Bus Stop Princess
Drunk Polish Dude Hanging On a Fence
Australian Crocodile Rider
Naked in Russia
Insane U-Turn of the Day
Vegas Shooting
Lap Dog Lizard
Motorcycle VS Bus Shelter
Woman VS Armed Robber
I think i just found my new fetish…
Australian reporters being bitten by ants…not aunts…that would be a whole other fetish, filled with incest, unless it was an aunt through marriage….not that that matters because this ant is a bull aunt, not your uncle’s hot wife aunt, and this ant brings pain….live on TV…
I am not a fan of the “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy” movement, or the Kiss the Reporter while she’s live on TV movement, because feminists think everything is abusive and derogatory to them, so I just prefer when nature attacks…Or when people give the live broadcast the finger, or the jerk off gesture…
Maybe I just like Australian women. They are so cute.
So MIA’s drummer and I guess feminist, not feminist enough to have hairy armpits who poses naked on the internet because it is empowering….ran a marathon without a tampon in as a statement for third world countries where women don’t have access to tampons and other feminine products…in what girls I”ve sent the picture to have considered disgusting…and that one dude I know who has a period fetish has jerked off to at least twice…
The only fetish I have when it comes to periods is when girls I fuck without condoms get their periods…I don’t like babies..
I am the kind of guy who turns down sex before it happens on the regular, girls are slutty, what do you want from me, but when I’m in too deep to escape and the girl I am about to have sex with has her period, I always go for it because YOLO, but that doesn’t mean I love looking like a murder victim
when I’m done, it just means…I don’t believe in road blocks…and just commit…
All this to say, this is messy activism…and she can forever be the woman who has period stains on her pants for a purpose and not just because her period came a day early and she’s on a boat trip without tampons…
Posted in:stepNEWS
I Don’t Know Why She’s Naked…But She’s Naked
Fast Food Angel..
Drivers Save Ducks…
Gas VS House
Cop Saves Kid…
Patriotic Naked Trucker
Ram VS Dude Trying to Kill It…Who Probably Ended Up Killing It
Man Trying to Get Rid of Pet…Gets Followed By Pet…
Mom and Kid Run Over
Plane Crash of the Day
Just a Fight at a Chinese Restaurant
Dude Vandalizes a Porsche
Lady in a Green Dress Ejected from a Car…
Shitting Girl Burns Herself…
Hot Reporter VS Girl VS Pony
Rainbow Crew do Mob Shoplifting..
Man who Decides to not take bus – Lives
Woman VS Man who Seig Heils
Fast Food Employee Rubs Bun on Floor
Biker Hits Pedestrial…what…
First Women’s Only Beach for Girls in Some Hot Fucking Bikinis
Old Dude Knocked Out in Store
Police Arrest Guy in Underwear
Fight at Waffle House
Naked Old Man of the Day
Death of Hitchbot
Road Rage Run Down
Pregnant Crackhead VS Stolen Phone
Just a Naked Dude Getting Arrested!
Deputy Puts Kid in Hand Cuffs
Cop in a Pull Up Contest
Old Man Doesn’t Like Being Arrested
Wheel Chair Dude GetS Knocked Out
Game Show Conincidence
Dude on RAZOR Scooter Steals Package
The Most Insane Video You’ll See Today