I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rita Ora Category




Rita Ora’s Nipple an Asshole in a Bikini of the Day

You know what, I like Rita Ora!

Yes, her face looks doughy or jacked up and injected.. and no I am not selling that pic as an NFT, I just need to make ART out of paparazzi pics to not get sent lawyer’s letter…

She may be old, she may not really be famous for her music despite claiming to be a popstar and more of a it-girl by circumstance who COULD have been a popstar if the stars aligned and her record deal panned out, but instead just dated some high profile guys, went to every party, built the name, yet still no HITS…all these years later…

But she’s got great big tits…and sometimes that’s better than fulfilling the pop dream so you’re no longer some host, spokesmodel, non popstar….I mean big tits are always better than most things…

So as they sag, we will watch…and as they sag, she’ll keep trying to get that fame validated by the valet of the music industry…because right now she’s got the fame, but no one knows why…it’s confusing for us…but the tits….it always goes back to the tits are great…

To See The Rest of the Pics!! CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Fishnets of the Day

Rita Ora Fishnets

Rita Ora is in Australia hosting a TV show which to most people would be an awesome way to reinvent herself after a successful career…only no one’s ever heard any of her songs, we just know she had a record deal with Jay Z, has dated some producers, fancies herself a pop star, yes that was me speaking British….put her in the BIN on the TUBE….CHEERIO….Meghan Markle…

I remember hearing that Adam Levine was broke, Maroon 5 basically bankrupt, which would have made the world a better place, only he landed the VOICE and all of sudden mattered, breaking records, getting paid…it was his deal with the devil…

We’ll assume Rita Ora’s on the same kick, hoping that the TV hosting will lead to her finally doing the pop star thing, before it’s too late, since she’s in her 40s at this point….and those awesome tits are starting to sag….you know despite popular belief, she’s white and white people age badly..

THAT SAID…I still find her hot, in her fishnets, not showing enough tit, whether she’s a z-list popstar with a lot of hype around her or not….I will still stare at her titties…even though these pics don’t showcase her TITTIES…

ANd for the record…I fucking hate Maroon 5, let’s forget I wrote their evil and horrible name….when talking about this babe.

Rita Ora Fishnets

Rita Ora Fishnets

Here she is in some weird performance costume…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Basic Instinct of the Day

Rita Ora is the A-List of the D-List….meaning she’s famous as shit but no one knows why because she’s actually a singer…not that being a singer matters…because they are over processing talented singer’s voices into weird robotic voices, it must be part of the conditioning, because any girl who is famous from NOT being a Youtuber or Influencer, has a NATURALLY good singing voice….even most actors have great singing voices as it’s part of being a showman…performer….but yet ALL the new music sounds filtered as the faces of the bitches singing the songs..VIDEOGAME MUSIC…not Real Music…

BUt yeah…Rita Ora could have been a huge pop star, but is instead spread across working as a model, influencer, TV Host, basically everything but a touring pop singer despite thinking of herself as that…

Not that it matters, it really comes down to her great tits, and great tits proving yet again to be able to carry a woman wherever she needs to go….keep her working, earning and relevant..

In this video, she uncrosses her legs, and as someone who burnt out the pause button on the VHS tape in the 90s, needing to know whether Sharon Stone was an inny or an outty or an in-betweeny…and making sure I got it right after numerous times checking…you can never be too sure about anything…..so I like it.

Here she is in hot fitness gear….


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora in a Bikini of the Day

Rita Ora still got the tits…

She’s in Australia, the land of the free thanks to their whole fighting of COVID after locking everyone in their houses for months….so that they can now live normally, as everyone else in the world should, except maybe old people, cuz they are the ones who die of this shit, mainly if they live in old folks homes..


Rita Ora, thanks to being in Australia gets to show off that Bosnian refugee titties the way she’s got to, because without the tits, I don’t think she’d ever be where she is as a celebrity most people have never heard of.

She had the fat record deal, but Rihanna put a stop to that, at least that is how I remember it, because Rihanna was losing her mind….they brought this in to replace her…Rihanna said fuck no…and Rita Ora ran back to LA to fuck Kardashian’s brother and other people….never to be that big star they would have made her into…had Rihanna not cockblocked.

I could be wrong on that story, I don’t remember my own life and I don’t leave the house, so to assume I remember Rita Ora’s life and that my version of her life is anything but fantasy of KEEPING THE TITTIES thirsty so that we keep seeing them..is probably not the best idea…because I am probably wrong….as I am blinded by the tits because they are just that good looking tit…

Even if I am trying to see asshole behind thong, the gateway to her soul instead….I am still into her tits.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Cleavage of the Day

Rita Ora is the set of tits that pretend they are a popstar when really none of her music has ever been heard by anyone despite having been a popstar for a long fucking time…far longer than any of the need breeds of popstar that all seem to be from Albania like Rita Ora….

I’ve found her tits pretty consistently hot, even as she nears or crosses the 30 year old mark….so I encourage any of her sleazy titty content whether it’s as part of marketing campaigns, bullshit hosting jobs, or even her music videos since that’s the real reason she came to america in the first place…riding on a Jay Z record deal squashed by Rihanna….as well as on Rob Kardashian’s dick…

It’s weird that she’s never had any major hits, considering she’s been doing this for so long and that she even fucked a bunch of producers who make hits…but I guess it doesn’t matter because thanks to social media she exists…and looks good…even when in idiotic costume..


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora’s Mom Brings the Heat of the Day

Her name is VERA and she’s a Psychiatrist, Life Coach Consultant, her email is vsahatciu(@)hotmail.com, but most importantly she’s Rita Ora’s mom…who recently celebrated a birthday and got a shout out on Rita Ora’s feed…where Vanessa Hudgens chimed in to ask if it was a pic of Stella Hudgens…because I guess the Chechnyans or are they Bosnian….where the fuck is Albania again? Look half Filipino…

Anyway, I only bothered to look through her pics because Rita Ora posted the birthday wish, I am not a Rita Ora stalker who tracks her family, but for the record, she’s got a sister who I guess works with Rita on their Tequila company, and that sister pulls her tits out in bikini, because she’s got those Yugoslavian tits too….but this is not a post about the sister, it’s about the mom, and as someone who doesn’t find moms hot, if anything the whole having kids ruins a woman on many levels for me, but not as bad as they ruin themselves…you know that pussy blown out like it’s been part of some sort of war, which in this case it has….the gunt hanging over the shorts that you can’t really get rid off after three kids, unless you’re a top model and you make millions off your body giving you the motivation to get back to where you were…and despite being a stepfather, it’s just not my thing, hence the drinking…

BUT I love Rita Ora’s mom, she’s just some accomplished in her own right, I mean you don’t just become a psychiatrist, that shit takes education, but now gets to ride off her daughter’s fame and fortune, living that celebrity life, all while being an immigrant to the UK….and when she’s living the perks of a celebrity daughter…she posts more bikini and swimsuit pics than her daughter, who is only as famous as she is because of her awesome tits, meaning she posts that kind of shit often, just not as often as her middle aged mom….

The whole thing is so weird, but interesting…but weird….it’s like some refugee gone wild shit, even if they were rich to begin with, which they probably were…

So, I typically don’t like moms, unless they are Rita Ora’s mom who I guess taught her the importance of being half naked on camera.

Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Fetish Gear of the Day

Rita Ora may be old, it’s actually her birthday today. I don’t do the whole celebrity birthday thing, not because they are ageless, but because I don’t think they are humans, who deserve the same human rights the rest of us have, even though they are actually treated better than us in their life of luxury, but I guess I haven’t figured my anti-celebrity campaign out just yet, it’s only been 16 years of hitting walls…

But yeah, fuck celebrities and their birthdays, the only reason I know it’s her birthday is because I checked her profile out and saw that she claims to be 30….despite looking 42….in what I think was because the refugee records were fudged when she came over to the UK from her hometown in Albania during whatever Bosnian war she was born into…

Not to mention, Rita Ora is hardly a celebrity, sure there’s a following, there’s a record deal, she gets brand deals, and all that….but that doesn’t mean she’s famous as far as I’m concerned…it may however mean her tits are famous…even if they are looking their age (42) more than rest of her (face injections).


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Opens Wide of the Day

Rita Ora Upside Down

Rita Ora is a solid set of tits who is only a few weeks away from being 30, despite having thought she was 40, I want to see original birth certificate, I don’t believe that they were lost in the Yugoslavia war….or maybe Chernobyl, I don’t know where this bitch is from, I just know she’s a solid set of tits who is more than just tits, but also a host, a model, an influencer, a pop star you’ve never heard any songs from….but the tits are the most interesting thing about her, arguably what got her all those other things because tits are the gift that keep on giving if you’ve got them, and you don’t…and they don’t want you, but at least you can visualize yourself feed Rita Ora some jelly beans thanks to her naughty posing in these naughty pics that are even naughtier the more creative you get with things you’d feed her…..I’m up the SUBWAY SANDWICH and I’m so hard right now…if you know what I mean…I’m not…but you get what I mean. Pervert losers.

Rita Ora


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Big Cleavage of the Day

Rita Ora Cleavage

In case you were wondering, Rita Ora hasn’t forgotten she has tits and that the only reason anyone notices her is because of those tits….because she’s in a tight shirt and she’s giving off “BIGGER THAN YOUR HEAD” vibes, which is better than her giving off “Is this Kelly Osbourne?” vibes…because despite popular racist beliefs, she is not a black person…she is a white person from Yugoslavia or some shit….so yes, I see Kelly Osbourne 75% of the time I see pics of Rita Ora….and I have no idea why…

All this to say, nothing wrong with the big titty reveal by Rita Ora, this is the only thing she should be doing…TITTY FETISH content, the whole dreams of being a pop star with a hit song should be pushed aside and she should focus on what she’s good at…showing her tits.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora’s Bikini Vacation Pics of the Day

Rita Ora posted up some vacation pics because she’s not going to let a pandemic get in the way of getting into her bikini and having pics taken of her star tits….tits that are arguably the only reason she’s a celebrity because tits are fucking powerful….

I don’t think anyone should let the pandemic get in the way of getting their tits out because EVERY person I know who has had COVID, and every person I know who has pretended to have COVID, you know those asshole hypochondriac types who get every illness and have lingering symptoms for 15 years so they have something to complain about, and every person I know who knows someone with COVID has told me that it lasted one day, mild sore throat, fever and some exhaustion….but were back to normal in a day or two…so dying of this shit is too rare to stop doing things you like, like paying homeless women to spit in your mouth.

So I’m not here judging Ora for going on vacation, getting in a bikini, spending the month of August on Holiday like European rich people do…I’m just judging her tits and they’re still worth looking out, degrading in quality each day, but still worth looking at, like most tits are.

I am only wondering why she’s all of a sudden decided to post up 10 pics of her tits on vacation that happened months ago, I guess she needed those likes to feel worthy…maybe a guy she’s trying to seduce into helping her get more famous and successful blew her up and this is the ego boost…bitches are that basic….they cry about revenge porn but 90 percent of the time they are the ones doing it, just ask Vanessa Hudgens and her recent use of instagram….and really, I’m not wondering too hard about this…I just look at the pics…picture book shit.

Posted in:Rita Ora