I’m not dead, I don’t care about the Superbowl enough, to go out and drink my face off with a bunch of angry Steelers fans who look like they may rape me in the bathroom to teach me what being a man is all about after a few too many Millers light….or whatever piss you white trash American hicks drink….
In fact, I don’t care about the Superbowl at all, it just happened to be on at the bar I was at, and so was Glee, which seemed fitting for the burly closet cases who are only like that cuz they are scared to accept their inner song and dance.
But apparently, accepting inner songs and dances of the uterus is something Selam Blair is also afraid of, as she parades around in a bikini while being pregnant as fuck, like we want to see a parasite growing inside her, cuz her boyfriend told her she looked beautiful and so did all her envious friends like Jennifer Aniston, when really there’s nothing hot about it…but then again I hate nature, ready to drop porn and reproduction…if anything pregnancy is a real mood killer and cockblock and the only thing good about it is that you don’t have to wear a condom for fear of getting trapped with the bitch, some other asshole already did that.
I like to think of this as a publicity stunt gone bad…
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