I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rita Ora Category




Rita Ora’s Shitty Toplessness of the Day

Rita Ora's Shitty Toplessness

Rita Ora is on a world tour…because apparently she makes music and is trying to get a pop career since Jay Z dropped her from his label….not that anyone noticed her when she was on the label..and not that anyone, at least in North America give a fuck about her or her music, most people just have no fucking idea who she is…beyond dating a Kardashian and Calvin Harris in some strategic attempts to go mainstream…but she doesn’t need America, she’s internation, her face on every street corner in Portugal thanks to the campaign she did with a panty company, and now she’s in Australia posting topless pics…because above all…her toplessness or tits in general are the single reason she happened…because as we all know…TITS GET HITS…even bootleg Rihanna’s Tits.


She posted a video of nonsense also…so I’ll post it too..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora in a Bath Robe to Host the EVMAs Other Sluts Attended of the Day

Rita Ora in a Bath Robe to Host the EVMA

Rita Ora clickbaited by being cast to host the EVMAS by doing some “Hotel Robe Life” as her outfit at the EVMAS – which are the EURO VMAS – because MTV is international – in what I guess was her attempt to be gangsta rapper, or funny or ironic, making her look not put together, even though she spent hours getting the robe outfit just right…

And the amazing thing in all this is not her clickbait, her sense of humor, her look at her in a hotel robe…that she gave free advertising to, it’s the fact that she’s famous in Europe and kinda famous in the USA, but in Europe she’s known and that’s why she’s invited to this shit as a star..

But she’s still a nothing to me.


Someone named Sabrina Carpenter:

Someone named Natalie Dormer:

Someone named Madison Beer in a Push Up Bra with her Hair Stubble:

Someone named Hailey Baldwin with the Jacked Up Face…Real Jacked Up Face


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora’s Sports Bra of the Day

Rita Ora's Sports Bra

Rita Ora, a celebrity you’ve never heard, but who is famous for whatever reason, a reason I call attempting to be a replacement Rihanna, or a SCAB really, if Rihanna actually left Roc Nation, he would have just put her in the mix and build her up, but instead Rihanna didn’t leave Roc Nation and instead ran a clothing line with PUMA through Roc Nation as well as all the hit songs, making Beyonce’s baby’s inheritance next level in the BILLION DOLLAR status…leaving RITA ORA TO DIE…and scramble…figuring out what it is she is…and she does it in low level selfies that get a lot of likes…but none of even know what she is….but we still look at the shamelessness.

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora in a Leotard of the Day

Rita Ora is on every street corner in Europe for a lingerie ad she did last year, which I guess converted nicely for the brand because I still see pics of her in lingerie popping up from them, you know really milking the fame whore for all she’s worth….

No one actually knows what Rita Ora does other than show off her average body and great tits…but sometimes that’s enough….

We know she says she’s a performer and these leotard pics are from some performance, yet we’ve never heard any of her songs and don’t care to…we’ll stick to the tits…

I do know that when leotards made a comeback in the 2005s from American Apparel, I got very excited about it…knowing that the pussy, ass and tits were all hugged by the same fabric…I would get girls to wear leotards for me…like a creeper…but for some reason…maybe over exposure, I’m over it…as these ORA pics / vids do nothing for me….all while I know she’s trying to give boners….weird.

Here she is dancing in some leotard shit…

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora’s Lingerie Photoshoot of the Day

Rita Ora's Lingerie Photoshoot

Rita Ora grabbed her tits for her instagram because why wouldn’t she grab her tits on instagram…when her tits are the only reason why Rita Ora exists..

Rita Ora also has a campaign with an ill informed lingerie brand that bought into the Rita Ora is a lie, but a good sales person, with a solid team who took her tits and moderate talent further than you’d expect…at all the right places with all the right people…which I guess perpetuates the lie…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora – Who? – In a Comic Book Themed Slutfit of the Day

Rita Ora as Poison Ivy

I still don’t know who Rita Ora is, even though I know exactly who Rita Ora is, but I say it in a way to reflect the general public…because she’s never done anything of substance that you should know her for, and her clickbait isn’t even good clickbait, but her tits are good, and I guess that’s the reason she exists..because tits in the right circles, sitting at the right table in that push up bra, get the right media coverage, support, paychecks, brand deals to exist…She’s a scam…but we should appreciate scammers, they are far more interesting than real actual famous people, they try harder to perpetuate their lie.

Here she is in some nerd comic book clickbait costume to open up a new market of nerds since nerds are loyals in what is probably an attempt to have more longevity that you know she is as amazed as we are that she has…unless she’s just a tyrant crazy person with an ego who thinks she deserves it…Who knows.

And videos…

To see the rest of the clickbait costume pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora’s Full of Tit for Women Vagina Cancer as Opposed to Men Vagina Cancer #gender of the Day

Rita Ora's Tit

Rita Ora the Busty singer from the UK who was imported into America as a Rihanna replacement when Rihanna was potentially going to leave her label, some illuminati shit, where they bait and switch the girl, meaning Rita Ora could have been a huge fucking deal if the label chose to make her one, but didn’t need to, because they kept Rihanna, giving this one a good life, but an obscure life, unsure of who she is, what she does, why she’s in the media or on TV, because ultimately she’s a singer who has never sung a hit song…yet she gets the press of someone who does…

So Rita Ora…and her big tits, still uses the big tits to get out there and noticed, but this time she’s doing it for a vagina charity, grabbing her vagina not showing her vagina, in what I guess is for Cervical cancer because HPV does that to a trick.

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora is in Miami of the Day

Rita Ora is in Miami

In case you were wondering where Rita Ora is, or was, she’s in Maimi where she can wear her one piece bathing suit and show off her cleavage, the only reason she matters…literally the only reason anyone gave her a chance…

I think it is safe to say you weren’t wondering where Rita Ora is…and that you don’t care where Rita Ora is…but the fact that she’s in a bikini and it’s being handed to you makes it alright information to know…I figure..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora Butt Cheek of the Day

Rita Ora Butt Cheek of the Day

Rita Ora is so shameless, and attention seeking that a butt flash seems so basic, so “been done”…so expected when she leaves the house…

I am looking for famewhores and attention seekers who still put some creativity into their famewhore and attention seeking…

You see…people like Rita Ora required effort, and tactics, and sales pitches to get where they got…it meant meeting people, connecting with people, getting them to take her semi seriously, while staring at her tits…

So many women in the world are attention seeking, thirsty, trying to get attention…but only the top tier ones actually pull it off…and when they do, they get lazy, it was too easy for them..and they “chill”…

Well..I’m into looking at all ass, but I prefer looking at ANUS…so step up girl..just cuz she’s got money and people giving her attention like she exists…DOESN’t MEAN SHE gotta go and get stagnant and stop trying you know….

Shooting her own music video..gives a girl an ego…but I guess it could be worse and she could be Katy Perry or some shit.

Here’s a bonus that’s not really a bonus…some Rita Ora in a sports bra…shit…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rita Ora’s Bra Top of the Day

Rita Ora's Bra Top of the Day

Rita Ora posted a picture of her in a bra – a lace bra – no nipples – but still a bra – because Rita Ora knows she’s an irrelevant Rihanna replacement who never was, forced to fuck a Kardashian to get some USA media coverage, and I guess fuck whoever else she could in her quest for fame for nothing….as a singer you’ve never heard sing…and tits in a bra – a lace bra – no nipples – but still a bra – is part of her tactic…

Long story shirt..I jerked off to big tits in a bra recently and it felt liberating in a world of exposed nipples and no bra – it was like a taste of my teens – a Throwback thursday and it was wonderful…

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW