I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rihanna Category




Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day


Rihanna’s merch for her upcoming show is her naked.

This means that Rihanna fans will be walking around with Rihanna tits on their chests…

Which brings the important question of who actually listens to Rihanna or buys her bullshit merch..

I am sure there are a lot of 35 year old women who were into her first album and who go to her concerts for fun in their miserable lives….you know the girls were were 15 when Rihanna first hit….

But I’d think the people buying merch are actually 13 or 14 year old kids using their parent’s money, because no one would buy this shit with their own money….

So elementary and middle schools everywhere will be littered with Rihanna tits..and that’s a pretty good troll…or I guess “marketing”….if marketing involved 13 or 14 year old girls recreating this shit with their iphones – to get dudes like you arrested…for liking it – when you shouldn’t – they are 14 you freak…

I am not against nudity on shirts, in life, so I think it’s godo to see Rihanna bring it….but it’d be better if she had better tits…

Posted in:Rihanna




Rihanna Humping the Stage Video of the Day

“Which one of my Scottish fans took this video???” – Rihanna’s Social Media Coordinator when reposting this video.

So last week this video of Rihanna performing on a glass stage that she didn’t fall through, but she did hump to give fans the illusion of her humping their face, directly on top of the camera, that she obviously knows she’s grinding up on – and because Rihanna lap dancing, slamming pussy in the face of the world is a big deal, it went viral…

I didn’t post it, because I didn’t bother posting it or looking for it, but Rihanna posted it on her social media yesterday – calling out the fan who shot it – who she basically face fucked…because she wanted more people to see it – and since she is my leader, my god, the only thing I worship….I figure I’d post it too…because Rihanna pussy is magical…it made her famous and I appreciate the reminder that after fucking up when the videos came out because I was in a park watching girls tan in bikinis – you know, doing important things, and that I forgot the video existed when I got back to my computer because I’m over stimulated by garbage slutty internet content and I can’t be held accountable – to remember to post..this shit…So thanks for the reminder BAD GAL RIRI…without you this would have gone into archives of my brain amongst all the other bullshit I’ve seen on this internet thing.

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna is Killin’ It at her Self Produced Shoot of the Day


Rihanna is the kind of narcissist and ego who brings a photographer to Barbados – where she is from and where I guess she lives for tax purposes – but is also a beautiful yet slow paced place where they isn’t much going on – even when things are going on – so to keep herself busy and I guess feeling relevant her and her team stage instagram style shoots of her whoring out in a bikini – like an instagram model – because I guess she likes being in front of the camera – it ties into her need to be in front of the camera, the only place she feels at home – even when at home – where her peers all look at her like a zoo animal…not because of her resemblance to Harambre – but because she’s rich as fuck – and a cunt – who mistreats them…

Fascinating…but only because she’s hot, she’s great, she’s magic…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna See Through from her 100 Million Dollar Villa of the Day


Rihanna is back on home turf and I guess to deal with the boredom of the ISLAND…we call it Island Fever…where there’s only so much sitting at staring at tropical plants, swimming in bathtub temperature water, drinking your fucking face off because you’re richer than god – you can do – without staging a photoshoot for your social media – as you “ground yourself” by being back home – where it all happened – where all the sex while underage with BRITISH rich men helped plant the seeds that created her empire….

From garbage man’s daughter, to bratty rich cunt, to this more pensive nipples on the internet – you know maximize that downtime bro.






Posted in:Rihanna




Rihanna Still in a Bikini of the Day


Rihanna’s great. She’s in Barbdos at her 30 million dollar house…that she keeps to remind her of her subtle roots of when she only got into the 30 million dollar houses on the island for teen sex tourism purposes…and to clean them…

She is richer than the island itself….and her ass in and of itself, with or without her, is the number one export of the island…I mean even better than their RUM…so I like to think of staring at her ass in a bikini as a cultural experience…really understanding what Barbados or Rihanna is all about..

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Hot in Barbados of the Day


Rihanna is everything…she did this bathing suit photoshoot in Barbados – I don’t know where it’s from or what it’s about – but it’s classic Rihanna whoring herself out because she like people thinking she’s hot – and it’s not much of a stretch for her because she is hot – but more importantly – becaue she’s whored herself out from day one – that’s how her whole record deal happened – but more importantly – how her record sales sustained all these years…put it all out there, sell your soul…show us your tits..post shit like this…repeat…

I am a fan…just not of her music…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




RihanNa in a See Through Dress of the Day


Rihanna is in a see through dress – because of course she is…she’s Rihanna and has been a nipple exposer for the length of her career, because she’s so free spirited probbaly because she’s owned like her cotton field working ancestors, only instead of being mistreated down in the slave yards of Bridgetown she’s making 100s of millions of dollars of the billions of dollar her personal brand brings to the world…it’s crazy…so crazy that being exposed is part of the experience…putting yourself out there…so you might as well put yourself out there – while I watch…

All this to say, she’s a fucking babe…



Posted in:Rihanna




Rihanna Models Sunglasses for DIOR of the Day


Rihanna is not just a pop tart who sings other people’s songs pretty fucking badly, but in a really fucking marketable way, thanks to being from the Islands and just going along with this whole winning at life thing…

But she also sits with Sunglass designers at Dior and says which of the 50 designs they present her are her favorite – in an hour long meeting – so that they can come up with the Marketing hook that Rihanna designed these glasses, as the girl who actually designed the glasses sits at home crying as she drinks a bottle of wine she can barely afford from her shitty junior designer job…making herself feel better about things because “Rihanna chose one of my designs out of the 50, that means I am good, right?”….no credit when you work for vapid celebs who everyone wants to ride the name of…

Rihanna also modeled the glasses she “designed”…so versatile..

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna from a Weird Angle of the Day


Rihanna may be showing her nipples leaving some LA club….and no one cares if those are nipples or not…we’ve all seen her topless over and over again..

I know the real fascinating thing in all this is that a black woman from the Islands can become the biggest thing in America besides Beyonce, and is actually the reason for Beyonce, because Beyonce stepped up her shit to compete with Rihanna even though Rihanna helped buy the engagement ring…unless Beyonce paid for it herself, it’s part of her storyline..

Way better than working the plantation!!



To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna’s See Through Photoshoot to Support her New Video of the Day


People think I’m insane because I find nipples are boring…I mean if I am being ridden by a hooker before killing her, they’re ok to suck on, bite on, pinch…and even if I am walking down the street, as if I really walk, but if I did and saw some feminists devaluing the market price of their nipples by giving them for free, over saturating nipples pics, nipples everywhere for their bullshit cause, instead of taking the money and investing that money into their bullshit feminist cause…like smart people….

But I’ve seen Rihanna’s tits, I’ve seen this video, it’s played out, I’ll look at the pics to support the video, but not that exciting…this looks like everything on instagram….but with Rihanna…

Here’s the videos

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW