they’ll BURN my face off…BUT I AM READY….

“You get the point….we get it – you like pussy…look at you MR overly straight guy…trying to cover up his innate homosexual tendancies…OVERCOMPENSATING”

Sure, except every gay dud I know hates pussy….so THAT THEORY WON’T WORK ON ME.

What I have been trying to say, but I’ve been rudely interrupted by my own thoughts is that PUSSY DEFINITION is so important now more than ever, because there’s an attack on pussy as men have decided to give themselves pussy, despite gay dudes hating pussy, but because of narcissism, confusion, or a WILL to WIN at swimming and other sports..I don’t know…but it’s an attack…and one I don’t want to get in the crosshairs of because I want my pussy definition to be that of a pussy, not of a tuck, not of an insert…so before looking at the tits, or the FILTER FILLERED face…I look to the CUNT…the HUB of new life…the MOST glorious ORIFICE around….if your’e a traditionalist like me.



Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I was talking to a dude who was so excited to tell me how he has only worn jeans once in the last 2 years thanks to the pandemic….

I was like “awesome, nothing like giving up your freedoms and going along with the most insane campaign against the people in modern history, for the ability to wear sweatpants in public without it being frowned upon”….

I was also like “I’ve been wearing sweatpants exclusively for the last 18 years because I run a website and I’m about 300 pounds, I smell like stale semen, diabetes and feces, because I don’t wash said sweatpants, and no one seems any more stoked on that fact now that more people wear sweatpants”….

I call it….”CULTURAL APPROPRIATING FROM THOSE WHO HAVE TOTALLY GIVEN UP”….you may not be depressed, near homeless, or disgusting….but you can dress like you are….THANKS COVID…

He went onto to say that the benefit of his sweatpants is that girls can see how big his dick is and they love it, because I guess sweatpants have got girls horny for dick now that they can size a motherfucker out, which probably works out well for the people out there with no social skills or confidence…despite having big dicks…

NOT the problem I have, I’m more a “I can jerk off without people even knowing I have aboner in my sweatpants”….I WAS BORN THAT WAY…

Well, as gay of a coversation as this was at the grocery store, the chick he was with was in leggings, she didn’t chime in because she was likely scared of my creepy presence, but she too was rocking a gnarly cameltoe in those leggings she’s likely been wearing since the dawn of the pandemic, which is realy the only reason I was letting her dude talk about his dick….as an excuse to stare at the pussy….not that you need an excuse to stare at the pussy…just stare at it…they want you to…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy wedgies…the less shitty wedgie….if you know what I mean.

That’s all I got.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

As a straight man, not that I am hormonally a man, but I still have the spirit of a straight man, despite there being an attack on the straight man, because I don’t give a fuck about what the “culture” is up to because the culture are always uninteresting puppet slaves following the trend to either climb the ranks and get rich, or go along with it unnoticed, which are both pretty PUSSY place to be…

But as an unapologetic straight man, who likes ladies, actual ladies, born with vaginas and not slaughtered penises made to look like pussies, lubricated with PROSTATE CHEESE, BUT women who exude female energy, and femininity and release all the things that are attractive to a man, and ideally SMEAR THEM ON MY FACE, because that’s the theme of the day….WHAT IS THE MAGIC WORD PEOPLE…..SMEAR ON MY FACE….now take a cue out of PeeWee’s Playhouse and bug out every time I write it…


Anyway, yeah, pussy is part of femininity, women are powerful, they are the keepers of sex, the controller of sex appeal, they gift us when we deserve it, and even if society is telling them there’s not sanctitude in being modest or prudish, that they should all be sex workers first, cheapening the whole experience by taking it from a spiritual level to a graphic, spread pussy for a dollar level…which is really too bad…especially since all these people are so miserable..

They call be a woman hater, because I hate some bitches and think they are ruining the rest of the ladies out there, but I am not a woman hater, I fucking love women, I just don’t like that women don’t realize how fucking magical they are…and instead try to be BROS about fucking….when they should be getting seduced and showered with gifts all day to get that fucking…and not from an Amazon Wishlist, you see that’s NOT the point…

Point is, these are some pussies wedgied, the cameltoe, the reminder of the glorious things that happen with this organ alone…

As a pussy lover, the pussy wedgie is my favorite….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I didn’t see any pussy wedgies out in the wild today, which is shocking because a few months ago, you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing at least one bitch with per pants jacked up in her ass like she was trying to give reverse birth to them….you know it’s fashion when your idols are whores like the Kardashians….

I did see some babe in front of the Masonic Temple in a mini-skirt and ripped pantyhose getting her pics taken, all big lipped and posing full retard like there weren’t people walking by, because people live in a fucking bubble and not just a COVID bubble but a narcissitic bubble…but yeah, no pussy wedgies….

Luckily, the internet is full of them, so you motherfuckers get to see the cameltoes you know and love, far better than the lunch ladies, cuz these girls aren’t fat…BUT THEIR PUSSIES are…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I am sure you’ve met at least one girl in her life who has been able to make herself cum just by crossing her legs…maybe you went to high school with her and you’d see how wet her seat got after a sub put on a movie and turned the lights out for the hour….maybe your coworker in the cubicle next to you just pumps her crossed legs until she squirts….

You may not know that girls do this kind of thing, I mean at least girls of the past, where they would never admit to masturbating because they were modest, shy and getting that info out of them required work.

You may not know this, but there was a time when porn hadn’t destroyed every girl to think being a porn chick who cums all the time and loves to suck dick and fuck on camera is the way to live…

You know, it was actually better when girls were a little more humble because they are girls and don’t need to be explicit…

They own the vagina, they control the sex, and if they don’t give it up, dudes will fucking do song, dance, backflips for a chance to get it….I mean I’m talking shower them with gifts, with the respect they claim they don’t get, which is a feminist lie to make girls hate men, part of the great divide….

But yeah, when they were respectful holders of the vagina and controller of the sex, I am sure they got A LOT more fulfillment out of the dudes they did end up fucking….or at least during the build up…because once sex happens, things change…hence the whole point of NOT giving it up….but what do I know…

These are vaginas eating some pants, I am sure some of these calloused cunts don’t feel anything, you know it’s like the hands of a laborer of yesteryear, but the pussy version because sex work is real work….

I love seeing full vaginas through pants on strangers I’d never see the vagina of…

So BIG fan of pussy wedgies..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie