I don’t believe her whole pregnancy with the dude from REDDIT….
I am convinced that this is some DOT COM BILLIONAIRE tech strategy to troll the world into thinking she had a kid, you know feeding the deep fake pregnancy pics to the world, because he doesn’t want people knowing he fucks big black men who live their lives as women, and he doesn’t want Serena’s legacy as a star player pulled from her, when they find out she’s a dude….so keeps the lie alive…and with the mastering of the internet…it’s easy.
Mrs Reddit, the front page of the internet, is out here in a bathing suit, doing the best to bring you some interracial, multi-gender cuz she’s too fit to be hormonally a woman, tennis star in a bathing suit getting wet, good times….
From one of the best tennis stars in the world in the history of Tennis, like a trans woman competing in a woman sport due to her size and power, to the waterslides of wherever the fuck she is, doing some MILF shit…
It may not be the hottest thing you’ve seen today, unless you have looked at nothing but yourself in the mirror, or on selfie cam….because you have no friends and you facetime youself for human contact…from your computer to your phone…like the sad and lonely fuck that you are…
But some of you nerds may be into this….I mean if it’s good enough for your overlord with his massive porno empire that they pretend isn’t a porno empire…the harbors some weird fucking shit thanks to communities of weirdos popping up on their /r pages…..someone out there’s gotta have a Serena Williams fetish….even though I don’t…but I do like watching female tennis, despite hating sports, because tennis is fun to watch, and when the girls still look like dainty girls before this one eats them up and spits them out, there are a lot of ass flashes and seductive moans….which makes it something you can masturabate to…but then again, you can masturbate to anything…you are just that sexually deprived….in some places that could make you some kind of superhero…just not on this planet…on this planet it makes you creepy…real fucking creepy…
Either way, I do this for you…appreciate my hard effort with my awesome edited video…cuz this motherfucker cropped out the reddit child created in her “womb”…because I respect the privacy celebrity kids…until they turn 18 and start posting up slutty pics to climb out of their parent’s shadows by leveraging their parents’ name…but failing because it takes a compelling person to become famous, and a lame person to ride her name to be famous….IRELAND BALDWIN…
I love female tennis….and Serena Williams may be a great tennis player. A star….a Super Star even….who bought herself some nerd who created Reddit and made him cum inside her….but I don’t consider her a female tennis star. That’s just the league she’s in….because she’s also terrifying while female tennis players are supposed to be dainty in skirts while hitting balls at least they were before this came along and elevated the sport.
Maybe it is because or strength, in some powerful woman shit, and I am sure some people, like the Reddit guy have that fetish of being smothered by a big woman….but from my perspective….it’s unfair advantage, trans before trans was a thing, she’s a man, before Amanda Bynes went crazy…Ladybugs before Rodney Dangerfield and Jonathan Brandis were dead….the guy, dressed like a girl, to excel at the sport…but apparently, based on her baby making, she’s got a pussy and woman parts…and she likes to do woman things and dress up like a woman and this is the end result of that big ol’ mom ass doing weirdness…
Big broad Serena Williams who was doing that She’s the Man, tranny excelling in Female Sports things before it was trendy, even if the world considers her a woman, and she has a baby that she likely staged with a baby bump prosthetic like she was on a movie set with one of her film producer boyfriends she used to fuck, like she was some kind of white boy fetish, before ending up with the founder of reddit, who I guess could help this site get visitors if I was nicer about his big burly wife and baby momma…the master of tennis…Serena Williams…
But I can’t help feeling like she is the last set of panties I want to see flashed…even if I like all panty flashes…cuz I don’t really feel into seeing her balls.
I find it funny that this video of Serena Williams singing I TOUCH MYSELF while holding her tits came out a week ago, and I had no fucking idea, when 99 percent of what I do is post pictures of celebrities of various levels of sex appeal naked, half naked, or grabbing their tits in shameless campaigns disguised as CANCER awareness campaigns, even though everyone knows about cancer, everyone also knows there are cures for cancer the Big Pharma, who are also feeding America all the opiates, are hiding from the public, because they need people to have cancer to maximize their bottom line…all while the world cries about some judge pinning down some girl in high school when they were 12….even though when you were 12…you were pulling bra straps and asking girls to show you theirs if you show them yours..while playing doctor….life…stuffing your face with chemicals the government allows us to ingest because they are paid off and that cause cancer…great.
I think it’s safe to say that I don’t consider Serene Williams a woman, but rather a fucking tank, who may or may not be unfair advantage in female tennis, some “She’s the Man, or Ladybugs RIP JONATHAN LANDIS, and the cause for the masculinization of tennis, whether she was born woman or not, she’s a beast, and likely has a dick somewhere in there….a dick the founder of Reddit likes to suck…rich people and their weird fetishes…
In other, totally unrelated news, I spent my night watching clips of KOKO the Gorilla doing sign language on Youtube last night, what a fascinating creature, who loved being tickled by Robin Williams…makes me sad she’s dead..
You racists….don’t realize that I only see one color, one race, the human race….because you only see your own racism…
I have a female tennis fetish…because it’s sexy, the grunts, the high society, the panty flashes….and I have a hot black chick fetish…the tits, the ass, the chocolate skin tones….so you’d think I’d die for Serena Williams…known white boy fucker and very famous and well paid athlete….
But for some reason, she has the exact opposite effect on me, she terrifies me…she’s a monster to me….she’s the worst of both those things…
The founder of Reddit who knocked her up seems to have a different take on it….in this pregnant erotica photoshoot for Vanity Fair celebrating love and what I thought was a tranny doing the whole LADY BUG – RIP Jon Brandis – Dude plays a girl in the girl sport league to win….but I guess isn’t…not that hot…but it happened…
I feel like this won’t be posted on reddit and my site won’t blow up from all the traffic making me relevant…because Founders are crazy and don’t like their baby mommy’s called trannies on the internet…CENSORS…evil BILLIONAIRES…
In things that I think should never happen in the history of humanity – here is Serena Williams modeling lingerie….becuase I guess at her level of rich and famous athlete, she can do whatever the fuck she wants….
Not to mention, I’ve met countless white dudes, who aren’t even Tennis fans, who think she’s the hottest thing ever, mainly because her ass has a mind and body of it’s own…it’s ridiculous…the kind of ass your penis can’t penetrate, even when you have a 14 inch penis…and the crazy thing in all this is that she only dates white guys, because let’s face it, tennis is pretty fucking White…
So maybe I am wrong about calling her “Jonathan Brandis in Ladybugs RIP” all these years…maybe thinking she was a boy, put in girls tennis, to make the family money was a misstep on my part…maybe she’s actually destined to do lingerie modeling…the next Victoria’s Secret model…you know the athlete edition for their sports line…they’ve let a Kardashian into their empire, at least Serena would make sense…
Serena Williams embodies absolutley nothing tennis represents for me, and not because I am a white pant wearing socialite upper middle class motherfucker who sips cocktails at the tennis club, talking about my investments, or new ventures, while my mistress plays tennis as my wife spends my money shopping…but because I have always had a tennis fetish, maybe because I was never allowed in the tennis club, or maybe because skinny, fit, white girls flashing their panties while grunting like they are being savagely fucked up the ass as part of their sport is erotic…while these Serena Williams booty is just fucking savage…I mean it’s so big and scary and would require massive penis to deal with…
The good news is I know so many white dudes, rich white dudes, who love being smothered by this kind of thing, because it’s different and got more flavor than the skinny white girls who are with them for their money…
I am on the fence about whether this is good or bad, I just know I can’t stop staring…so it is something.
If you read this site, you will know that I have a women’s tennis fetish. It is the only sport that I find sleazy enough to keep me interested enough to watch. Short skirts, pornographic grunts, panty flashes, sweat, all while being white collar and classy…it’s just an erotic experience…as long as Serene Williams isn’t participating, or winning, despite being an amazing atheletic force that you could confuse for being a dude up on some Ladybug RIP Jonathan Brandis shit…or some She’s the Man RIP Amanda Bynes shit…or just a little more testosterone than you or I have….
But seeing her doing the splits as she raps for Beats by Dre…is almost erotic…but totally erotic to my friend who has a big black woman smothering him with her big ass fetish…
Hot or not, it’s worth watching…she’s flexible beast…and white men have fucked her…
There’s no way that this creature, despite what the bikini is telling you, is an actual woman….
She is up on som “She’s a man”…”Ladybug” shit..her dad was clearly a tennis obsessed dude who figured throwing some color into the mix would change the sport for ever, and in doing that it is possible that he conditioned her to destroy the little white RUssian bitches with her monster serve that she was up against…
You see I actually watch women’s tennis, it’s one of the more erotic sports out there, but every time Serena makes a bitch grunt, I feel like I’m watching black on blonde huge penis porn…
Now I know, people love big black women, and I know she’s a big pro athlete, but I just can’t believe her clit isn’t a dick that’s tucked in during medical checks…
But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t let her sit on my face and smother me…because I would….