I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rihanna Category




Rihanna Old Nipple Pic and For the Rest of the Terry CR Shoot of the Day


Here’s some Rihanna nipple…while I post the rest of the Rihanna CR Fashion book pictures of Rihanna that I was almost excited about when it first happened because it reminded me of a time when these kinds of pictures mattered or made noise…but now we live in a world of selfie where a Terry Richardson canned photoshoot the he put no effort in – but showed some tits was enough…but now we need spread asshole…something she’s yet to show us – but I anxiously await…just not that anxious…I can see anus on publicly traded GOOGLE…by typing in ANUS…because GOOGLE is the world’s biggest porn site…

Posted in:Rihanna




Rihanna’s Terry Shoot Revisitied of the Day


Rihanna did this TERRY RICHARDSON PHOTOSHOOT FOR CR FASHION BOOK …well they just released her butt shot…a round black butt shot…a butt that Drake and I’m sure many other people have been up inside…seeing as the rumor is she launched her career as a child prostitute in Barbados…a career that people frown upon – but I guess pays off…for some…she just needs the right creepy vacationer to sell her off to Jay-Z…

Not that it matters, because I am into this photo….

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna in Concert of the Day

This is the ass that Drake butt fucks, making for one very expensive cum fart, you know the far that comes to an ass that has just been cummed in, I’d assume you’d be an expert from when your teacher or relative used to rape you because there is no way people who haven’t been molested are reading this site…

There’s just something about Rihanna, and that thing is not that she lets her men beat her, she just used that to really launch her darker more serious career, but cuz she just speaks to my soul….and by soul I mean penis…and by penis I mean worn out stub of very little flesh….because she knows how to put it all out there since she sold her soul to the devil for a lot of fucking entertainment industry money…


I still like her Terry Richardson Shoot from yesterday…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna for CR Fashion Book of the Day


Super famous Rihanna is in CR Fashion book…which is some prestigious fashion magazine that people aspire to be in – but Rihanna is very fucking famous so she gets to be in it whenever she wants. They don’t ask her, her people tells them and they listen.. because she’s Rihanna…and the world are fucking groupies…including Drake…because she’s the fat ass he butt fucks…the tan colored Caribbean diva who once lived in a shanty and is now richer than the Country…you know that must make a bitch really fucking annoying to be around…but in pics like this she’s great…

They are by Terry Richardson, who I guess is on a comeback, after having twins, one which Rihanna is probably holding, because he’s getting back into his weirder stuff people actually liked before he went totally corporate and boring…and you can see her nipples you’ve already seen…and this is the best today has to offer in celebrity bullshit content no one comes to this site to see…because they have social media accounts…making me fade further into obscurity..a place I like…



Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Pussy Holder of the Day


Rihanna is holding her pussy, I wonder if it’s all the hype she’s been getting over some bullshit that involves her relationship with Drake – or if it’s to protect her pussy from being exposed to the paparazzi, despite having exposed her vagina before, just not to the paparazzi, one of those “I don’t care if you see it, just as long as it’s on my terms and not some immigrant creeper who is going to make 10,000 dollars off these”…..or maybe it’s because she’s a lady and doesn’t want to come across as a shameless whore in a world of shameless whores…

I like to think it’s because she’s dripping, you know faucet pussy, and holding it is the only way to prevent it from looking like she’s pissing all over her white skirt….it’s a real condition….


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna’s Concert Microphone Dick of the Day




Rihanna is getting fat…I guess the good life is catching up to her, all these women turn 25 and they can’t really escape their destined path of big girl. If you’ve been to Barbados, you’ll know that 1 in 1000 of the women are thin, the rest are big big and it would only make sense that the same fate happens for Rihanna….even though she was abducted from the island at 14 – to make this happen..

Watching her develop as a crazy rich and successful performer hasn’t been interesting, but she’s definitely gone way darker than her first candy-coated shit I remember…all these gutter tattoos and bad attitude…it’s got the point of her jerking off her mic like a dick…and I guess there’s a group of straight guys who like being raped by women who are loving this…thinking “Omg, I’d love her to strap that mic on and violate me until my prostate explodes”….we call those guys faggots…but I just find it weird…mainly because her audience is 12 year old girls…


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Pregnant Rihanna by the Pool in a Bathing Suit of the Day

After just posting BEYONCE IN YELLOW JUMPING OFF A YACHT , I figure it only makes sense to post some pics of a pregnant Rihanna, the girl who motivates Beyonce to be fit, to keep her man interested in her, because of all the money Rihanna brings into Jay Z…it puts Beyonce in an insecure place….which doesn’t happen when you’re Queen B..bullshit…

She’s probably not pregnant, based on drinking the wine, she’s just starting to fill out like the island girl she is, and if you’ve been to any island you’ll know that they don’t take advantage of the ocean to swim fucking laps in, but instead take advantage of the fast food restaurant to become 400 pounds in…

She is in Zurich though, FANCY…a long way away from her small little Island town…which should give young sluts with average level talent hope that one day – they too can be scooped up and exploited…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna for W Magazine’s September Issue of the Day

Rihanna (W Magazine 2016-01)

Here’s an over produced, over theatrical, over dramatic, over conceptualized shoot of Rihanna for W Magazine’s next issue…that’s just over the top, over

Too much background, too much nonsense…when all we really need is her just fucking naked…this is RIhanna, she’s been naked, why isn’t she naked…W MAGAZINE you’ve disrespected all of us…and Rihanna by not focusing on her skills…

I thought you put production into getting girls naked, not not getting them naked…what a scam…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Rihanna Nude on her Merch of the Day


Rihanna’s merch for her upcoming show is her naked.

This means that Rihanna fans will be walking around with Rihanna tits on their chests…

Which brings the important question of who actually listens to Rihanna or buys her bullshit merch..

I am sure there are a lot of 35 year old women who were into her first album and who go to her concerts for fun in their miserable lives….you know the girls were were 15 when Rihanna first hit….

But I’d think the people buying merch are actually 13 or 14 year old kids using their parent’s money, because no one would buy this shit with their own money….

So elementary and middle schools everywhere will be littered with Rihanna tits..and that’s a pretty good troll…or I guess “marketing”….if marketing involved 13 or 14 year old girls recreating this shit with their iphones – to get dudes like you arrested…for liking it – when you shouldn’t – they are 14 you freak…

I am not against nudity on shirts, in life, so I think it’s godo to see Rihanna bring it….but it’d be better if she had better tits…

Posted in:Rihanna




Rihanna Humping the Stage Video of the Day

“Which one of my Scottish fans took this video???” – Rihanna’s Social Media Coordinator when reposting this video.

So last week this video of Rihanna performing on a glass stage that she didn’t fall through, but she did hump to give fans the illusion of her humping their face, directly on top of the camera, that she obviously knows she’s grinding up on – and because Rihanna lap dancing, slamming pussy in the face of the world is a big deal, it went viral…

I didn’t post it, because I didn’t bother posting it or looking for it, but Rihanna posted it on her social media yesterday – calling out the fan who shot it – who she basically face fucked…because she wanted more people to see it – and since she is my leader, my god, the only thing I worship….I figure I’d post it too…because Rihanna pussy is magical…it made her famous and I appreciate the reminder that after fucking up when the videos came out because I was in a park watching girls tan in bikinis – you know, doing important things, and that I forgot the video existed when I got back to my computer because I’m over stimulated by garbage slutty internet content and I can’t be held accountable – to remember to post..this shit…So thanks for the reminder BAD GAL RIRI…without you this would have gone into archives of my brain amongst all the other bullshit I’ve seen on this internet thing.

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW